Session Expired / Disconnect / Quitting

How is it if you are going into a game yet your server kicks the person out they get banned? Your server states session expired? Why? I don't know. Been kicked out.
Have also had sessions expire near the end of a game. Playing killer most survs hooked, session expired. Kicked. Lost all points. Wasted time. Banned.
Now why are you punishing the individual for getting kicked from your server vs from a person quitting? Your server may not know the difference but hey then lift the ban effect. Getting kicked and banned due to expired sessions is crazy.
If you're referring to the matchmaking lock when a player is disconnected, yes it treats all DC's the same and applies the penalty. It doesn't differentiate between server issues or manual disconnects, and if it did it would be so open to abuse as players then could just unplug a wire and avoid the penalty.