Should Map Offerings Revert to Chance Based Versions
(long rant / math section) you can just skip all this down to the answers when or if you get the gist
Ok so for context back in the day map offerings came in different rarities, brown ,yellow, and the green ones we have now. The brown and yellow offerings were removed from the bloodweb in 1.8.0 and retired in 6.1.0
The way the lower rarity offerings worked is rather than making the chance of going to the map you want 100% it would instead increase the weight of the map in the map pool. Basically the weight is how often a map will be selected over others, normally all maps have an equal weight or slightly shifted depending on what maps are new / data the devs might want. So these offerings wouldn't outright send you to those maps but increased the odds of getting it out of the map pool. For rough numbers back in 1.8 we had 10 killers and 9 realms (and 23 maps) so the brown offerings on the realms with multiple maps increased the odds by about 5% (from 5/23 to 7/25) and on single maps while the yellow increased it from 5/23 to 10/28 so about a 15% increase in the realms with a lot of map options, or for the less option ones multiplied the odds by ~200% / ~500% increase. This got me thinking, instead of having green offerings the way they are now which is a 100% chance unless sacrificial warded should the current offerings be more chance based.
I think the chance based map offerings in the past might not have been the best for back in the day seeing as how they had 3 different versions of each offering so it could be a bit overwhelming, could actually fit well in dbd as it is now replacing the green offerings 100% chance to send you to a map with something lower. Maybe 50% for survivors and 80% chance for killers to go where the map offering wants (stacking for survivors of course so 4 map offerings would have a 93.75% chance) maybe more. Maybe less depending on your preferences. But I think most people would say the shouldn't stay as they are now
Should Map Offerings Revert to Chance Based Versions 17 votes
Something else
They should just be removed outright. Regardless of whether it's guaranteed or not, being able to choose a map in any capacity is too big of an advantage and neither side should be able to do it. It feels terrible to load into a match knowing you are at a severe disadvantage before the game even started because your opponent was able to deliberately choose a map that either generally favors their side or favors a specific build they were able to plan out accordingly.
Maps should be chosen randomly 100% of the time.
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Make map offerings for survivors a 50% chance stacking and an 80% chance for killer
I think they should still have a place in the game but not be built around and abused, something like if you get sent to the swamp over and over you might say maybe I want to go somewhere else
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Remove map offerings, Variety is the slice of life.
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Make map offerings for survivors a 50% chance stacking and an 80% chance for killer
I like the idea of some influence, variety is less of a slice of life when you go eerie bahdam eerie badham
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You say that, But yet that’s what map offerings are used for trashy swf survivor sided maps like them erie and badham.
Thats why they should be removed all together,
Give variety with a map randomiser that works and the fear factor back.
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As people have said, they should get entirely removed from the game. They get abused just way too much, and it's annoying having to waste a slot with the Sacrificial Ward instead of bringing something like Blood Party Streamers.
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I agree, they should just be removed on both sides, though it is more of a problem on the survivors' side. Survivors force you to maps like Badhman way too often, and it just completely removes the excitement of starting a match, knowing that they know the strength of where they're bringing you. And whenever you actually do play well against them despite the horrid map, they sometimes just give up and kill themselves or something because they know they can't win.
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And now they're making it so you will never go to the same realm twice in a row, which is nice. Map offerings allow people, especially survivors, to just force you to the best realm for them, over and over.
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Map offerings should just be removed from the game entirely.
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Map offerings should be a ban of that realm. 0% chance to go there that match. Easiest fix in the entire history
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Glad I read the comments before voting. I was going to say ban them entirely but I like this idea.
But also, it's not 100% chance of getting the map. One night I had 3 matches in a row I didn't get the map I put in the offering for. I didn't really care if I got the map or not, I was just trying to burn them to get them out of my inventory. But I felt like the unluckiest person in the world that my "significantly increased chance" of getting the map the offering was for didn't result in the map being used.