Chapter Concept - What's Inside? (Survivor & Killer)

Killer - the Matron
Killer Data
Power: Hands that Feed
- Hands that Bind
- Mechanics
- Trap Attributes
- Interaction with Survivors
- Detection
- Mechanics
- Cleansing Hands that Bind
- The Reminder Status Effect
- Hands that Rise
- Add-ons
- Anticipation
- Hex: Expectation
- Scourge Hook: Amplification
Survivor - Esther Masoumi
Survivor Data
- World Weary
- Skulker
- Shadow
Killer - the Matron
(Loosely inspired by this fanmade theme)
Killer Data
The Matron is a deceptive and sadistic warden, feeding off the stress and fear of others. Her personal perks force Survivors to constantly deal with a terrifying prospect no matter what choices they make.
Speed: 4.6 m/s
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Height: Tall
Difficulty (how much is needed to know before you can play her at an entry-level): Hard
Weapon: The Matron usually only holds her hand out, but when she attacks a myriad of spectral hands sprout from her arm to assist in the strike. When she hits a Survivor, the hands more grab and tug at them than claw.
Sound Effects: The Matron is quiet, tending to force Survivors to have to keep eyes on her to reliably tell where she is.
Power: Hands that Feed
With the ability to summon spectral hands from the ground beneath her feet, the Matron is both able to grasp and trap Survivors from any point, but also able to travel at incredible speeds across the hands.
Hands that Bind open and ready themselves to grasp at Survivors. When a Survivor thinks they're safe or is trying to avoid detection, they will be grabbed for walking. When a Survivor is fleeing danger, they will be grabbed for running.
Hands that Rise carry the Matron across the map quickly and break her form into something smaller, making her harder to see coming.
Hands that Bind
Using the Power Button, the Matron halts and creates a Bind, a trap visualized by a large hand reaching up from the ground. Binds have the following attributes:
- It takes 1.65 seconds to place one.
- Leaning down and standing back up both take 0.45 seconds, with 0.75 seconds being devoted to the creation of the Bind itself.
- You can see all placed Binds in white.
- They are intangible.
- Up to 14 can be placed at once.
- When all have been placed, the Matron can continue to place them, but this will remove the oldest one.
- They cannot be placed within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor.
- A Bind within 8 meters of a hooked Survivor is destroyed.
- They cannot be placed within 8 meters of each other.
The following attributes define how a Bind interacts with Survivors:
- They have a trigger range of 3 meters.
- When triggered, the Bind grasps the Survivor and drags them to the center of the trap. It takes up to 1.2 seconds for a Survivor to be dragged to the center, when they are considered Binded.
- Survivors who are grasped scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds, and their auras are revealed once they are Binded.
- Other Survivors can free a Survivor from a grasp or a Bind in 4 seconds.
- While being freed from a grasp, a Survivor's progress toward being Binded is halted.
- A Survivor can free themselves after a 9 second channel.
- Survivors who are Binded are afflicted with a Reminder (up to a maximum of two Reminders; mechanics will be explained later).
- Survivors freed while they are grasped but not Binded are not afflicted with a Reminder.
- When a Survivor is hit, they are freed from the Bind and afflicted with a Reminder (regardless of whether they were in the grasped or Binded state).
- When a Survivor is freed from a Bind, regardless of which state they were in or how they were freed, the Bind is cleansed.
Additionally, a Bind behaves differently depending on whether or not the targeted Survivor is in a chase.
- While a Survivor is not in a chase, a Bind will ignore them while they are sprinting.
- While a Survivor is in a chase, a Bind will ignore them while they are crouching.
A Bind will always ignore a Survivor who is standing still or performing a Conspicuous Action.
Cleansing Hands that Bind
Survivors can remove Binds without triggering them. This is done in a 3.5 second channel, during which time the Survivor grabs the Bind by its wrist and tugs at it, pulling it from the ground.
The Reminder Status Effect
Previously mentioned were Reminders. Survivors can be afflicted with up to two Reminders, and Reminders are afflicted through being Binded.
Various penalties are applied to Survivors with one Reminder:
- They hear a constant, distant terror radius.
- They see occasional illusory Binds on the ground.
- An illusory Bind will appear within 12 meters every 10 seconds. After 30 seconds, the Bind disappears.
- Illusory Binds are not shown in white to the Matron.
- It takes 5.25 seconds for them to cleanse a Bind.
- They cannot free grasped Survivors, but can free Binded Survivors.
Different effects occur to Survivors with two Reminders:
- They have a -20% action speed penalty on repairing, healing, and cleansing Totems.
- They hear a constant, distant terror radius, and cannot see the Matron's red stain.
- They see frequent illusory Binds on the ground.
- An illusory Bind will appear within 12 meters every 4 seconds. After 40 seconds, the Bind disappears.
- They cannot cleanse a Bind.
- They cannot free grasped or Binded Survivors.
- When another Survivor gets grasped within 8 meters of them, they scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds.
Reminders cannot be removed without comfort from another Survivor.
While within 8 meters of another Survivor, Reminders slowly regress, taking 45 seconds for one Reminder to be removed.
Hands that Rise
Stress isn't born from a threat alone—that threat must be omnipresent, or at least believed to be.
The Matron can hold the Active Ability Button, slowing herself to 4.0 m/s for 2 seconds before initiating Hands that Rise.
While Hands that Rise is active, the following effects are applied to the Matron:
- She sees in 3rd-person (compare to the Dark Lord's wolf form).
- She is reduced in size, being broken down and crawling on all fours.
- She moves at 6 m/s.
- The actions she can perform are limited.
- She cannot: damage generators, open lockers, break pallets or breakable walls, or attack.
- Picking up a Survivor will end Hands that Rise.
- She cannot: damage generators, open lockers, break pallets or breakable walls, or attack.
- She vaults windows in 1.3 seconds.
- The time it takes for her to crouch down and stand back up while placing Binds is reduced to 0.3 seconds each.
The Matron can remain in Hands that Rise indefinitely.
She can exit this state by holding the Active Ability Button for 2.8 seconds, during which time she is slowed to 1.6 m/s (compare to the Wraith's uncloak).
- Broken Pencil - It takes Survivors 6 seconds to free themselves from a Bind. Whenever you damage a Survivor, gain 350 bonus Blood Points for each Reminder afflicting them.
- Rotted Ruler - The range of a Bind is increased to 3.3 meters. The time it takes for Survivors to be Binded is increased by 10%.
- Eye Drawing - When a Survivor is afflicted with a Reminder, they are also afflicted with the Blindness Status Effect for 30 seconds.
- Coat Button - When a Survivor is afflicted with a Reminder, your Aura is revealed to them for 3 seconds. Whenever a Survivor with at least one Reminder reads your Aura, their Aura is revealed to you.
- Bent Keys - When a Survivor is freed from a Bind by another Survivor, they become codependent. Once those Survivors are no longer within 8 meters of each other, they will scream, revealing their locations for 4 seconds.
- Thread of Evidence - When a Survivor with at least one Reminder has their Aura revealed to you, regression of their Reminder is paused for 20 seconds.
- Saliva-Coated Gloves - While Hands that Rise is active, any Survivor without a Reminder within 8 meters of you is afflicted with a temporary Reminder.
- Temporary Reminders disappear after 30 seconds, and if a Reminder is gained while a Survivor has a temporary Reminder, the temporary one is lost. Temporary Reminders cannot stack.
- Skin Deep Claw Marks - After an injured Survivor escapes a grasp or Bind, they are afflicted with the Mangled and Hemorrhage Status Effects for 60 seconds. Survivors with a Reminder have their blood pools appear to you in bright red.
- Repressed Sketch - Binds have a range of 6 meters. The time it takes for Survivors to be Binded is increased to 4 seconds. When a Survivor is Binded or hit by you, they are afflicted with a Reminder and the Bind is immediately cleansed.
- Report Card - While a Survivor is Binded, you gain a 5% Haste Status Effect while using Hands that Rise.
- Chipped Finger Nail - When a Survivor with at least one Reminder heals another Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds.
- Bloodstained Gloves - When you exit Hands that Rise, any Survivor without a Reminder within 12 meters of you is afflicted with a temporary Reminder. After 30 seconds, if they are not within 8 meters of another Survivor, that temporary Reminder becomes a Reminder. Each Survivor can only be afflicted with a temporary Reminder this way once every 90 seconds.
- Temporary Reminders disappear after 30 seconds, and if a Reminder is gained while a Survivor has a temporary Reminder, the temporary one is lost. Temporary Reminders cannot stack.
- Bone Deep Bite Marks - After an injured Survivor escapes a grasp or Bind, they are afflicted with the Broken Status Effect for 45 seconds. Injured Survivors with a Reminder have the volume of their Grunts of Pain increased by 50%.
- Split-Grain Leather Belt - Whenever you damage a Binded Survivor, that Survivor is afflicted with a 12% Hindered Status Effect for 2 seconds.
Very Rare
- Snapped Visa - While a Survivor is Binded, you gain a 10% Haste Status Effect while using Hands that Rise.
- Tinted Glass Shard - While you are in Hands that Rise, for 45 seconds after a Survivor is afflicted with a Reminder, you are granted the Undetectable Status Effect.
- Sloppy Fingerprint - When a Survivor with at least one Reminder stops repairing a Generator, that Generator is highlighted to you in white for 5 seconds.
- Watcher's Engraving - Whenever you damage a Survivor, the closest Survivor with at least one Reminder has their Aura revealed to you for 8 seconds.
Ultra Rare
- Iridescent Pen - It takes Survivors 6 seconds to free themselves from a Bind. Whenever a Bind is cleansed, it will reappear after 30 seconds so long as there is at least 1 available charge of Hands that Bind. The Bind will become visible after 25 seconds, and arm itself 5 seconds after that.
- Tinted Glass Pane - After placing a Bind, you are granted the Undetectable Status Effect for 15 seconds. Survivors outside of your terror radius have their Auras revealed while within a Bind's radius, and for 2 seconds after exiting it or cleansing the Bind. It takes an additional 0.15 seconds to place a Bind.
It's only part of the job to keep an eye on them.
Whenever you damage a Survivor with a Basic Attack, Anticipation activates:
- Receive an auditory signal upon looking in a healthy Survivor's direction within a 15 degree cone within 24 meters.
- This can only trigger once every 5 seconds.
Anticipation remains active for 20/25/30 seconds.
"You're not as good at hiding as you think you are."
Hex: Expectation
A Hex of arbitrary rules.
Whenever a healthy Survivor loses a health state, that Survivor is afflicted with the Broken Status Effect.
- This persists until they are put into the Dying State or cleanse a Totem.
- The Aura of the farthest Totem from them when they become Broken is permanently revealed to them.
All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.
(Notes: This would be stupid in a game with an unchanged Hex: Pentimento, I'm aware of that. However, I do prefer balancing with a more idealized version of the game in mind, rather than conforming to the boxes of sometimes quite poorly designed mechanics and perks.)
Scourge Hook: Amplification
Someone stepped forward, hoping to lessen your untouchable might with their bravery. They did not get the result they intended.
At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:
- The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.
Whenever you hook the Obsession onto a Scourge Hook, the following effects are applied, and are applied again every 25/20/15 seconds they are hooked:
- Healthy Survivors are afflicted with the Blindness and Oblivious Status Effects for 10 seconds.
- Injured Survivors have their Auras revealed to you for 5 seconds.
Whenever a Survivor is rescued from a Scourge Hook:
- The rescuer will become the new Obsession.
- That Hook is no longer a Scourge Hook, but another random Hook becomes a Scourge Hook.
You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
Survivor - Esther Masoumi
Survivor Data
Overview: Esther Masoumi is a scarred Prodigy, immensely capable but restrained by trauma and shame.
Body Type: Feminine
Sound Effects: Standard footsteps and a quiet initial groan after getting injured, but standard injured sounds.
World Weary
You've experienced more than you ever wanted to.
- See the Auras of all Windows, Pallets, and Generators that are blocked within 32/36/40 meters of you in white.
- Whenever you are afflicted with the Blindness Status Effect, you can still see Auras within 24 meters of you.
"After you experience stuff like this, you get an idea how to feel it coming in the future."
The subtlest change in their breathing can signal a reversal in intent.
While Crouching, Skulker activates:
- The Aura of the Killer within 8 meters is revealed to you.
- This lingers for 2 seconds after you uncrouch.
Skulker has a cooldown of 30/25/20 seconds, whether or not the Killer was within 8 meters of you while active.
This is your chance, take it and disappear.
Whenever another Survivor is in a chase or is in the Dying State:
- If you are 48 meters away from them or greater, the Killer is afflicted with the Blindness Status Effect for 20 seconds.
Shadow has a cool-down of 100/90/80 seconds.
These are some really interesting ideas!
I like it.
0 -
Can easily tell that a lot of thought and effort was put into this, neat idea, would be interesting to face in a trial. The only thing i find odd is how many effects the scourge hook perk gives, some of which are already perks, but still great concept all round.