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The alarming state of: "FARMING"

NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

Hello, I wish to express my recent distress over something that is... bothering me a lot lately. I'll also make a TL.DR for the lazy ones at the bottom but I really ask ALL OF YOU to read what happened:

I've been playing survivor for the last 2 days. On some of these matches, I witnessed survivors freeing other teammates, uncaring of how close the killer was. On the same day, I became a victim of "farming" with a scummy and careless Bill. It went PRECISELY like this:

I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a flashlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at flashlight save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger.

I was shocked, frustrated and so disgusted from what happened, all because of that Bill and his wretched "We're gonna live forever" farming simulator. Needless to say, I had to quit DBD for some hours to cool off.

Today, instead, I played Nurse on Haddonfield. I immediately catch a Laurie, I proceed to hook her and prepare a blink to move on to the next area and... she gets unhooked just 10 meters away from me by a Meg. I cancel the blink, down the Laurie and hook her again, really hoping that save was just an innocent mistake... but as I was just about to move away, the same Meg runs in and unhooks the Laurie, right in front of me.

I was absolutely outraged from what I just witnessed. So much that I go as far as tunneling (which I hate doing) the Meg and camping the existence out of her. Once she's dead I move on to the other survivors, which I succeeded at killing them all except for the Laurie, which I granted the hatch out of pity.

At the end screen, I talk with the Laurie for a bit about what happened and we both concur on reporting the Meg for griefing, I wasn't surprised at all to see "We're gonna live forever" in her build, too.

How can any of this behavior be excused? Exploiting a perk MEANT TO SAVE AND HELP for personal gain. Is this offense reportable? Is there ANY way this perk is going to get reworked into something else?

TL.DR: Both as a survivor and a killer I've seen WLGF abused just for personal gain, making me really pissed to the point of making this thread where I ask if this can be punished more severely or just change the perk in general.

Post edited by NurseMainBTW on


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    No, its not reportable, and no, there's nothing you can do about it other than kill those survivors too. I usually run BT if I plan to do risky unhooks with WGFarmF but unfortunately not many return the courtesy.
  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2019

    This is absolutely preposterous.

    I wish killers would stop tunneling the people being obviously farmed because this is exactly they want from them. Playing Nurse in this type games is a real blessing since I'm free to change target at will. If I was to play anything else other than her... I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to punish the Meg.

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Cetren said:
    No, its not reportable, and no, there's nothing you can do about it other than kill those survivors too. I usually run BT if I plan to do risky unhooks with WGFarmF but unfortunately not many return the courtesy.
    It is reportable. I believe it falls under the troll face category (forgot the name) which counts it as griefing.
    Nope. Griefing includes taking tbe game hostage to intentionally force a DC, working with the killer in order to kill other survivors, or body blocking someone permanently (once again, so they can't DC). Unhooking survivors isn't a bannable offense.

    IF you believe and can prove that the survivor and killer were intentionally working together. (Like if they're friends on steam and are clearly teaming) then you can report that. But not just being an #########.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @EntityDispleased said:

    It is reportable. I believe it falls under the troll face category (forgot the name) which counts it as griefing.

    It really isn't. While this is bad gameplay, it really isn't considered as griefing or anything reportable. Devs will most probably take no action against those who farm people.

    WGLF is just a badly designed perk. Survivors do anything to get the tokens and it fcks up the game really badly.

    Healing tokens should be a thing and when you rescue someone, you should get 2 tokens if it is a safe unhook. If it is not, no token should be granted.

    That is the only way to change the current situation but it is still gonna be bad, slightly less than now though.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    Cetren said:

    IF you believe and can prove that the survivor and killer were intentionally working together. (Like if they're friends on steam and are clearly teaming) then you can report that. But not just being an [BAD WORD].

    I don't think so... Freddy started chasing him as soon as I quit.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    There are 2 separate rewarding systems; the emblems and bloodpoints. Since Emblems are worthless, who can blame Laurie from actually playing towards her reward system?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    why do people have to play scummy like that >_<

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:
    There are 2 separate rewarding systems; the emblems and blood points. Since Emblems are worthless, who can blame Laurie from actually playing towards her reward system?

    First of all, I think you're confusing the victim with the culprit. Laurie was a victim of the Meg who unhooked her continuously uncaring of my presence.

    Second, how is this system not reworked yet? DBD doesn't really yield the best of reputations... exploit after exploit isn't going to make it any better.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019


    Oops, meant Meg.

    And you're right. The system has to be reworked. But you shouldn't try to report the players for playing the game the way it rewards them to.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Delfador said:

    @EntityDispleased said:

    It is reportable. I believe it falls under the troll face category (forgot the name) which counts it as griefing.

    It really isn't. While this is bad gameplay, it really isn't considered as griefing or anything reportable. Devs will most probably take no action against those who farm people.

    WGLF is just a badly designed perk. Survivors do anything to get the tokens and it fcks up the game really badly.

    Healing tokens should be a thing and when you rescue someone, you should get 2 tokens if it is a safe unhook. If it is not, no token should be granted.

    That is the only way to change the current situation but it is still gonna be bad, slightly less than now though.

    Exactly. The issue of WGFF is that you fight about the tokens with your mates which leads to hook rushing and unsafe unhooks. 
    WGFF needs more ways to stack up besides unhooking and bodyblocking. Imo picking someone up from dying state could be a away. Or tanking a hit from an injured mate who was getting chased. With more ways to gain the tokens survivors feel less pressured to do unhooks.
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    Oops, meant Meg.

    And you're right. The system has to be reworked. But you shouldn't try to report the players for playing the game the way it rewards them to.

    true but sounds like that park needs some rework not fun being farmed.

  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    "I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a fleshlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at _fleshlight _save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger."

    Am I the only one that see's it ......

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Vietfox said:
    @NurseMainBTW said:

    I'll also make a TL.DR for the lazy ones

    Thank you.

    An easy fix would be to make WGLF count towards safe unhooks. Also to give only 250 bps for unhooking and the other 1250 for the safe ones.

    I've always thought you shouldn't get anything unless it was a safe unhook, ie the person didn't get downed until like with Deliverance you got the safe unhook.

    If people understood they got nothing for an unsafe unhook period it'd stop a lot of the WGLF farming from even happening.

    Well that and BT users should have a big red flashing text on their screen if it's a Bubba saying it won't work/slash your perk is disabled against this killer.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    @NurseMainBTW said:

    I'll also make a TL.DR for the lazy ones

    Thank you.

    An easy fix would be to make WGLF count towards safe unhooks. Also to give only 250 bps for unhooking and the other 1250 for the safe ones.

    I've always thought you shouldn't get anything unless it was a safe unhook, ie the person didn't get downed until like with Deliverance you got the safe unhook.

    If people understood they got nothing for an unsafe unhook period it'd stop a lot of the WGLF farming from even happening.

    Yeah, i would be fine with unsafe unhooks giving 0 points too.

    powerbats said:

    Well that and BT users should have a big red flashing text on their screen if it's a Bubba saying it won't work/slash your perk is disabled against this killer.

    I've performed some safe unhooks with BT when leatherface was camping a teammate.
    We were once close to the exit gate, saved my teammate, i went down, Leatherface picked me up, my friend blinded him and we all escaped. We received a really salty message afterwards :)
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019


    I've always thought you shouldn't get anything unless it was a safe unhook, ie the person didn't get downed until like with Deliverance you got the safe unhook.

    If people understood they got nothing for an unsafe unhook period it'd stop a lot of the WGLF farming from even happening.

    Well that and BT users should have a big red flashing text on their screen if it's a Bubba saying it won't work/slash your perk is disabled against this killer.

    And even the DBD definition of a safe unhook isn't really safe. The best measurement of what is safe is in your ability to heal a survivor. Maybe that should be the only thing that gives a player stacks.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Arsoul said:
    "I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a fleshlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at _fleshlight _save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger."

    Am I the only one that see's it ......

    I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a fleshlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at _fleshlight _save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger."

    It's spells Freddy Nerf omg, you are right.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Vietfox said:
    @NurseMainBTW said:

    I'll also make a TL.DR for the lazy ones

    Thank you.

    An easy fix would be to make WGLF count towards safe unhooks. Also to give only 250 bps for unhooking and the other 1250 for the safe ones.

    This 100%.
    This can be implemented with relative ease.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046

    WGLF is a terrible Perk. It does not provide anything to the current game, it does not help you to survive or that others survive.
    It really needs some change, because at the moment, it is just stupid. I got farmed more than enough, and while it does not happen frequently, it is bothering.

    So maybe only Safe Hook Rescues should count. Or maybe it should orientate at the Emblem System - Bronze will get you 1 Stack, Silver 2, etc.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    I got farmed yesterday by another survivor but the killer seen this chased, caught and facecamped him to teach him a lesson. I found the hatch and spammed tbagging until survivor died.

    Majority of killers would probably have hit me for the easy kill but there are some out there that notice survivors getting farmed and will punish the farmer.

    Me and killer messaged after game and are now BFFs. 
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    Borrowed Time seriously needs to be reworked into something else, and it's existing effect applied into We're Gonna Live Forever. 

    That would solve this problem.

    It's bad that WGLF doesn't do anything at all and is even a hindrance to your team, when it's equivalent perk, BBQ and Chili, is one of the strongest perks in the game  
  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2019

    @Arsoul said:
    "I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a fleshlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at _fleshlight _save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger."

    Am I the only one that see's it ......

    Ngl, I actually laughed quite a bit! On my defense: it was late when I wrote this and English isn't my native language ^^"

    @HawkAyeTheNoo said:
    I got farmed yesterday by another survivor but the killer seen this chased, caught and facecamped him to teach him a lesson. I found the hatch and spammed tbagging until survivor died.

    Majority of killers would probably have hit me for the easy kill but there are some out there that notice survivors getting farmed and will punish the farmer.

    Me and killer messaged after game and are now BFFs. 

    Good to see that there are killers aware of this wretched scums.

    @Mochan said:
    Borrowed Time seriously needs to be reworked into something else, and it's existing effect applied into We're Gonna Live Forever. 

    That would solve this problem.

    It's bad that WGLF doesn't do anything at all and is even a hindrance to your team, when it's equivalent perk, BBQ and Chili, is one of the strongest perks in the game  

    That would hardly solve the problem. Borrowed time exists to avoid camping, if you were to move it on WGLF... farmers would even use it more an excuse to abuse it.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    People will be people. It's such a pain to be on the side that gets unhooked. It's incredibly discouraging and there's little you can do.

    If I'm playing killer and this happens, I will never go for the unhooked person. I hate it when it happens to me, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Sometimes I do accidentally hit them but I don't pick em up.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    blue4zion said:

    People will be people. It's such a pain to be on the side that gets unhooked. It's incredibly discouraging and there's little you can do.

    If I'm playing killer and this happens, I will never go for the unhooked person. I hate it when it happens to me, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Sometimes I do accidentally hit them but I don't pick em up.

    The thing is, when you see an obvious hook farm you should target the unhooked person. Not because it's effective, but because of the emblems and bloodpoints. 

    When someone does a faulty save, they gain 1k BP and will gain another 500 BP unless you hit the rescued person. On top of this, striking down the farm victim hurts the rescuer's benevolence emblem. By targeting the farm victim you can deny BP and help the other survivors rank up while the farmer gets held back.

    You don't have to re-hook the victims, but give them a good smack to hurt their farmers.
  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    Make it so that WGLF stack is given with the safe unhook. Now straight after unhook.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2019

    @Laakeri said:
    Make it so that WGLF stack is given with the safe unhook.

    This. If they want to farm they still could, but for some miserable 2k points it's really not worth it.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    I love these posts. You should re-title the post to... "They didn't play the way I wanted them too, so I got mads!"

    Make sure to add the "s" on the end of "mad"... makes it seem more child like.

    Like others said... Sometimes the killer sees the farmer and teaches them a lesson for it.. Just do that if you want.. Or just be happy they are making the match easier for you.

    I don't know.. I create a lobby as killer... Sometimes I look at the group of survivors and say... "Oh man I think these guys are gonna run me around all match." Then they turn into a bunch of potatoes half way through the match. I win the match happy the survivors made my job easy. I don't go running away from my computer mad cause they didn't play the way I was expecting them too.

    Just saying... If you are gonna get that mad... Maybe you should look a bit internally to see why you got so mad from someone not playing the way you wanted / expected them too.

    Edit: I thought you were gonna make a post about you seeing more killers farming in their matches... but then I seen that.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I normally just kill whoever is set in front of me. But when I do notice a farm, or any form of team kill, I usually go after the offender. Take yesterday, I was a Pig and a Adam, accidentally or not, got a Claudette killed. This actually pissed me off so much I chased after the guy, downed him, and proceeded to spam Mori over and over before eventually killing him.

    I was gonna let the last guy and the Claudette go but the other guy killed himself on hook. So I spent the next five minutes finding the Claudette so I could drag her to the hatch.

    Anyways, sorry, the main point is that when I notice farming or griefing I tend to focus down the person doing it, if I feel enough pity I usually let the victim live.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    And this is what happens when WGLF appears on the shrine.
    Btw, if the devs would increase the Bonus points, like so many people asked...
    ... this would be 10 times worse.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2019

    @TheBean said:
    I love these posts. You should re-title the post to... "They didn't play the way I wanted them too, so I got mads!"

    Make sure to add the "s" on the end of "mad"... makes it seem more child like.

    Like others said... Sometimes the killer sees the farmer and teaches them a lesson for it.. Just do that if you want.. Or just be happy they are making the match easier for you.

    I don't know.. I create a lobby as killer... Sometimes I look at the group of survivors and say... "Oh man I think these guys are gonna run me around all match." Then they turn into a bunch of potatoes half way through the match. I win the match happy the survivors made my job easy. I don't go running away from my computer mad cause they didn't play the way I was expecting them too.

    Just saying... If you are gonna get that mad... Maybe you should look a bit internally to see why you got so mad from someone not playing the way you wanted / expected them too.

    Edit: I thought you were gonna make a post about you seeing more killers farming in their matches... but then I seen that.

    Is that all you have to say? Calling me out as a man-child because I can't enjoy a game because of a busted system? If this was a troll attempt it was disappointing at best.

    I want to see YOU get farmed by your teammates because apparently... some game's currency goes first then the fun of everyone else according to your logic! And just saying, I'm not pretending people to play the way I want to. You can say whatever you want but this is a TEAM game and I expect people to play it as such.

    I'm just going to assume you got everything wrong on the post and just spat random words only to spread salt.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Getting farmed is probably the most frustrating and rage-inducing thing that can happen in DbD. Even getting facecamped is nowhere close to that.

    I absolutely despise such players, they'll get a lifetime ticket for facecamp. One time, that can happen by accident but if they just run around the corner, teabag and unhook again? Steam blocked, never to be unblocked again and they will pay for it whenever I come across them again lol

    Unfortunately, they only very rarely, temporarily ban players for such behaviour cough AngryPug cough

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @NurseMainBTW said:

    @TheBean said:
    I love these posts. You should re-title the post to... "They didn't play the way I wanted them too, so I got mads!"

    Make sure to add the "s" on the end of "mad"... makes it seem more child like.

    Like others said... Sometimes the killer sees the farmer and teaches them a lesson for it.. Just do that if you want.. Or just be happy they are making the match easier for you.

    I don't know.. I create a lobby as killer... Sometimes I look at the group of survivors and say... "Oh man I think these guys are gonna run me around all match." Then they turn into a bunch of potatoes half way through the match. I win the match happy the survivors made my job easy. I don't go running away from my computer mad cause they didn't play the way I was expecting them too.

    Just saying... If you are gonna get that mad... Maybe you should look a bit internally to see why you got so mad from someone not playing the way you wanted / expected them too.

    Edit: I thought you were gonna make a post about you seeing more killers farming in their matches... but then I seen that.

    Is that all you have to say? Calling me out as a man-child because I can't enjoy a game because of a busted system? If this was a troll attempt it was disappointing at best.

    I want to see YOU get farmed by your teammates because apparently... some game's currency goes first then the fun of everyone else according to your logic! And just saying, I'm not pretending people to play the way I want to. You can say whatever you want but this is a TEAM game and I expect people to play it as such.

    I'm just going to assume you got everything wrong on the post and just spat random words only to spread salt.

    I feel for your plight, and i agree with pretty much everything in your op and rebuttal here. But you have to understand that the game is not a team game. It is a 'I'll save you if your survival would benefit me' deal. SWF of course are team players, but solos it's a whole other world. As intended by the devs. It's your choice to be a team player or a lone wolf.

    That being said, blatant team killing should not be a thing. Unfortunately until farming gets punished, this problem will persist.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Would be really nice if they'd radjust WGLF to punish stuff like this. Or, you know, tackle any of the problematic perks that plague this game right now.

  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    I run WGLF but I play as I normally do and unhook when it's safe. If I get my stacks I get them. It's more important to me to have fun and for my fellow Survivors to have fun (and I guess the Killer too).

    I'm one perk away from having "completed" my P3 Cludette perk grind so while the extra BP's would be great, it doesn't override my need to have fun or to pull a scummy unhook like that.

    Unless I'm playing with my kids. Then they are getting unhooked as soon as I yell, "Comin' in hot!" to them in the living room......


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Ugum said:
    (and I guess the Killer too)

    Thems is fightin' words.

  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    @Shad03 said:

    @Ugum said:
    (and I guess the Killer too)

    Thems is fightin' words.

    Come at me bro!


    Unless you're a Killer main. In that case, Come at them bro!

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @NurseMainBTW said:
    Is that all you have to say? Calling me out as a man-child because I can't enjoy a game because of a busted system? If this was a troll attempt it was disappointing at best.

    I want to see YOU get farmed by your teammates because apparently... some game's currency goes first then the fun of everyone else according to your logic! And just saying, I'm not pretending people to play the way I want to. You can say whatever you want but this is a TEAM game and I expect people to play it as such.

    I'm just going to assume you got everything wrong on the post and just spat random words only to spread salt.

    Team game?... Maybe if they want to play as a team the survivors can.

    Being farmed?... ME?.... Yes I have been farmed ALLOT... I just finish off the match and go onto the next. I don't really care that much... Cause it happens. I've even done it. <- ooo.. I admitted to farming some survivors off the hook... Oh noes. Maybe I shouldn't get BP if it was such a bad thing.

    @Shad03 stroked your comments for you though.

    I don't understand what is broken about it though?.... Maybe they could tie it to the safe unhooking?... Maybe work the perk a bit differently. I don't know. I'm getting tired of having the play styles massaged away into a vanilla routines that get boring after a few matches.

    You know... Survivors sometimes do "funny" things to one another in a match... And just sometimes... You treat other "teammates" differently cause of those "funny" things. So if I choose to farm a survivor.... I'm not sitting there giving a crap if I got the points or if the Killer cares that I did it.

    I like the idea killers deal with it in their match as they see fit. I personally, when playing killer, don't care. Most times I'll go after the other survivor anyways cause I want their BBQ stack, but if I don't need it, I'm going after whomever I see first and easiest.

    Shouldn't get mad about it though.. Cause not everyone plays the same way or even cares about the playing in the way you want. Punish survivors as you see fit, you're the killer. Don't get mad about it though, that seems rather pointless.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2019

    So you're proud you farmed some survivors because it's a "different" playstyle? Are you even listening to yourself? If you really want to have fun BY YOURSELF just play a solo-mode videogame instead. And yes, I WILL get mad knowing there are types like you who entertain themselves on the behalf of other players that didn't do any wrong towards you.

    Just... stop. If you don't agree with my statements, that's fine. But at least try to explain your point of view in a smart way instead of just repeating the concept of "hurr durr i can do it so i will do it who cares its just game"

    I can hardly imagine how "fun" it must be to start a game and be farmed by someone else.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @NurseMainBTW said:
    So you're proud you farmed some survivors because it's a "different" playstyle? Are you even listening to yourself? If you really want to have fun BY YOURSELF just play a solo-mode videogame instead. And yes, I WILL get mad knowing there are types like you who entertain themselves on the behalf of other players that didn't do any wrong towards you.

    Just... stop. If you don't agree with my statements, that's fine. But at least try to explain your point of view in a smart way instead of just repeating the concept of "hurr durr i can do it so i will do it who cares its just game"

    I can hardly imagine how "fun" it must be to start a game and be farmed by someone else.

    Yes I am proud! I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say I haven't when I will purposely do it. When someone starts a match and throws out the "all survivors start together" then proceeds to fast vault a window right beside where everyone started...I don't mind farming that prick.

    If a survivor goes out of their way, in my eyes during the match, and sandbags me cause I'm hiding and their being chased... I'm gonna try to farm them if they get caught.

    If a survivor starts being a weirdo in lobby chat making some off comments.... I might just decide to stay in that lobby and single them out if I can. Farm away.

    You see... I don't care about if that survivor gets upset that I farmed them. I really don't.

    No sympathy what so ever... If I get farmed... either purposely or accidentally, which I don't really know, I go through the phases of being hooked and don't DC like a puss cause I don't care. I'll take my death and move on. I don't see why the killer needs to be punished for that survivor farming me.

    So... if survivors want to do "funny" things in the match to ruin the experience for myself... Then I will go out of my way to be "funny" with them. If the killer wants to punish the survivor that is up to them.

    I'm not gonna run off being mad cause it really isn't that big of a deal. I might be mad in the moment, but that fades away quickly, cause there really isn't any point to hold onto it.

    All I know is... I play this allot... I'm probably gonna see you again at some point.... If I remember who you are, cause you annoyed me that much... I won't hold any sympathy for you in the match if you get hooked.

    Some of the funniest and funnest games are when survivors are going after one another.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If someone intentionally farms during the game multiple times it is reportable.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    All I know is... I play this allot... I'm probably gonna see you again at some point.... If I remember who you are, cause you annoyed me that much... I won't hold any sympathy for you in the match if you get hooked.

    I'm just going to avoid answering this meaningless debate anymore. You've already lost the discussion the moment you threatened me to let me die because you can't keep up with a simple discussion.

    @PolarBear said:
    If someone intentionally farms during the game multiple times it is reportable.

    Is there any proof behind this?

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76
    PolarBear said:

    If someone intentionally farms during the game multiple times it is reportable.

    Yeah. While unhooking someone in itself isn't a reportable act, it's abuse of gameplay especially if someone is doing it on purpose. It's willful negligence at best that needlessly endangers your teammates and their chances at surviving the trial.

    Also, same hat!
  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320
    Arsoul said:

    "I get caught by Freddy after a chase -> Gets Hooked -> Immediate unhook by the Bill player -> I get downed -> Tries a fleshlight save but fails -> Gets hooked (Bill teabags here, making me realize that this was absolutely intentional) -> Immediate unhook -> I get downed AGAIN. -> Another attempt at _fleshlight _save but fails miserably -> before I get hooked I disconnect out of anger."

    Am I the only one that see's it ......

    Teabagging and flesh lights,   Freddy was having a good time
  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    You stop that.

    ... don't "milk" the joke too much. 

    *awkward fingerguns*
  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    @NurseMainBTW said:
    You stop that.

    ... don't "milk" the joke too much. 

    awkward fingerguns

    pew pew