What purpose does a post-match “thumbs up” even serve?

I give these to killers who farm or show mercy to the last survivor, to randoms who help me at great risk to themselves. If the thumbs up never gets to the player, why is it even in the game? I don’t want to message people post-match, and often can’t anyway, so what can I do to say thank you in a way that actually gets to them?
But if that thumbs up would gift, say, 500BP with notice to the recipient, it would show appreciation in a concrete and meaningful way.
BHVR has confirmed it doesnt do anything though they can track it just like the ‚did you enjoy the Match‘ Feedback and may use that internally for balance adjustments and Game Health updates. At least I hope they do as they have the data even if Not really used often by all players.
Would be nice if there was some extra bonus for players receiving thumbs up more often. Though Not directly after the Match, maybe accumulated at Rank reset? Also maybe not BP but shards or something? Doesnt Even have to be much1