Advice for getting the "Skilled Huntress" achievement?
It's the one where you have to down survivors 20 times with hatchets further than 24m from you, and I'm struggling greatly to even get a single one. It probably just comes down to practice, but does anyone have any advice for getting these far range snipes as Huntress? Please help a homie out. Even basic advice would be appreciated.
Best Answers
I did it on Coldwind Maps. So you will need to use offerings for this realm. Hook survivor at open, camp them from enough distance and hit them from this distance whenever someone comes to unhook.
You can pratice hits on custom game with bots as well.
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It's even worse on PlayStation 5, you have to do it 100 times!
I got in up to about 11 or 12 by making friends with survivors by having snowball fights during the Christmas event and high 5ing in the snowmen ect. Then when it's time to leave they normally realise what you want and let you down them and heal over and over in the exit gate for some free long range downs. You might be lucky enough in normal matches for a couple of survivor to give you a couple of hits for free at the end of matches and crawl out.
Unless you are some sort of Huntress main god, this is probably the only way to do it.
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I would suggest:
- Anti healing add-ons/perks (E.g. Gift Of Pain).
- Nurse's Calling (28m aura range, helps you find the distance).
- Monitor and Abuse (People tend to be a little more relaxed when they hear your Lullaby, but not your TR, and youre less likely to accidently "lick" them while looking for an angle for Nurses' Calling).
- Faster wind up add-ons for the fully charged throw.
- Hex: Face the Darkness to help with interrupting heals for haemorrhage and finding people. The new Predator might also be good (haven't tried cause it wasn't there when I did it), but that might also help you get a few.
Also accept you're probably gonna have to prioritise ranged downs over winning. If you go it with a mindset of go for 8 hooks and let everyone leave, you will lower your MMR (which'll help), and you may even make friends with survivors who will let you get some for free.
I got 14 hits legit, and then the PS4/PS5 trophy bug in 2024 gave me the rest... and while I was annoyed at some others is screwed up for me... tbh I wasn't at all sad about it for this one xD
Other than that... sacrifice a goat to Imhotep and pray.
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the advice guys! I finally finished it after grinding for it all day and with this achievement under my belt I've now gotten all the achievements. I did take/try a lot of this advice over the course of the day with some degree of help from these tips, so thank y'all once again.
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Good news, well done!
I can't even imagine the hell I'd have to go through to get anywhere near to 100 from the 11 I have right now! My daughters PC monitor has a crosshair mode you can switch on, but even using that and grinding it doesn't appeal in the slightest.
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What region are you? If you want we can hop on a custom match and you can snipe me. Shoot me a PM if you're interested!