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Im tired of waiting survs to leave the match...



  • Member Posts: 3,643
    edited January 11

    Except the two are very different.

    As Killer, if I see Survivor t-bagging in the Exit Gates, it is annoying, but I can force them out. I, as a player, am given agency to end things faster. Depending on the situation, it could even result in an extra hook/kill. At maximum, if I dont do anything, it will take 2-minutes, but I can actively choose to make it take 10-seconds.

    As Survivor, if I am being bled out, there is no agency, I cant speed things up, Im forced to wait 4-minutes. I cannot DC because Im hit with a 5-minute DC Penalty, I cant go next because the Killer is actively choosing to not hook me and let me bleed out, to put it bluntly, there is quite literally nothing the Survivor can do to shorten the amount of time wasted.

    It is dumb how both scenarios exist, where the opposing side can waste your time because they want to, but I think it is objectively worse to be bled out as Survivor due to how the game is designed.

    All of this is ignoring the fact that not everyone sits in the Exit Gates to BM. I normally sit in the Exit Gates to make sure my team gets out or to take a hit if needed. I dont BM, I leave when it is clear that there is no reason for my to remain in the trial since I dont want to waste peoples' time. Meanwhile, I get bled out in a decent amount of my games for basically no reason. Part of me thinks it solely has to do with "pay-it-forwards culture" which is its own can of worms.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Don't give us that BS if your being slugged, odds are you deserved it for being a toxic pos unless the killer is running a slug build then well… "sucks to be you". You have zero agency to leave in ECG until you get the chance to be toxic as hell and teabag the killer otw out and if you don't get that chance you hold them hostage for the entire EGC timer out of spite because they won't give you the pleasure of being a toxic pos.

    As survivor i've witnessed my teammates teabag otw out or wait at the exit gate for the entire EGC timer, I report them everytime i see one doing this no killer deserves to be mocked with the non-verbal equivalent of: "Haha you suck! GG EZ!"

  • Member Posts: 139

    It is of extremely bad taste to compare being bullied in person with nothing you can really do about it to being taunted in a video game by people that you don't know and should have zero impact on your life.

    Get over yourself, it's in no way of the same magnitude.

  • Member Posts: 190

    I respect that. What I am trying to say is that, when you have a gesture of which the intent is to simply be derogatory, it's not pleasant to be on the receiving end of it, regardless of if you take it personally or not. Someone could flip me the bird, and while I wouldn't take it personally, it wouldn't necessarily be pleasing to me either. Same goes for teabagging - different medium, same communicative intent.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Uh, the main difference is this: The survivors can't do ANYTHING to you in the real world. A bully at school most certainly can do a variety of terrible things. And, you know what? Fighting back is sound advice to people being stepped on. Most certainly worked for me. So, yes, I will definitely give that advice to someone I care about.

    And yes, this is just a video game. If you see it as someone equivalent to real life torment that affects school performance and one's physical wellbeing, you are delusional and need to stop playing the game for a little bit.

    Yes, I stand by the fact that if you suck less at a video game, you'll be taunted less. I find it difficult to call tbagging at the exit gate 'bullying'. The only thing in this game I'd ever call 'bullying' would be much more skilled players abusing the inexperience of a lesser skilled killer. And even then, I'll still say it's of bad taste comparing it to something that had dire consequences in the real world.

    There's no fixing people being petty children online. Lest you want to moderate EVERYTHING. Best thing you can do is see them for the infantile nothings they are. Or beat them.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Where did I say they deserved it?

    I'm offering a solution if they seriously can't stand being tbagged at the gate by nobodies. And it's absolutely valid too, since winning more means less of these situations. Am I wrong?

    Just because this solution doesn't appeal to you doesn't make it less valid. I grinded like an addict a couple of years back and hardly lost. Surprise surprise, way less tbagging at the gate. Now I suck because I hardly play, but still, the principle is here.

    So, no, I never once said people deserve to be messed with. Coming to this conclusion is of slightly bad faith, just as your comparison is of bad taste. I understand where this comes from, but I don't agree with your comparisons and misuse of my words.

  • Member Posts: 5,508

    While killers are in a pretty good spot at the moment, toxic behaviour of the other side will always be a way to curb the excitement and fun of the game. Every killer beyond their 3rd game know the painful conondrum of waiting for the egc timer to fill up, or face the survivors waiting at the exit gate, twerking at you, giving you a light show and rubbing it in that you failed to hook and kill them. Nothing wrong with being happy that you made it out alive, but really, this gets old really quickly.

    So, my solution would be a general perk, thats available to all killers. it would work a little bit like Bloodwarden, in that its existence alone would influence survivor behaviour. I promise you that it would be an instant hit and easily thow some meta perk out of the top10. I know for a fact that I would equip it in perk slot 1 of every single of my killers and never take it off.

    General Perk: Just Leave

    Effect: when lingering in the exit gates area for longer then 40/30/20s The Entity blocks the exit gates for that survivor, they become exposed and their aura shown to the killer for 6/7/8s. The block and exposed status effect persist till the survivor moved away 40m from the exit gates. Survivors downed in the exit gate area can also be moried, but keeping them slugged for longer then 15s removes this ability and opens the exit gates for that survivor. Hitting any other survivor resets this timer.

  • Member Posts: 43

    DictionaryDefinitions from Oxford Languages · Learn morecy·ber·bul·ly·ing/ˌsībərˈbo͝olēiNG/


    1. the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

    So you mean to tell me that by teabagging which is sending a intimating message to the killer that they suck or any other many of nonverbal implication you may be saying by teabagging isn't cyberbullying?

    Oh do please go on about your lack of knowledge on the topic…

  • Member Posts: 277

    So what you saying right there is that it is not OK to slug to death the survivors, but it is fine when they waste and annoy the killer's time if they not force them out?

    Basic slugging many times is a strategic choose, and you can loose the game without it. Standing for 2 minutes and tbagging in the gate and wasting the killer's time is just purely toxic

  • Member Posts: 43

    Dude, i'm getting the feeling were talking to brick walls, as much as i'd hate to reinforce the "us vs them" mentality, is obvious they just want to excuse being toxic survivors and at this point are just trying to find weak excuses to downplay it.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Teabagging is cyberbullying.

    Okay, you got me, I've been baited. You win. That was one hell of a finish. Holy jeez.

    You definitely cyberbullied me with this mindf*ck there.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Comparing someone repeatedly pressing the crouch button in a video game to cyberbullying or IRL bullying is incredibly insulting to anyone who has been a victim of bullying. You are making light of a very serious issue. Shame on you

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Yeah it's annoying to wait for survivors to leave the exit gate, but if they don't leave right away I know they're waiting there to teabag because they can't be mature enough to win without taunting. I'm happy to let them sit there and waste their own time for a few minutes while I tab out or just do something on my phone while I'm waiting.

  • Member Posts: 6,158

    I always smack them out the gate and I don't find it to be a "humiliation ritual." They have no respect for my time so I claim my time back by forcibly moving them on. I have the option to do that and so I use it. They're not out here in my house kicking my cats, they're just sitting on their couch gleefully pressing a button. Probably while in desperate need of a shower.

    It seems alot of the refusal to use the tools at a player's disposal (chasing or hitting them out) comes from a bit of stubbornness. 'I don't want to give them what they want' while ignoring that the killer also gets what they want at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 3,643
    edited January 12

    It's just as irrelevant to the discussion as the argument made by Killer players "that slugging to chase another Survivor mid-match is a tactic" in a thread about "4 people bleed out slugging" or "slugging for the 4K."

    You know what. Yeah. Im willing to admit that there is a time and place for posts like that and my comment was neither in the time or place.

    It really didnt add much to the conversation and I kind of just posted a nothing burger.

    Odds are you deserved it for being a toxic POS

    Very rarely do I get upset the game nor do I get upset at other people.

    I will admit that Im not perfect, but I always try and remain conscience of how my words or actions affect others. Only twice out of thousands of hours of playing have I gotten upset enough to say/do something and most of it was just talking in chat and saying stuff that I heavily regret, mainly since it's just a game and there was no reason for me to take it seriously. While it definitely doesnt justify anything, again, keep in mind that these are very rare occurrences.

    But in most my games where I am bled out, I did nothing, I looped the Killer, I went for unhooks and took Protection Hits for the team. I just played how I would normally play, which is for the team. I dont bring meta perks in most my games. Sometimes, just sometimes, people bled me out for reasons beyond my control. Maybe they are having a bad day or they just want to do it because they think it would be really funny to make someone else upset.

    You have zero agency to leave in ECG until you get the chance to be toxic as hell and teabag the Killer otw out, and if you dont get that chance you hold them hostage for the entire EGC timer out of spite, because they wont give you the pleasure of being a toxic POS.

    Except I dont do that?

    While in the Exit Gates, I am given the agency to leave anytime, and I do just that, leave anytime, often when it is necessary. I dont tbag in the Exit Gates, I dont waste the Killer's time out of ego or toxicity.

    Often when I do wait for my team, it is not out of toxicity, but so I can take a Protection Hit to help them escape, or heal them at the edge of the Exit Gate to prevent the Killer from picking them up instantly. There are strategic reasons for doing such, and if there is no reason for me to stay, I just leave.

    As a Survivor, Ive witnessed my teammates teabag otw out or wait at the Exit Gate for the entire EGC timer

    I do see that sometimes and I really wish people wouldnt do it. There is nothing that is gained by players from doing this other than inflating their already large ego. I play both sides so I know what it is like to be on the other end of things.

    But, in the same response, I also have the question your one-sided viewpoints.

    Killers can bleed Survivors out if it is "deserved" (according to you, me being bled out was deserved and it was justified) but Survivors cannot t-bag in the Exit Gates because it is "toxic" (something you are heavily against). You even went as far as to instantly call me toxic and make false assumptions/allegations about me to make these points.

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • Member Posts: 1,070

    If you get so triggered by someone pressing the crouch button in a video game, maybe you should play something else

  • Member Posts: 43

    I don't hold double standards, if the killer was genuinely toxic to you during the match "slugged you for no reason"(and no, slugging you to keep pressure on the team is NOT toxic), performed the back and forth motion implying their buttscrewing you, or tunneling you out for no reason(aka: You have no flashlight and thus can not be a flashlight jesus or are not running a troublesome perk), and you weren't toxic at all during the game, then teabag the hell out of them for all i care as they deserve it for being toxic first.

    Though the tunneling you out one can be debatable on if its toxic or not depending on the circumstances. And yes, I thought you to be a toxic survior because you were white knighting them by downplaying being toxic at the exit gate.

    Be sure to tell that to your kid when the other kids on the sports team are bullying him for not playing "good enough" i'm sure it will go over really well.

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited January 12

    Think of it as the grand final mindgame of the match, the survivors want to be toxic and teabag you at the gate and it comes down to who gives in first, does the killer give them the satisfaction of being teabagged or does he suffer being held hostage for 2mins, either way, the survivors "win" in this regard which isn't right.

  • Member Posts: 43

    My idea is a little more on the point, if the survivors are in the exit gate or just outside of it(within 15 meters of the door in any direction) and stay there for 30 seconds during ECG doing nothing, the entity shoots a tendral out of the ground and swipes at the survivor(s) in an ark that forces them out. If they somehow evade the first one another will spawn and strike at them until it gets to the point they either lose a health state or are forced out either way, they never get to teabag you and if they have the audacity to continue to hang around slugged then the killer can just walk in and pick them up and no, they don't vanish if the survivor leaves in exit gate and back into the trial area.

    With this in place the survivors are forced back into danger if they REALLY WANT to teabag you bad enough and lets face it, most survivors aren't going to risk a 2 or 4k if they have a chance to 4 man escape and rub it in post chat.

  • Member Posts: 132

    I can only state what I do when that happens. If it's been a miserable match with lots of survivors left, I drink some of my coffee, look on Twitter, wander around and break some pallets. If the exit gate is open, and they're all there, but especially if one person is left and nobody is need of saving, you just kind of know what's up. I've literally almost gotten kills because a survivor almost ran out of time to leave because they were so desperate to get in a tbag before leaving.

    Unless it's been a super close match, in which case I will run over there like Rambo with a jetpack on.

    Sometimes, those moments can be satisfying in their own way. I was playing doctor once in the treatment center, and I had this streamer spend the whole game following me with their flashlight clickety click, trying to get me to chase them. I ignored them most of the time. They ended up being the last survivor, and I could tell they had found the hatch because I could hear it around the corner. And they started vaulting a window or pallet a million times to draw me over there. Went on for quite a while, but they didn't get jack because I just continued to ignore them. I look at it like I'm not stuck in the game with them, they're stuck in the game with me lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    Because one is already solvable by just forcing them out. Is it annoying? Sure. But you can do something about it.

    When it comes killers wasting time, there’s absolutely nothing you can do aside from eat a DC penalty. Last week I had a killer slug for the 4k harder than I’ve ever seen. Left me bled out for 3 minutes and then when I was nearing bleed out (and they still hadn’t found the fourth survivor), they kept picking me up and dropping me until I wiggled out, then they’d down me again. Rinse and repeat. I just DCed after like the 4th wiggle out.

  • Member Posts: 139

    This person is baiting. No point going into this. Just ignore everything they say as it is now much clearer they just want to cause pointless debate.

  • Member Posts: 72

    Because you MUST hit us before we will leave. Survivor tradition.

  • Member Posts: 526

    In the distant 2020. On December 5, on one of the developers' streams, t-bag statistics were presented. Each of these numbers can draw their own conclusions.

    You can say a lot, but it's better to watch 2 videos on YouTube The Birth Of Basement Bubba and Confession of a Nurse Main. They fully reflect what a player can turn into in DBD. Survivors who create their t-bag monsters and waste time killers. The question is, what is more terrible a strong killer or a camping, tunneling and slug killer? One of the reasons why we have such a deplorable situation in DBD.

    My constant is simple in this matter. We have three sides to the conflict killers, solo survivors and SWF. When loading into the game, one of the parties will definitely suffer. The only question is who? For myself, I decided that I will not suffer. Therefore, I will do everything so that no one survives to the end of the game.

    Because when a killer shows mercy and a nice game. A game where you don't play like your life depends on it. The survivors always say thank you like this.

  • Member Posts: 190
    edited January 12

    As I already said in a comment after this, it's about communicative intent. Not letting it bother you is one thing, but the intent is to make the Killer feel miserable by using a demeaning gesture. The intent of the Survivors specifically teabagging at the exit gate is to humiliate you - "I won, now look at me. You can't catch me." I'm not talking about staying in the exit gates to give your teammates a chance to open the other gate.

    Not sure what you mean with the cat comparison - saying "at least X isn't as bad as Y" won't get the discussion very far.

  • Member Posts: 139

    I've been saying the same thing about killing in a video game. We just need to ban video games. Only way to make sure this VIOLENCE never happens again.

  • Member Posts: 9,728

    if it's fine for survivors to waste time then it's fine for killers to do so.

  • Member Posts: 983

    every person that is baiting uses this "truth" pattern of post making, you need to be more innovative mate

  • Member Posts: 43
  • Member Posts: 43
    edited January 12

    Sadly everything we're suggesting here will never happen but on the offchance it does, let me pop off with another suggestion in line with the 3rd suggestion by spiteful:

    If survivors are hanging in the exit gate and not leaving or within 15 meters of the exit gate, after 30 seconds 4 glyphs appear at random on the map and don't despawn even if the survivors leave the exit gate.(this timer is cumulative so the survivors can't just leave the exit gate for 5 seconds and go back into to reset the timer)

    If the killer finds all 4 glyphs(each glyph grants 1000BP and a temporary 10% movement speed buff to ensure they can find all the glyphs) within the time limit of EGC, it triggers the following event:

    The ground begins to shake violently and the yellow fissures turn blood red, the survivors now have 5 seconds to leave and any who don't scream as they are afflicted with exposed and the exit gates are blocked.

    The killer now is given the ability to teleport to the exit gate and mori any survivors they down, if the survivors manage to loop the killer for an additional 2mins the entity steps in and instantly sacrifices the remaining alive survivors.

  • Member Posts: 384

    Why hit out people who want my attention when I can ignore them and get more BP? That way they're only wasting their own time throwing a fit and being silly, I don't owe y'all my attention just because you sit in the gate and want it. I don't owe you a final hit or a push out of the gate nor will I give you one unless I think I can reasonably get you. And I don't owe you the satisfaction of a final taunt… ever. The round is over, you win, my job is done and I am no longer needed. Get more BP time! :D

    But I swear to god, if you do this to me and my friends as Surv and you refuse to save us, and I can see your Aura teabagging the Killer in the exit gate instead of coming to help us as with what happened in a Sadako round I had last night, then I hope you get nothing but sweaty four slowdown Blights for the next ten rounds. And I sincerely hope every single one of them bleeds you and humps you on the ground, too.

  • Member Posts: 6,158

    "They're not here kicking my cats" simply meant that I don't take tbagging as a personal attack. It's some random person (probably a teenager) sitting on their couch furiously pressing a button on their controller. Their actions have no significant impact on my life.

    If their intent is to humiliate me, well it's yet to work. At that point the game is over and I'm ready to move on, so I'll hit them out to do so. I don't attach shame to that. I guess I'm fortunate in that regard.

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