it’s not even a question. I play both survivor and killer a lot, and EVERY time I play killer I am getting a 4k or a 3k if survivor camps hatch. When I play survivor, it seems the killer gets the same results I usually do and I die 4/5 times even though I am doing everything well. Not even sure how to fix this, maybe less heavy gen requirements in order to power exit gates? Seems like all my teammates refuse to do the one and only win condition…
It is very killer sided most of the way up at the moment. However play against top survivors or a decent SWF and then see what happens!
You have to play extremely evil, have a full meta build and then hope they make a few mistakes (usually involving being too altruistic towards the end of matches) otherwise you end up like a dog chasing its tail!
Beating a team like this is worth 100 wins against standard solo queue teams, especially if you don't have a great build and have to eat flashbang save after flashlight save after dead hard after syringe after BNP....... You get the idea!
11 -
I disagree honestly. This game has come a long ways.
14 -
making the gens easier would ruin the game even harder because the survivors have more time while the killer has less. they already increased hooks by 10 seconds with the excuse of the gen increase (they arent the same). making gens even faster then they already are would destroy any killer that isnt A+
9 -
You get a 4K every time you play killer unless the last survivor gets hatch? Ok, sure. Why are you wasting your time on this forum? You should be playing competitions or streaming and make some money because clearly you are one of the top players in the world. Pro streamers don’t even 4K “every time”
14 -
That last part is your problem. "Seems like all my teammates refuse to do the one and only win condition…". If that is true, it makes sense why they would lose. You can't gut the win condition requirement so it is feasible for 1 person to do it alone.
24 -
I know, right? All these never-lose killer players should be streamers or tourney players, so people can gawk at how good they are. Or teach us specifics of how to get better at killer. I want to know the secret of how to comeback a match where 1 decent chase led to over half the survivor objective being done.
9 -
That's what people refuse to see. It takes the least amount of thinking to conclude that the killer is always the issue. What about your teammates? Wouldn't their not doing gens have more to do with your loss than anything the killer is doing? You shouldn't be able to 1v1 the killer, on gens and in chase. If your teammates are bad, too bad, you lose. That's why the emphasis should be on improving MMR, so that you go against opponents, and get teammates, of your own skill level. And I think balance efforts have unfortunately gone to that end: to make survivors be able to come back and win even against (what should be) impossible odds and bad/non-existent team play.
23 -
I feel like for the most part these days, the game is quite balanced. Sure, they'll be matches which go more one sided and there are some awful map changes that have gone too far but it's not impossible to win as a solo survivor or killer
2 -
Posts:2 That alone should define where this thread is going.
12 -
While it is VERY killer sided currently, MMR plays a big role in why you could be getting easy 4k's as killer.
3 -
This content has been removed.
This game is very much survivor sided, the only time the killer wins is if they go against potatoes, or uses one of the top tier killers.
6 -
lol, no
9 -
It doesn't matter. Anytime someone points to a streamer like this, or shows off their own gameplay, it just turns into excuses. They must be lowering their MMR off screen, no good players in their region, they are only playing strong killers, they have 90000 hours in the game and no else does, they are the strongest 4 man, etc...
Sometimes it even has an opposite effect. They will post a streamer winning the majority of their games but still somehow spin it to say the other side is too strong.
4 -
I think it is the skill levels. IMO you are either very good at this game or very bad. Really no middle ground. High "MMR" SWFs can waffle stomp a weak killer player. I play solo que and I can say that most of the games I lose are due to low skill survivors, like myself. LOL!
3 -
Survivors that give up on first hook should be placed in a queue of their own so survivors that want to play don't have to deal with them.
22 -
The mother of all problems here: bridging the gap between SWF and Solo Queue.
This needs to be sorted out ASAP
11 -
Statistically speaking, yeah. But it’s intentional. Killers are/should be in the power role. That means that survivors will, by design, lose more than they win. Which in my opinion is good for the kind of game it is, but if you want players to be okay with being expected to lose, it should be fun. It’s not losing itself it’s how you lose that should be looked at.
13 -
absolutely, once you get that as close as possible without just giving swf even more power you’re cooking. Easier said than done though I’m sure. They’re trying though. The UI was definitely a huge step in the right direction. There’s always tactics though which take coordination which is the biggest downfall to soloQ. Idk if I would equate that to skill anywhere near as much as I would equate that to just the disadvantage of not being on comms in a group. That’s the biggest disadvantage and always will be.
0 -
Not really. Just because the survivors run in circles doesn't mean they are at a disadvantage.
I know this comparison is not popular around here, but just look at any competitive game to see the reality of the game. The matches usually are camping and tunneling the first survivor to death, killing a second one and praying to catch a third one with NOED. And that with all the limitations of perks and maps they usually use.
Another example is in the current 2v8, where survivors have basically everything at their disposal. Maps full of pallets, you can repair these pallets, erase your marks, instantly heal, recover hook stages, the generators fly... And I have yet to play a match where a single survivor manages to escapes me through the gates.
The skill floor to be a competent survivor is much higher, and many are not even willing to get there. A bad survivor is usually enough to swing the game to the killer's side, but that happens in any team game. You can't blame the game balance for that.
5 -
Thats right. They just get hundreds of winstreaks more than survivors even dream of. But sure.
8 -
my point was that I don’t believe the OP because win streaks like that are incredibly rare and are only achieved by the top players in the world. I don’t understand what point you are trying to make. Are you saying that it’s easy and common for killer players to have long win streaks?
4 -
Killers needing to tunnel out 1 Surv in utlra comp SWF matches where the SWF's are also nerfed, is a good example of how atrocious the game balance is. The game has SWF's dominating, then Killer, then SoloQ. People who think the game is Killer sided are SoloQ players and those who think SWF isn't OP, are SWF players who like their advantage and easy games.
Overall it's a toxic cycle of imbalance where the majority of players aren't having fun; most matches of SoloQ has the Killer camping/tunneling/slugging at 5 gens while Survs DC and go next on hook lol SWF and S-Tier Killers 9that ignore most of the game mechanics, like blight, nurse, billy) are the only ones really enjoying the game. Though often those S-Tier Killers will mostly slug and tunnel in their matches against SoloQ, they're always primed to face a SWF sweat squad.
5 -
AAAAHH! Weekend again!
3 -
How i miss the 20min grab interaction
0 -
It's killer sided in low MMR, you just need to improve.
3 -
Don't even try arguing with killer mains, they will never stop believing that a 70% kill rate is "balanced" unlike every other pvp game in existence.
7 -
Yea, well not every player in the game is a top 1%. The other 99% are getting but railed and the lower percentages that are new are getting a really really terrible introduction to the game as a survivor. Survivor is criminally underappreciated as a mode apparently, considering how high roaded they get in terms of killers advantage with perks and hook placement on the maps being insanely unfair. Not to mention how base kits over the years have been molded around confirming to top 1% standers to such a degree a frocking 5 year old could pick it up and 4k his first try if he really wanted to. Killer is busted as f and if you can't see how annoying it is...then maybe all hope is lost for the love of survivor as a whole if you're an example of the general consensus.
Post edited by Amom000 on7 -
now even 2vs8 is killer sided (just played a game against legion)! if the mindset of the devs does not change, then they can even over 800% bloodpoints. nobody will play surv any more.
-3 -
really? sounds like skill issue to me. If your survivor team is slightly organized the killer stands no chance
9 -
Sounds like a fantasy to me. Must be a different copy of DBD you obtain where survivors are slightly organized.
Much less organized at all.7 -
I miss playing against Chainsaw massacre guy...I love him :(
Post edited by Amom000 on2 -
Lol, I'm surprised anyone still plays this tangled web of a game. I only have it cause it's just a game to play that my friends have. If we didn't invest time into it to get decent at it enough to care…we wouldn't even have it to begin with lmao
0 -
I love Chem trap
Post edited by Amom000 on0 -
It isn't your fault to BHVR's and their tangled web of code and bull. Listen to your community you bums
-1 -
I miss when games were fun lol
Post edited by Amom000 on0 -
I miss when my survivor perks weren't shet
0 -
Nuff said in my opinion
-1 -
Bring back dead hard 😭
-1 -
I mean, they wouldn't even really need to increase the gen progression all that much. Just, oh I don't know......stop nerfing the surviver perks into the ground, put so many damn hooks in maps INCLUDING INDOOR MAPS, make the killers harder and harder to contend with in terms of their base kits, buff killer perks for whatever reason, stop making the maps environment overall harder for survivors to play on ( AHEM AHEM BLOCKING WINDOWS AHEM AHEM. Just one example ), add voice chat for kicks and stop predicating this pay to win mentality and make it easier to grind for characters and killers respectfully…cause no one respects someone that pays to get good at a game like this, ESPECIALLY a game like this. You aren't special or better at the game when you have an unfair advantage just cause you have money to pay for good killer perks and having to buy perks and characters for a survivor just makes me depressed when you have to pay not to win....BUT TO LAST A LITTLE BIT LONGER THAN A FEW MINUTES CAUSE YOU GET TUNNELED INTO THE GROUND.
-2 -
There is a middle ground though. It just an extremely volatile experience that new or seasoned players have to compete with expert level killer base kits and high level perks. Both low and middle level players are getting it up the ace. You can be decent...the game just expects too much of the community as a whole. And I'm not paying to win....I shouldn't FRACKING HAVE TO
-1 -
Yea, come full circle more like. Like an Ant death march of perpetual bull crap. They just reduce, reuse and recycle crap..if you consider that improvement. I consider that progression to a dead game in the future.
-1 -
What we need is in-game voice chat so we can crap talk all the braindead troglodytes that don't know a generator or teamwork from a hole in their ace. ( I try not to swear cause I'm not trying to get my amazing ideas moderated into the ground )
-1 -
Killer win streaks have been as high as 2k+ consecutive games. If that's not problematic to you I don't know what to tell you
7 -
Its the most unbalanced game in existence. Tryhard killers own the game basically with a leash on the devs to dictate balance.
Survivors know this because nobody wants to play it and those that do either lose or give up. It's really sad.
Meanwhile, killers play the game undefeated with unfathomable win streaks that elitists downplay and tries to pretend they are insignificant.
4 -
This literally happened because MMR was made less strict. When MMR was new, large killer winstreaks pretty much stopped.
But the players decided they would rather have faster queue times and less strict matchmaking, which is why the game currently has large killer winstreaks.
3 -
winstreaks made by 0.01% of top players who literally had hardcore comp training and have highest macro game knowledge out of rest of players and are playing against very average players. This isn't a balance issue, this is MMR issue and it will never be fixed because none of yall would want queues to be a minute or two longer so that you could have more accurate matches.
Not to mention that stricter MMR would really shatter egos of majority of this community.
Next time when you or any other person tries talking about winstreaks, make sure you mention whose winstreaks you are talking about
7 -
You'd maybe have a point if these winstreaks were in the low double digits, but they're usually high triple or even quadruple digits. If the game is so hard for killers, and so unbalanced at higher levels, how come these particularly skilled killers -never- run into any of those unbeatable swiffers?
11 -
These killer player win streaks don't have to worry about teammates RNG, and have the exact same killer kits, add-ons, and perks available that anyone else does.
The fact that not everyone is pulling an 800 win streak on clown isn't a balance issue. It's literally simply a skill issue. That's the part that most players will refuse to acknowledge merely because of ego alone.
14 -
That's what I'm saying. If anyone post up a video of themselves winning 2 or 300 matches in a row, or winning most of their games, it won't matter. Many of the people who ask for the video will then just criticize every aspect of it. So there's no point in asking for it or going through the trouble of showing it.
I also remember a lot of killer players still winning most of their matches with that mmr, just no longer with the long kill streaks. Many of them also stating they were just having to play sweaty every game and it was boring for people watching content creators. So it was long queues with unfun gameplay. I personally found the emblem system more enjoyable than what we have now. That's mostly because of my personal playstyle though.
I remember when the de-pip squad did their experiment way back in the day. I dont remember any long killer win streaks back then and now it's starting to feel the opposite. I still see a few survivor challenges but I see way more killer challenges and streaks now. Even with what many consider to be low tier killers.