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Behavior is killing their own game

Rather people like it or not and I imagine a lot of people are gonna disagree with this statement dbd is turning more in the killers favor honestly think about what they've changed for killer

Respawning the hooks when it wasn't a problem to begin with.. if its the survivors fault they 3-gened then it's the killers fault they used up the only hook nearby

Making it so the gen has to have 5% progress put back into it before it can stop regressing and conveniently pain resonance + grim embrace/dead man's switch is perfect for covering the gen faster then you can stop the regression

granting the ability to mori the last survivor which is undeserved being most killers leave the 3th down to search for the 4th also it's not fair to the last survivor when they haven't been hooked/seen all game then get moried at the end

Almost every event recently only really benefited the killers example this past haunted by daylight they made it so the killer knew you were in the void made them undetectable and made it so they could use their powers but they took away the ability to use exhaustion perks for survivors cmon that's 3 ups for the killer and 1 down for the survivor I know they gave us the smoke crystal but it blinded us just as much as the killer I ran into a wall more times then I want to admit

They made alert pretty much useless against undetectable killers including stake out but watered down distortion so if my token gets consumed by lethal pursuer and killer has bbq/ friends til the end I'm screwed

I believe they changed ruin back so now it stays active even if someone dies (at least the last time I didn't die first ruin was still active) mind you ruin keeps me from using blast mine.. also as soon as I let the gen go even by mistake it sets it back 5% ik it's not a lot but every second counts

There's so many perks now that help the killer find you as if it was even hard it's ridiculous how someone gets found within 30 secs into the match and it's even more ridiculous how a killer can get the ability to kill at 5 gens with devour hope (Ik it's a hex it can be broken same as ruin but I've spent so much time trying to find it and couldn't)

Ik the swift teams are getting out of hand and Ik they strengthen these perks for 4 man teams but soloq is getting almost unbearable to play and let's not forget the slugging bit that's been going on for years with so many complaints backing it but I guess respawning the already used hook was a bigger issue even though there's already so many hooks in fact breaking a hook for someone doesn't work a lot of the time because they just take them to a different hook

The killers have 3 ups they have their power. Their add-ons (some very strong add-ons) and perks and Ik it's always been like that but it gets more difficult when you give them a power and an ability AKA turning into bats to bypass pallets/windows or picking/preventing you from dropping a pallet.. survivors do have items but 1 toolbox on a gen with the best add-ons isn't really going to do anything if my teammates myself included keep getting hooked plus Franklin's + weaving atonement + 4 items that's a killers wet dream and the fact any teleporting killer can teleport back to the hook immediately after someone gets saved is a major problem

The face-camping mechanism (I called it an anti-camping bar but someone corrected me even though if a killer is smart which most are they know not to get too close bc that bar is in place) doesn't help as much as they thought I've seen plenty of times the killer stood back far enough knowing it wouldn't trigger the mechanism.. in some cases I believe it is okay to camp like if it's 2 gens and you've got no hooks but too many killers camp at 5-4 gens and too many killers immediately come back to the hook I get that the camping bar doesn't help that but if killer comes back to the hook penalize them for it by deducting points

And anyone with the mindset of slugging and camping is in the game so it's perfectly fine no it's not I would hope that people would be decent enough players to let me at least have a little opportunity to get my challenges done and by that I mean I can't do gens or get unhooks or even look for a glyph if I'm the first one found then tunneled out or camped

Sorry it's a long read but if you made it this far thank you for reading! if I think of something that they've done to further make it killer sided I'll comment it below

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  • Member Posts: 2,724

    For the White Glyph Challenges, you get 25,000 Bloodpoints if you escape with it.

    What I do is select the Challenge and just don't attempt the Challenge in a match until I come across a Killer who is just farming or meming around.

    That way, I can be assured that not only will I complete the Challenge, but I'll also escape with the Bloodpoints bonus.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Exactly, I agree with you. I kinda wish I knew that before committing to the challenge many months/year ago, but that is correct as well.

    I'm not fiending for bloodpoints, I always joke that I wish I could give my friends them as I typically stockpile 'em as I have high prestiged survivors and prestiged my killers. ☠️

  • Member Posts: 2,165
    edited February 4

    Biggest problem is buffing survivors more will be gutting weaker killers. They need to do a good pass on the weaker killers (especially m1 killers) to bring them better in line with the more optimal killers, then give solo queue some very much needed buffs to help bring them closer to SWF. While this indirectly buffs SWFs in a way, I still feel that buffing up the less optimal killers up then buffing up solo queue would go a long way to helping making the game more friendly for solo players with less of a chance at making the weaker killer experience absolutely miserable (which it already is starting to become).

  • Member Posts: 986

    let's go one by one:

    Respawning the hooks when it wasn't a problem to begin with.. if its the survivors fault they 3-gened then it's the killers fault they used up the only hook nearby

    although i agree hook respawns significantly impacted the skill aspect of actually strategizing hook placement, this change was rather implemented for the reason to avoid forced bleeding out.

    Making it so the gen has to have 5% progress put back into it before it can stop regressing and conveniently pain resonance + grim embrace/dead man's switch is perfect for covering the gen faster then you can stop the regression

    counterweight for gen tapping being removed is max of 8 regression events per gen. Pain Res used to be obnoxiously powerful with Grim, but after the latest nerf, it' and there.

    granting the ability to mori the last survivor which is undeserved being most killers leave the 3th down to search for the 4th also it's not fair to the last survivor when they haven't been hooked/seen all game then get moried at the end

    although slugging for mori is very cringe, when last survivor gets downed, it's basically game over for them no matter the amount of hook states (unless they have Deliverance for 1st hook, but that's just unnecessary waste of time since killer would camp the hook to be sure they down survivor as soon as they Deli off the hook).

    Almost every event recently only really benefited the killers example this past haunted by daylight they made it so the killer knew you were in the void made them undetectable and made it so they could use their powers but they took away the ability to use exhaustion perks for survivors cmon that's 3 ups for the killer and 1 down for the survivor I know they gave us the smoke crystal but it blinded us just as much as the killer I ran into a wall more times then I want to admit

    Haunted by Daylight is still very much survivor sided if we take it into the mind that both sides actively enter the void to use their charges. Why? Because it's a deadzone for killer and a place where they put 0 pressure on the map, meaning survivors are free to do gens while killer is in the void. Not to mention that entering the void is still a brutally good way to e.g. waste Oni's power. It was even more obnoxious for the killer during the previous Haunted by Daylight since no powers worked in the void at all.

    They made alert pretty much useless against undetectable killers including stake out but watered down distortion so if my token gets consumed by lethal pursuer and killer has bbq/ friends til the end I'm screwed

    you won't really bump up into undetectable killers that much often, and even if you do, it's gonna be Myers, Wraith or Ghostface, which are not even difficult to play against.

    I believe they changed ruin back so now it stays active even if someone dies (at least the last time I didn't die first ruin was still active) mind you ruin keeps me from using blast mine.. also as soon as I let the gen go even by mistake it sets it back 5% ik it's not a lot but every second counts

    nag, Ruin still deactivates after first kill. Are you sure you weren't playing against Ruin + Undying? Maybe Undying was left lit, but you thought it was Ruin.

    There's so many perks now that help the killer find you as if it was even hard it's ridiculous how someone gets found within 30 secs into the match and it's even more ridiculous how a killer can get the ability to kill at 5 gens with devour hope (Ik it's a hex it can be broken same as ruin but I've spent so much time trying to find it and couldn't)

    yes but they help them find you, not win a chase against you. Unless we are talking about NTH and Predator, especially on Nurse.

    The killers have 3 ups they have their power. Their add-ons (some very strong add-ons) and perks and Ik it's always been like that but it gets more difficult when you give them a power and an ability AKA turning into bats to bypass pallets/windows or picking/preventing you from dropping a pallet.. survivors do have items but 1 toolbox on a gen with the best add-ons isn't really going to do anything if my teammates myself included keep getting hooked plus Franklin's + weaving atonement + 4 items that's a killers wet dream and the fact any teleporting killer can teleport back to the hook immediately after someone gets saved is a major problem

    toolboxes are the fastest way to finish the match, but you have no use of them if you don't know to stealth properly. Medkits tho are still the strongest survivor item.

    The face-camping mechanism (I called it an anti-camping bar but someone corrected me even though if a killer is smart which most are they know not to get too close bc that bar is in place) doesn't help as much as they thought I've seen plenty of times the killer stood back far enough knowing it wouldn't trigger the mechanism.. in some cases I believe it is okay to camp like if it's 2 gens and you've got no hooks but too many killers camp at 5-4 gens and too many killers immediately come back to the hook I get that the camping bar doesn't help that but if killer comes back to the hook penalize them for it by deducting points

    anti-facecamp meter was designed to prevent toxic use of camping, aka. "i hooked you and now i'm gonna watch you die there", it's not designed to be basekit counter to a legit strategy. Not to mention that anti-facecamp mechanic usage is prohibited in most tourneys.

    Ik the swift teams are getting out of hand and Ik they strengthen these perks for 4 man teams but soloq is getting almost unbearable to play and let's not forget the slugging bit that's been going on for years with so many complaints backing it but I guess respawning the already used hook was a bigger issue even though there's already so many hooks in fact breaking a hook for someone doesn't work a lot of the time because they just take them to a different hook

    there are many player related factors other than game balance that get into the equation of why soloQ is unbearable.

    In terms of slugging, it was expected to emerge on a top after forcing hooks as the killer has been killed in terms of applying map pressure.

    And anyone with the mindset of slugging and camping is in the game so it's perfectly fine no it's not I would hope that people would be decent enough players to let me at least have a little opportunity to get my challenges done and by that I mean I can't do gens or get unhooks or even look for a glyph if I'm the first one found then tunneled out or camped

    this is why challenges need to be reworked. People are too focused on them to actually play the game out and improve. As soon as any rift comes, people are 100% focused on challenges and nothing else. Especially hatch challenges

  • Member Posts: 141

    If the killer leaves the seasons last person downed and walk x meters away from the point of origin of the down the end game mori should just turn off their legit no reason to not implement this and the hook respawn were totally killer sided as if survivours to it it a problem but if killer does it it ok yeah it killer sided hook respawn if u think otherwise god u need help

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Why is it just me? Why can't it be 500 or even 5000 people of the community?

    1: Even if it was 5000 people that would be a tiny portion of the player base.

    2: It might be tons of people have your opinion. It might also be they don't.

    3: 'The game is dying' posts come along all the time. The game will die eventually. That's inevitable, but there's nothing about the direction of player count numbers that makes it look like it will happen anytime soon.

    sooooo many people talk on how horrible the game has gotten because the decisions they've made right there should tell you there's a problem

    People always talk about how the game has problems. When I got into the game a few years ago it sounded like I was getting in at the tail end with how people talked about it.

    A big issue is that people, broadly, disagree about what those problems are and the direction the game development should go. DbD exists in the middle ground between a lot of people who say they are unhappy with the game for different reasons, but keep playing it.

    I'm literally speaking my piece

    You're welcome to give your opinion on the game or any aspect of it.

    And as its a discussion forum, people will comment on those opinions.

  • Member Posts: 986

    The extra 10 seconds on hook doesn't come into play unless you stay near the hook. It's designed, and only impacts, hard camping or lurking with the intention of tunneling. Those are the opposite of map pressure.

    extra 10s on hook comes into play in various cases, camping is just one of those, i was hoping we really got over that "narrow minded" mindset, same as with e.g. recently released StB not only being useful against tunneling, but also against any kind of hooking order that isn't fresh hooking everyone, 2nd hooking everyone and then death hooking everyone.

    This comment, and this entire argument "for slugging" shows how much people have no idea what map pressure actually means. It's going after survivors doing gens. That's it.

    map pressure is such a wide term to use and saying how tunneling, slugging and camping work completely opposite of that is not really correct when any of those creates pressure if used at correct place at correct moment.

    As much as killers who just brainlessly hard tunnel, camp or Knock Out slug everyone don't know what map pressure is, average survivor player who acts like "just learn to apply map pressure" don't know it either, they just use it as an excuse to complain about killers using xy strategy.

    Camping and tunneling is the opposite of map pressure. It's hook pressure on one survivor, who, coincidentally, is already occupied by being hooked. It's useful in rare circumstances, but if you're camping your first hook of the game, you're leaving at least 2, maybe even 3 survivors alone to do whatever they want (hint it's gens).

    as i already said, this is absolutely right and absolutely wrong at the same time.

    Camping inside a 3-gen with an opportunity to prevent it being broken through is literally huge pressure on survivors due to the fact that hooked survivor is going to die, but at the same time, they need to be really careful in terms of which gens they do.

    Managing to achieve an early 3v1 is literally the biggest form of pressure killer can have on survivors, but you need to really be careful about where and when will you attempt it. If you get an extremely fast first down, your best option in terms of maintaining pressure is to tunnel that survivor out. This will prove extremely useful later in the match.

    Map pressure is forcing the survivors to choose between things they want to do, with things they have to do. They already have to unhook, so unless you force chase they'll just do gens and have one person unhook.

    correct definition, tho there are many more premises in this equation.

    If killer camps a survivor in 3-gen, you are definitely going to need to have more than one survivor coming for an unhook and you would definitely need to think about baiting killer into deadzone for the next hook if you really wanna do something, otherwise you are doomed.

    If killer manages to tunnel out a survivor early, they finished 50% of their job in the match, and rest ofnthe team will be significantly less efficient.

  • Member Posts: 143

    A lot of the OPs complaints are, frankly, rediculous. Not only that but the entire way they framed their post is just tribalistic and whiny.

    Next time do away with the tribalism.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Do people actually go and do the tutorials, though? Lol.

    Most people skip the tutorial system. You would be surprised how most casual people will typically jump right into a game and just play the game right off the bat. Even if Behavior made a better tutorial system (I don't disagree with the point)... People will stay play how they play regardless. It's why the MMR system was created to ensure that people in the same skillset played with people with similar skillsets.

    Most of the time people play multiplayer games, they don't look at tips and strategies unless they feel like they need to improve their gameplay. Some people will say they're not good at looping, they might opt for stealth or gen related perks. So, the inclusion of a better tutorial system could work for some but people have their playstyles regardless.

    If I had to guess, most people do not sit around and watch JRM, Ayrun, Cru5h, Noob3, Probzz (even with his behavior), etc. When I first started playing, I watched a lot of Noob3 and Probzz, so I generally know how to loop but many survivors will not do what I did because the casual player base doesn't go out of their way to improve.

  • Member Posts: 116

    agree and they shouldn’t have to go outside of the game to learn the basics. I did the tutorials to get bps. If they made tutorials with incentives, I promise many would do them just for the incentives esp if they did iri shards.

  • Member Posts: 2,165
    edited February 4

    Entirely accurate. The devs have given survivors all of the potential in the world to be unbeatable. It's just that it can be difficult to master that potential to win consistently. Perfectly played survivors pretty much are guaranteed to win. Perfectly played killers can still lose. The game design is around the killers capitalizing on survivor mistakes. Experienced survivors are pretty much unstoppable - it's just rare to come across survivors who actually go out of their way to learn the ins and outs of the game. That being said, the devs want to treat the game as a casual game and not a competitive game, so they essentially give survivors the keys to the kingdom since the majority of the playerbase in the casual range would rarely if ever know what doors are unlocked with those keys. If they balanced around "true potential" ie experienced players, then the game would be awful for newcomers. On the flipside, balancing around casual survivors while supercharging experienced survivors makes the game absolutely horrible for high MMR killers, however.

  • Member Posts: 15

    What I find amusing, is that the 4th mori solves a problem that no longer exists.

    The main reason for it was so you could get the 4th kill despite lost hooks, but now you don't lose hooks, so it's only point would be if there are dead zones killers can't hook from, which would be a greater issue that should be solved on it's own merits.

  • Member Posts: 478

    The only reason for the last mori was to have moris every game. Nothing else. And they just completely ignored every flaw that came with their "solution".

  • Member Posts: 1

    If your complaining about the most trivial things you should go back to roblox, half of these complaints are just outragous and show you jave never played killer in your life. Most of these complaints just you suck at the game this was just yapping my guy.

  • Member Posts: 293

    the game is just mid bro lol.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited February 7

    i never be so frustrating playing solo like now, im resisting but, i almost giving up. i play this since 2018 and NEVER ever this game be so unplayable and miserable for soloQ than today. Seriously, i cant enjoy absolutely nothing anymore. i always face agaisnt miserable playstyle from killer, terrible teammates, frustrate builds, i cant enjoy absolutely nothing. Im surprised that BHVR doesnt do anything, especially to soloQ experience, they only know how to release content and content.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I don't want to discuss those technical details. But I feel that the number of players has been underestimated again recently. The queue time for survivor soloQ is as long as 5-10 minutes. Almost every game has survivors leaving.

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