Houndmaster - A women walking her dog... next killer a Fluffy Rabbit or the dog being a Poodle?

Anyone else notice this?
Hopefully the WoodChipper!
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Are commenting on how not scary she is? Well, we already got Trickster and Skull Merchant in the past, which were both much less intimidating than her. Also, Wesker and Dracula are not really creepy.
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Facts - Ill take houndmaster any day.
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I mean she's supposed to be a pirate as far as I know, so it could be worse regarded to creativity. Also I like the imagine of her running at you with 800 km/h and commanding her dog to get you, I feel like that's much scarier than some other killers.
If you want excampels from the past: trapper, trickster, skullmerchant and probably a few more when I think about it with more time. (Also in tricksters case I just want to say that he's maybe a joke regarded to looks, but I love his story with killing the members and using screams of his prey as sounds in his songs. Unrelated to the topic I just love his laugh and how goofy he is, so I don't have a problem with him not being scary from the looks.)