Perk idea for survivors to use against killers who slug when only 2 survivors alive

Perk Name: “Against All Odds”
“Even in the darkest moments, you refuse to let go.”
•Effect: If there are only two survivors remaining and one of you is in the dying state for more than 10/8/6 seconds, their bleed-out timer is paused as long as the other survivor is within 20/24/28 meters. The survivor in the dying state also gains the ability to fully recover without assistance if they remain within this range.
I think deleting the hatch from the game will be the best way to encourage killers to not slug 3d survivor. Because the last survivor gains a free win due to RNG, the main reason why killers slug for 4K so often.
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I disagree the hatch is not a survivor sided thing it’s a 50/50 chance if the killer or survivor gets to the hatch first either the last survivor escapes with the luck of finding the hatch or the killer finding the hatch first and closing it. Hatch has nothing to do with slugging
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Hatch spawns always prioritize spawning near the last surviving player, so the chances are actually 90% in the survivor's favor. Plus, denying the unfair hatch mechanic was actually the main reason for the 4K slug.
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Then everyone will give up once you kill a survivor.
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Not true. Hatch spawns depending the area of the map locations. It spawns either by killer or survivor depending on the area of the map each is by so that means whoever finds hatch first wins the game if killer finds it first they close the hatch and that forces survivors to try to go to the exit gates. And if survivor finds hatch first then it’s a win for survivor. Slugging it’s just a material that killer uses just because they want a 4k and want to win the game
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There's way too many patch-up perks, there's not enough room in loadouts to fix everything by tossing another perk at it.
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This is not how hatch works. The hatch's spawn is predetermined as soon as the map is generated for the match.