What killers desperately need their addons reworked or buffed?

You can choose multiple and any killer you want.


  • F1Billy
    F1Billy Member Posts: 21

    Definitely Dorito Head, and maybe Nemesis.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Honestly I think the ideal sets of addons trend towards what their earlier designs were, direct buffs to the power and a couple niche status ones instead of the current VERY SMALL buffs to powers and mostly status effects or weird almost non addon effects

    That said characters that meet this criteria

    Demo (more fun shred addons please also +10% pallet break speed aint cutting it anymore)

    Pyramid Head


    Trickster (I feel like he has like ~6 in the right direction and the rest don't even see the light of day)



    Skull Merchant




    Houndmaster (mostly a bit higher numbers, oh boy 2% increased haste speed I can't wait to go 6.12m/s instead of 6m/s)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,303

    Pyramid Head undoubtedly, once Freddy's done with he'll be the one left with truly abysmal addons.

    A few killers have a number of underwhelming addons, especially ones that are just "good enough but boring to use", so they'd be ones I'd look at. Clown has a lot of addons like that, imo, as does Nemesis. They're not bad addon spreads by any means, but they could be more interesting by a long shot.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Clowns addon set its probably the closest to borderline out of the acceptable characters, he has a few interesting ones

    Feathers, not many people use these but its terrifying when the setup time at a loop goes from 2 seconds to 0.2s (when using both), on top of that if you throw bottles before pickup or before reloading it is actually time positive over using reload addons.

    Fingerless gloves, really funny for chucking bottles at survivors from a distance due to the increased projectile speed.

    Cigar box / Tattoo finger, very good info addons

    Bleach / Ether, giga slow, which while boring is effective

    The other addons are boring / underwhelming and could use some sprucing but he does at have some that are worth using while you hope the other half see a rework.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
    edited January 22

    Pyramid head needs desperately an addon pass. Most of his addons are extremely weak.

    Demos addons on the other hand are all the same or boring, so he needs one too.

    Sadako needs many of her addons adjusted to her reworked version and her iri tape needs a rework or revert.

    Post edited by Langweilg on
  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 309

    Pyramid head 100%, nemesis too

    Sadako definitely needs her purples an add-on pass and make bloody fingernails partially basekit

    Chucky has some lackluster add-ons and could use some love

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    Pyramid Head for sure. Trickster 2nd and then Chucky he only has like 5 usable add-ons and even then they are minor boosts in power.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    PH for sure, next Demo. But honestly almost every killer has awful addons. Some of them will do nothing/too little, some of them too situational and some of them even harmful to run (and I'm not about meme addons).