Inventory Management


On older hardware (e.g. PS4), my friend is experiencing longer and longer loading times as she accumulates more inventory. Before, she has occasionally experienced crashing when loading the game (as the loading inventory part took too long and PS4 detects a crash). This week, she finally got to the point where DBD no longer launches on her PS4 (she is given the blue screen PS4 error page). This could easily be resolved if there was a way to manage inventory, which players have asked to have for years.

Please please add a way to remove inventory items we don't need. We don't need anything back; even if you must give BP, give 1-10 BP per discarded item, something like that so it won't be abused. The game takes longer to load as we accumulate more inventory, and for those on not as powerful consoles (PS4, Switch, etc.), it is necessary after so many years of the game being live. She effectively cannot play on her account now unless she either buys a newer console or PC, and this is not something within her means right now.

Please update us on this if DBD has any plans for this. Almost every game has a way to delete inventory items except for DBD.


  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,152

    I'd be really interessted to see how this is programmed, because I can't imagine it's the inventory itself but rather the game in general that got more unstable. The inventory should just be a small databank or maybe single variables with numbers, but that shouldn't make it crash no matter how many items there are in.

  • BCSG
    BCSG Member Posts: 2

    Most definitely seems to be related to her inventory as this happens during "loading inventory" now. She was getting it sporadically months ago, but it has returned after she collected quite a lot more items during the event and will not allow her to progress past the loading screen (almost always upon loading inventory or loading onboarding).

    What she has done:
    There is no pending system software or DBD update.
    She has rebuilt database
    She has reinitialized her PS4 and started over, redownloaded game.

    It seems that PS4 is simply unable to load the game due to her inventory now. I've added her account to my PS5 and my PS5 seems to struggle at the inventory load (hard freeze for about 10 seconds), but it does load the game.

    If DBD could cache the inventory somehow iso needing it to be loaded all the time (e.g. load only once you select that character), OR allow us to delete inventory, it may help us avoid this.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,374

    Its a ps4. Those are like 14 years old. The hardware is just not going to be able to keep up much longer truthfully to be honest.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I don't think this is gonna happen, atleast not for such unique issue, but you ought to be able to contact support here:

    If you explain your problem and fill out the form right, I'm sure they would help you friend by reducing her items.
    But no clue if this is actually whats the problem.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,152

    Mhh I still can't image it's the amount of items... well maybe if every single item has it's own entry, with 10k items you'd be on 10k entrys, but even then it shouldn't be a problem normally. Well I guess dbds bad optimization combined with the ps4 isn't too good of a combo, she should probably try what @Emeal proposed for now.