Killer Concept: The Reaper

thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

A legendary killer, known by many names; The Grim Reaper, The Pale Horseman of The Apocalypse, Thanatos, Death. The Reaper has infiltrated The Entity's Realm of their own accord to gently deliver survivors to their rightful place in the afterlife. In response to The Reaper's interference, The Entity has branded them with the Mark of Negation, severely limiting The Reaper's power, and trapping them in the realm. Using their Power: Angel of Death, they can drain the life force of survivors, making it harder for them to escape and fueling their special transformation of Apocalypse.


Name: Death

Height: Average / Tall (Apocalypse Form)

Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s or 115% / 4.4 m/s or 110% (Apocalypse Form)

Terror Radius: Undetectable / 70 meters (Apocalypse Form)

Weapon: Soul Reaper - The sacred scythe. A perfect instrument of severance.


"From The Reaper's divine ritual, the balance of souls remains in check. Though The Entity's interference is temporary, all things must die, and in time, Death will have its soul, too."

Special Ability: Necrosis

Press and hold the Power command to charge Necrosis. Necrosis takes 2 seconds to fully charge.

Once Necrosis is fully charged, release the command to release the wave of Necrosis in a 45° cone at a range of 10 meters over 2 seconds.

Survivors standing within the Necrosis area gain the Necrosis status effect at a rate of 30% per second. Once the Necrosis status effect is filled, survivors become Hindered by 3% and become injured if healthy, gain Deep Wound if injured, and go into the dying state if affected by Deep Wound.

Necrosis can stack, allowing The Reaper to put the survivor into the dying state from healthy by filling the status 3 times, and also allowing the maximum Hindered effect to reach 9% with 3 stacks. Survivors lose the Necrosis status at a rate of 10% per second, starting 5 seconds after its last application. Survivors put into the dying state do not lose Necrosis until they recover or are hooked. Necrosis cannot travel directly through obstacles, but can reach over short obstacles.

Necrosis has a 2.5 second cooldown.

Special Transformation: Apocalypse

After hooking each of the four survivors once while they are suffering from at least one stack of Necrosis, The Reaper gains The Entity's favor and is able to partially crack the Mark of Negation. Press the Active Ability command to enter Apocalypse form. The Reaper is able to temporarily gain power rivaling their strength as a Horseman of the Apocalypse. While transforming, The Reaper cannot move and takes 2.5 seconds to fully transform.

Once unlocked, Apocalypse form is available for a total of 150 seconds, after which it is disabled for the remainder of the trial. While in Apocalypse form, The Reaper's appearance changes and they become taller, their movement speed is slowed, and they gain a 70 meter Terror Radius.

The Reaper can exit Apocalypse form at any time by holding the Active Ability command for 2 seconds.

Special Transformation Ability: Grim Reaping

Press and hold the Power command to charge your scythe with the immense power of Death. Grim Reaping takes 4 seconds to fully charge. Then, press the Basic Attack command to reap the souls of survivors hit, instantly progressing their hook state by 1. Survivors hit by Grim Reaping while on death hook will have their souls severed, triggering a Mini-Mori and instantly killing them.

If a survivor is hit by the attack and not killed, they will be knocked back through a portal and teleport to a random location on the map as far from The Reaper as possible. Grim Reaping does not affect survivors' health state.

Grim Reaping has a range of 5 meters.

Each use of Grim Reaping, regardless of success, reduces the duration of Apocalypse by 25 seconds.

Grim Reaping has a 5 second cooldown.

Special Transformation Ability: From Shadows

Press and hold the Secondary Ability command to open a top-down image of the map the current trial is taking place in. The Reaper can choose a spot on the map to teleport to. If the chosen spot cannot be walked on, The Reaper will teleport to the closet available location from the selected spot. Survivors currently afflicted by Necrosis will be marked on the map. The Reaper takes 3 seconds to teleport to the selected location, during which nearby survivors can see the portal opening.

Once teleported, The Reaper has the option to use Grim Reaping immediately out of the portal with its charge time reduced to 2 seconds. Doing so will cause The Reaper to dash forwards at a speed of 7 m/s for 10 meters and use the attack.

Each use of From Shadows reduces the duration of Apocalypse by 10 seconds.

From Shadows has a 10 second cooldown.


Their teachable perks, Hex: Hidden Messenger, Scourge Hook: Soul Calling, and Death Wish, allow them to traverse the map quietly, make healing survivors more difficult, and become extremely dangerous once the generators are powered.

Hex: Hidden Messenger

A Hex born from shadows that can't be pierced through.

  • When you hook a survivor for the first time, gain a token. For each token, reduce the killer's Terror Radius by 25%. Once all four survivors have been hooked once, gain 3% movement speed. Once the exit gates are powered, the totem is blocked for the remainder of the trial, and cannot gain more tokens.

Scourge Hook: Soul Calling

You have a sacred duty to deliver death that cannot be stopped.

  • When you hook a survivor on a Scourge Hook, all other injured survivors become broken until the survivor is unhooked. After survivors are unhooked from a Scourge Hook, all healthy survivors scream and reveal their location for 4 seconds, and injured survivors heal 20% slower for the next 30 seconds.

Death Wish

You can't escape death.

  • Once the exit gates are powered, you become immune to all stuns for the remainder of the trial. When the exit gates are opened, the Endgame Collapse is sped up by 100%.
