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General Discussions

Solo Survivor Gamemode

Okay Behavior. The 400% bloodpoint bribe still isn't enough for myself and other solo survivors to waste our time getting annihilated 9/10 games. The main issue is that most of the meta killers, killer perks, and killer play styles are completely uncompetitive against solo survivors.

I get that this game is meant to played 4 against 1, and that in a perfect world most games would involve coordination between the 4 survivors. But that's just not the reality, so please wake up Behavior.

Most people that play survivor in this game play solo survivor. And, as the 400% bloodpoint bribe and exacerbated killer queue times would suggest… it sucks, a lot.

Please introduce a solo survivor game mode with reduced perk selection for killers AND survivors. A game mode balanced towards solo survivors. Idk hat exactly that balancing looks like, but there's really no way it could get worse for solo survivors at this point.

Killers, solo survivors, and swf's will still be able enjoy the full range of perks and play styles in the normal game mode; except queue times might remain longer there as most solo survivors would likely migrate to the more balanced game mode.

In conclusion Behavior, make a more balanced game mode for solo survivors or die a slow death as all of your casual players slowly lose interest in an uncompetitive game that's actively pushing us away.

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  • Member Posts: 116
    edited February 16

    I dont write this to just be a narrative that goes against what you say but ive been playing survivor lately and honestly i think i got an escape rate at like 80% at least in soloQ, I am already Iridisient Rank after the reset on the 13th and it was hard the first few games but then i realized that everyone was playing like fools and so were i. People run around , not walk, People do not sit on gens if they sense a little bit of panic and people become uncoordinated at adversity and mentally give up but that is not YOU, is it ?

    No You are the survivor that got balls of steel who use Deja vu, prove thyself, Lithe and Bond or perhaps even another gen perk and you sit on your gen which are popping like flies and when killer comes you are not leaving blood trail anywhere you are hiding there right in his face in some odd place because you know he aint got time to scavage that place becuase there are other gens and when you see he is basically just left the room you are back on that gen. Gen gen gen and being invisible. I think in most matches i usually do 3-4 gens myself basically while everyone is in panic.

    To me it seems like when peoples plan A got busted they dont got a B and cannot compose themselves. I only ever played killer so this was quiet a learning curve for me to lean, I am not yet prestine at looping and all those fancy things although not terrible but i know what hurts the killer and makes them mentally give up and that is hearing 2 gens pop before they even got a hit or even seen someone.

    And i hope they remove the 400% thing because it forces me into playing Survivor because the incentives are so high, you do a few gens and destroy some hooks ( which is also nice to make the killer run towards some area where noone is )and you get like 100 000 points. Havent touched my killer main as its been so easy to grind the shrine the past few days as survivor so i already have my huntress outfit.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I feel like basekit Bond, having the ability to see teammates perks, and some form of communication between players (i.e a quick chat menu or voice chat) would make a big difference in solo queue. The game is obviously balanced as a 1v4 so it's time we give solo survivors the tools necessary to play as a team.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Well that is why they have bond, You also got wiretap you can use. You do see where people are carried or hooked. I feel there is plenty of information in regards to survivors, Deja Vu gives gen information as well. If people werent stacking up on anti tunnel perks you would see the entire map.

  • Member Posts: 29

    I hear what you're saying but I don't think your experiences with solo survivor reflects what the majority of the solo survivor community is experiencing. You're really out here telling me it's not nearly that bad… at iri rank on the 13th of the month. Like what percentage of solo survivors do you think get to iri rank the day the ranks reset…

    But I do resonate with what you're saying, once I reach Gold rank or at least Silver 1 I start escaping more matches as my teamates are actually being productive and helpful at that rank.

  • Member Posts: 10,418

    You shouldn't be getting annihilated 9/10 times. Killers are so "strong" because they need to be able to somewhat compete against SWF. Until SWF gets a nerf, expect them to keep balancing this way. OR maybe they should fix the MMR so that you're being put with killers more your level.

  • Member Posts: 29
    edited February 17
  • Member Posts: 29

    Hear what you're saying but I think the need for 400% bloodpoint bribe to play survivor and horribly long killer queue times is evidence enough that there's something fundamentally wrong with the game for the casual enjoyer. Fixing the MMR won't solve the problem. DBD doesn't have that many new people signing up; it's mostly vets that have many hours on the game. They need a serious rebalancing effort or else the problems we're noticing are only going to get worse until the game ends up like fortnite smh.

  • Member Posts: 116
    edited February 17

    Honestly. i dont want to downplay the role of survivors. But people who tend to main these types of things are the types of people generally who do not want to hold themselves accountable. I did not hit iri rank on first day, as for the misunderstanding above however it took me about 2 days. I never played survivor before this 400% i only main killer.. But what i am trying to say here is that people who play survivor is more likely to be the kind who do so because if they happen to lose they can always say that someone else was bad or whatever , they cant look in the mirror and ask themselves what did i do wrong, what can i do better ? I know my teammate sucks but how do I make my life better and improve myself in this game.

    So generally speaking i would say that killer main are probably more skilled at this game than survivors are generally who has a more casual approach to it where they shelter themselves in others peoples shortcomings although they have a lot themselves. I think even in soloQ its not so bad tbh, Yeah some killers are monsters as with any game and if you choose perks like lithe,desisive strikes and that safe landing thing you already in your mind have the mindset that you going to be totally oblitirated because you are not good enough to loop or skill checks or what it may be, You already expect to die so you pick all these perks in hope that you might survive.. Your mindset should be, i dont need any of these useless perks because i am a master of hiding, my nerves are of steel and no person or heartbeat is going to get me of this gen before i am 100% certain that something bad will happen.

    Edit. Final words are. When you Que up as a survivor you must have the preset in your mind that your teammates are not capable of anything and if they are is a bonus, And if they arent , they are a distraction to the killer so that you can do your thing.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Basically what you're advocating for is nerfing Discord. You play against SWF teams all the time and may not know it. 2,3, or 4 players. The difference that makes some teams give killers nightmares like Yoriichi does to Muzan is because they have the ability to actually communicate when and where to utilize perks or health states. There's something to be said about a PvP game that is crippled when people on a team are able to speak to one another. I understand not wanting to be taken over by the asymmetry, however, committing to NERFING playing with friends in an online game is oxymoronic and a way to speed run DBDs downfall.

  • Member Posts: 3,212

    MMR isn't getting fixed (the more we learn about it, the more we realize how screwed it is) and SWF sure isn't getting nerfed. That dream is just that. Solo might get buffed, but never to the point that SWF is at.

    But that's not a huge deal because no one is consistently facing strong SWFs most of the time. Or even half the time. Maybe during prime time on a Friday or Saturday night, but beyond that it's a mixed bag. The prevalence of strong SWFs (most SWFs aren't even good) isn't nearly high enough to warrant basing your entire approach to playing killer around them.

    There simply is no good justification for a killer to play full meta, 100% sweat all the time in public matches. None. More killers should cultivate the ability to assess the surv team's strength (or more accurately lack thereof) and adjust, imo.

    I am not a killer main anymore, but I think I must have a pretty high killer MMR, and I can usually discern in the first 60-90 seconds of a match whether sweat is still warranted or not. While I think a lot of players care too much about winning in this game, I wouldn't presume to tell people they shouldn't try their best. But honestly, if you realize the team you are facing is grossly overmatched, dialing it down a bit seems not only reasonable, but more fun.

    Winning is only fun if there actually a competition to be had. Unless of course a person is someone who gets their kicks from just demoralizing people who never really had a chance.

    At this point we all have to know that BHVR isn't going to use discretion on our behalf, it's up to the players to police themselves in this regard. We're on our own here.

    On the other hand, I play surv entirely on solo, and I don't die even close to 9/10 times, and I have a hard time that anyone actually does (given a large enough sample size), and occasionally getting stomped by a sweatlord Blight/Nurse just comes with the territory.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Wait, we don't need anti-tunnel perks? Has tunneling been fixed?

    Oh, wait, that's right. You have to run second chance perks if you want a chance to survive because one chance is not enough. Not the way these killers play.

  • Member Posts: 116

    You allow killers to play this way when you are not playing smart leaving bloodmarks across the entire map. If you sense someone is coming close hiding in a bush without having a white cosmetic blight outfit like the hag is going to leave you more likely to survive than if you running around. Always walk.

    Worst for killer is to see a progressed gen and noone there, They leave you go back working on it, You can use bond for example to see what the killers are chasing so you can be content with sitting on that gen with extreme heartbeat knowing they are running after your fellow friend that you hope gets replaced by a bot who is a savage at gens, you know that person who has all the second chance perks in his books, that guy.

  • Member Posts: 740

    No amount of balance will help solo because it's not really a balance issue or that killers are op. The problem with solo is that survivors go into a match with their own agenda. Could be to escape, could be get pallet stuns, could be do 10 totems... Could be a lot of different things. If the killer is after the win and just 1 survivor is doing a challenge or adept then it's going to be a tough match for all survivors.

    Similarly, solo players with their own agenda and objectives also means if they don't get the map or killer they want or if they feel the challenge won't be done easy they will just go next or just not bother. It's impossible to balance a game around killer v survivors when the survivors themselves are the ones that essentially throw the match by going next, not doing gens, not going for saves or unhooks. If the game is going to be balanced to give solo players a chance then all survivors need to be on the same page, all have swf advantages like coms, all have single goal in mind…escape. Then balance the game around that.

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