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How would you categorize maps in terms of balancing?

Member Posts: 530

I personally have like 5 types.

  1. Maps that favor the survivor side
  2. Maps that favor the killer side
  3. Balanced maps
  4. Maps that can go both ways
  5. Maps that I simply can't decide on

Let's start with the first category

Eyrie of Crows

Despite their claims to have shrunk the map, it's honestly just a different shape. Most gens are concentrated towards the middle part of the map and that's where there's a high pallet density. The hitboxes are still god awful.

Garden of Joy

This map is very huge, has a high pallet density around the edge map and most pallets are very safe. Not to mention the god windows in the main building. Playing on this map as killer is never a fun time.

All Badham variations

They are big, the buildings are strong, the fillers are mostly safe and the worst part is when they also burn an offering where the basement spawns in shack and they bring boil over and flip flop combined with perks that allow them to pick themselves up.

Toba Landing

Main building is pretty safe and it has a good amount of strong pallets scattered around the map. It also has a good amount of clutter across the map and the hitboxes are very weird. It's not as bad as the previous mentioned maps but I don't see a single killer benefiting from this map.

Mother's Dwelling

It's a large map with a high pallet density and strong loops and a good main building. I definitely think it became weaker after the rework but it's still not really that good for killers. And like Toba Landing it has a good amount of clutter with inconsistent hitboxes.

Crotus Prenn Asylum (both maps)

Disturbed Ward is a big map with a strong main building and good filler tiles. It has a good amount of dead zones but for many killers that's not really an advantage considering they need longer to get to a gen.

Father Campbell's Chapel isn't as strong but I've almost never witnessed bad survivor RNG. The main building is even with the worst RNG still usable for survivors and at the strongest a nightmare for killers. The pallet density is pretty good as well. The only weakness for survivors is a possible 3-gen in the circus but if the survivors prioritize that fist they'll have a good chance of escaping.

Gas Heaven

It used to be Billy's golden map. With its rework I feel like almost no killer benefits from it. By breaking up the car piles you can now reach every pallets easily and there are plenty of them, most are pretty good. Main building is still pretty strong as well.

RCPD West Wing

It feels like this variant is much bigger than the other. You also have access to more strong pallets where you actually have to chase as the killer. In the east wing, you can kinda ignore the area beneath the helicopter landing spot. I feel like you cannot do that in the west wing as there are important gens in every area of the map.

These are based on my experienced all survivor favoring maps. But what maps are good for killers?

Rancid Abattoir

It used to be a strong map for survivors but after its changes the main building is fairly weak now and the pallet density is low. There are tons of dead zones on this map and it's the smallest Coldwind map.


Used to be the most survivor sided map then got a huge rework, which could go either way, it had strong buildings but also frequent 3-gen spawns. But it got changed yet again. They made the buildings weaker, the new edge map pallets are a joke and this map is very small while also having dead zones and a very low pallet density.

Dead Dawg Saloon

This map is very small and has a typical 3-gen spawn around gallows. Many edge map pallets around gallows are weak. The pallet density is alright but the middle is essentially a dead zone. Main building and the tiles in the edge map by water tower are strong.

Midwich Elementary School

It has two floors but every floor is small. It's also mainly indoors with resources being mainly in the rooms. This map is really bad for soloQ survivors because you often have to look for the gens for a while till you find one. Some pallets are good, some are alright. Nowadays you can go upstairs from every corner as survivor but it's still incredibly easy for killers to patrol the gens if there's one gen left. Stealth killers also have a field day on this map.

RCPD East Wing

While not all killer's benefit from this map, it's comparatively weaker than west wing. The gens in the main hall are easy to defend and you usually have a gen on the west side as well. An easily defendable 3 gen. The pallets in this area are strong but there aren't many of them. If the killer doesn't commit to survivors in the hallways under the helicopter area they should have a good chance of getting 3 kills.

Both Borgo maps

Shattered Square used to be survivor sided but they reworked it and it's got too many dead zones now. It also got reduced in size which helps killers a lot. Many of the pallets are decently strong though with the exception of the edge map pallets

Forgotten Ruins just barely has any pallets outside of the castle. Inside you have some good pallets but the area is very easy to defend and there are typically 3 gens which gives the killer a good chance to win.

I know that I have more survivor sided maps than killer sided maps, but for the rest I have explanations why I wouldn't put them on any of these categories. Let's start with the balanced maps:

The entire MacMillan Realm except Suffocation Pit

MacMillan shows how map balancing should look like, especially Coal Tower. It's not too big or too small, it has about the right amount of pallets which are mostly fair to play for either side and the main building is definitely runnable for survivors but not overly oppressive. The other maps have their flaws but most killers are doing fine in them while survivors have good opportunities to win.

Aotohaven Wreckers except Gas heaven and Azarov's Resting Place

It's kind of the same thing with this realm. Good opportunities for both sides especially Wrecker's Yard. It's honestly my favorite realm

Fractured Cowshed

I don't really have many negative thoughts about this map anymore. The rework made this map balanced in my opinion. You still have a good amount of pallets but it's not as bad as it used to be. It's also a lot better for killers to defend gens but survivors can still very well escape if they play it right.

Sadly, this is where it ends with balanced maps. Let's see what maps I think can go both ways:

Suffocation Pit

I don't like this map. You have a strong main building as well as the middle part of the map which are the strong tiles chained together. But you also have massive dead zones around shack plus a high chance of a 3 or 4 gen to spawn which is caused by the structure of the map. We now have a 2nd variation of this map which is better but not good enough.

Azarov's Resting Place

Same issue here. The bone like structure just isn't a good idea. It's less bad here since you have tiles on both sides as well instead of every tile being concentrated around the middle part but it's still strong. But on the other hand usually a 3 or 4 gen as well. Terrible balancing.

Rotten Fields, Thompson House and Torment Creek

Those maps have been significantly nerfed for survivors. Many fillers are fairly weak and the pallet density is fairly low. But those maps are still so incredibly big and the main building for Thompson House and Torment Creek are decent. Some killers will benefit greatly from it, others are going to suffer.

Grim Pantry

Large map with some strong structures like main building but also with some of the worst 3 gen spawns I've ever seen. I had one instance where 2 gens were on the piers while one was between piers and shack. Like how are you meant to break this? Also some killers are nightmare fuel on this map while others won't really have good chances of winning

Lery's Memorial Institute

There are some killers who will give survivors a hard time on this map. Ghostface is probably the prime example as it is hard to predict where he might come from and when he's appearing. But it has a good amount of strong pallets and windows so there are killers who you can easily run for a long time.

The Game

Again, some killers are extremely strong on this map. But it has tons of god pallets, which will screw over other killers.

Mount Ormond Resort

It's a big map with a strong main building. But it's very easy to traverse this map with some killers and many loops aren't that good. depending on the killer it can go either way.

Temple of Purgation

I don't understand this map. You either have some pretty strong RNG or just absolutely nothing. Main building is pretty decent though.

Hawkins National Laboratory

Same issue like with The Game and Lery's. Chucky is very good in it for example. Other killers will have to deal with a plethora of pallets. Some are fairly weak but others are very strong.

Let's get to the last category. These are the maps where I simply can't decide how to rate these maps:

The Pale Rose

I just can't decide where to put this map. I've seen results that are all over this place. I'm interested to hear what your thoughts are.

The Yamaoka Estate Realm

Despite playing countless of times on this map I simply cannot decide how to rate these maps. They are fairly big with an okayish pallet density with some pretty good and some pretty bad loops. Sanctum's Shrine is a pretty decent main building though.

Ormond Lake Mine

This map got added very recently so I can't really make a judgement on it.

Greenville Square

It's a giant map but the main building isn't that oppressive and most loops are rather okay. The map size could be bad for some killers but i had results all over the place.

Nostromo Wreckage

I really dislike this map. The tiles are built in a super weird way and there's clutter everywhere. That being said I can't really decide where to put this map.

Okay that took me quite a while. let me know how you would rate the maps. keep in mind this is a ranking based on my experience and please stay civil.

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