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Shoulder the burden

Member Posts: 229

I’m really surprised I don’t see this perk a lot. STB is one of if not the strongest perks in the game currently for survivor but it seems like once in a blue moon you see this perk in a match (unless it’s a swf, there’s usually 1-2 STB’s when I go against or play in a swf). I recently played around 10 or so games using STB with babysitter in solo queue and when I tell you in about 8 of those games we won single handedly because of STB. In the vast majority of solo queue games, there’s usually 2 players with 1 hook state, 1 survivor without any hooks and the last survivor with 2 hook states. Most killers almost always try to go for the survivor on death hook but with STB completely kills their pressure. This perk is the definition of game changing and I don’t know why it’s not meta. The expose should never be an issue if you have half a braincell, more than half the killers in the roster have an m2 that they primarily use during chases so you shouldn’t be going down to expose unless you’re in a bad area against an m1 killer but even then if you just wait for the killer to leave the area and get the stb unhook you should have plenty of time to make it somewhere safe to outlast the expose. Solo queue survivors if you’re seeing this, PLEASE run this perk in every match for like 10 games and I promise you that you’ll never want to take it off because of the pure strength this perk gives.

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  • Member Posts: 229

    Yea that’s 100% true. I hope that this health update includes seeing your teammates perks in the lobby so perks like deli, stb, babysitter, wicked, ds can shine better in solo q so teammates don’t rush to the hook knowing you have unhook related perks and so teammates don’t come to try and take a hit if you have ds or otr active. I swear the amount of awareness you can get from solo q with just the addition to see your teammates perks is so much that it’s just baffling it’s not in the game and we’re going on what 9 or 10 years rn.

  • Member Posts: 229
    edited February 23

    True, I do see more ds, DH and otr rather than perks like BT, STB, or even babysitter which is a disgustingly good anti tunnel perk that basically makes you invincible when looping tight enough and hard asl to track for 30 seconds after being unhooked. imo they should’ve buffed babysitter even more to 45 or even 60 seconds to really make it shine.

  • Member Posts: 950

    this perk can actually be very beneficial in soloQ too, but with people basically griefing soloQ matches quite often, you can't get any proper value out of it there

  • Member Posts: 2,134

    I'm pretty decent at looping and evading the killer. I usually have to end up getting the killer's attention and take a hook state to avoid someone else from getting eliminated. STB has been helpful to be able to use my ability to loop well to the teams advantage. If I can evade the killer, then I'm at less risk of being downed and eliminated while it saves the other survivors who are more likely to be downed some extra wiggle room in their hook states.

  • Member Posts: 2,033

    I am a selfish person when it comes to playing survivor.

    So, I would never use this perk, even if Meg got hooked twice within a span of a minute.

  • Member Posts: 513

    Same reason why other strong hook perks like deliverance and Camaraderie aren't that good, your teammates dont know you have them.

  • Member Posts: 125

    I really don't blame people. I love perks that help the rest of the team. Not too long ago I went through a period of running a healing build to help others but gave it up because it became pointless no one was working with me and I was getting rare value from it . I was excited for Shoulder the Burden and I ran it for a bit but it became another pointless perk most of the time.

    Besides always using Kindred the rest of the perks I run are more beatifical to me but I figure if they help me I can stick around longer in a match an hopefully help my team in other ways outside of perks.

  • Member Posts: 8,895

    Kindred is nice for both your teammates AND you. I was running Kindred+open handed for awhile and that aura reading was really nice.

  • Member Posts: 8,333

    As others have pointed out, it's an altruistic anti-tunnel perk, which I've personally found to be less popular even if they're all pretty damn good. Babysitter and Borrowed Time are nothing to sneeze at, but they're not as common as Off The Record or Decisive Strike because those perks add a little more guarantee to the value you'd get if the killer tunnels.

    Add onto that the downside of the Exposed that can put some people off, and I'm not too surprised it isn't popular.

    Plus, y'know, some people don't see tunnelling frequently enough to justify running any anti-tunnel perks. I'm in that group fairly commonly.

  • Member Posts: 2,928

    Shoulder the Burden's primary use is to get the user killed sooner in 99 cases out of 100, and in 98 of those cases the perk does ######### all because the person gets hooked again 20 seconds later, leaving the StB user with nothing.

    This perk is bad

  • Member Posts: 125

    Oh, yes 100%. I just didn't write that sentence very well.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    Shoulder the Burden is only really overpowered when multiple survivors are bringing it, to ensure the first 3-4 hooks are spread out on 3-4 different survivors.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Its actually the opposite. This perk is seen quite often and is one of thee worst perks in the game. Most people don't even use it right, but also its expose effect shouldn't exist. It makes farming impossible since thats like the only really good use for a perk like this, it essentially switches the place of your teammate to you.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Camaraderie now has the same visual effect as reassurance

    And Deliverance is insane regardless of solo queue or not

  • Member Posts: 2,093

    I personally don't see enough value in the perk. Aside from the people who completely misunderstand how it works and think "it removes a hook stage" entirely from the game, it's completely overrated. It's, at best, incredibly niche.

    Where exactly is the killer during this unhook?

    If the killer is near the hook (camping, proxying), then you're just making yourself exposed, trading a hook state for no reason. You shouldn't even activate the perk, although this is likely the most common scenario when the killer is intent on tunneling.

    If the killer is far enough away that it's safe to become exposed, what else are they doing? If they're in chase with another survivor, you don't need to use an anti tunnel perk here either.

    So the only time this would come into play is if the killer goes far enough away, doesn't get into another chase (I guess kicks a gen?) and comes immediately back to hook to tunnel.

    Then the killer has to also not have any idea that the only two perks that cause survivors to scream on unhook also expose the unhooker, and then further misplay into it by going after the injured unhooked survivor (presumably with endurance), instead of the instadown survivor who unhooked.

    I just find that scenario to be completely unrealistic.

  • Member Posts: 114

    There's also the worst scenario: You actually use the perk perfectly, but the teammate you saved throws away their extra hook stage or gives up anyway.

    The only thing more frustrating than a teammate giving up, is a teammate giving up after you make a big sacrifice to help them.

  • Member Posts: 950

    I personally don't see enough value in the perk. Aside from the people who completely misunderstand how it works and think "it removes a hook stage" entirely from the game, it's completely overrated. It's, at best, incredibly niche.

    this is extreme understatement of the perk lol.

    If the killer is near the hook (camping, proxying), then you're just making yourself exposed, trading a hook state for no reason. You shouldn't even activate the perk, although this is likely the most common scenario when the killer is intent on tunneling.

    you as a StB carrier are NOT gonna be the one trading a hook against a camping killer asap because first traded hook will definitely end up with killer already wasting enough time for some gens to pop, you will use it later in the match, or even let a survivor spend almost 2 whole hook stages on the hook to give your team a massive benefit before using StB (good synergy with Reassurance btw)

    If the killer is far enough away that it's safe to become exposed, what else are they doing? If they're in chase with another survivor, you don't need to use an anti tunnel perk here either.

    StB is not just an anti-tunneling perk, is anti-any kind of hooking that isn't pure 12 hooking by putting everyone on fresh hooks before going for 2nd hooks. It literally wastes killer time no matter if they tunnel or not.

    So the only time this would come into play is if the killer goes far enough away, doesn't get into another chase (I guess kicks a gen?) and comes immediately back to hook to tunnel.

    wrong. This perk comes into use in many cases, only case where it actually serves no use is when killer slugs really, really hard, but either way, you'd definitely not finish as a 4-men slug if you have at least some game skill.

  • Member Posts: 950

    tbh 40s Exposed + scream is way weak punishment for how strong this perk is, because let's be honest, even if killer engages into chase very soon after surv uses StB, timer will go off way before killer manages to land a basic attack onto StB carrier.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Most survivors go down in dead zones and corner maps, wasting everything up to where they die. STB is terrible in solo queue, but also not good in SWFs either. Like i said, you're essentially taking a killer progress on one survivor and giving it to yourself, especially if you run aura perks like floods of rage after the unhook, your gonna catch them way before that timer finishes. You can also completely counter the perk with proxy camping or hard camping during the last few seconds of a hook stage. Its a terrible perk, ehich has so many people like me confused why people use it

  • Member Posts: 576

    That and it's really strong in SWF.

    I have used it in solo-queue and got good value out of it and vice versa, but like you mentioned — chase builds are more versatile, causing them to be more seen more or anti-tunneling ones.

  • Member Posts: 576

    I like to use it with Calm Spirit to prevent the scream notification.

    But I don't know, when I play duo-queue (I made a friend with 3k + hours last night) and my games are far from selfish. They're very team oriented, similar to how when I solo-queue.

    I'm talking protection hits, people who know how to unhook, split up on gens when necessary, know how to loop, even know to get the door to c to prevent the killer from being aware it's being used.

    I never got the whole, "every man to themselves" as my randoms are quite selfless, not overly altruistic, but they make smart plays and are often nice to play for me as it does feel like I'm playing a SWF, when in reality I'm just playing with decent players who know how to help others and not just dip whenever.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I use it in soloQ and like it's extremely swingy. Most games it does nothing but in games where the killer actually tunnels it's game changing. I imagine most people don't wanna run a perk that only does something sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    It can be used after you're hooked once, if another survivor uses the perk on you to take away your hook state.

    And that is what the coordinated SWFs are doing, when multiple people bring the perk.

  • Member Posts: 950

    no meta perk is good in the hands of average survivor due to having an actual skill floor in terms of macro tbh,that's why you don't see perks like Deli, Reassurance, StB, Wicked etc. not really having that big pickrate and success rate in matches.

  • Member Posts: 721

    Another reason why killers slug, avoid dealing with perks like shoulder the burden that rely on hooks.

  • Member Posts: 721

    Some killers need to tunnel to win, especially against swf. It's a good anti tunnel perk if used right. So remove the tunnel tactic with the use of the perk and killers struggle, hence the slugging.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    Coordinated SWFs forcing the first 4 hooks to be on 4 different survivors, isn't zero value.

    The exposed effect isn't very meaningful against some killers, especially if the killer isn't heavily proxy camping.

  • Member Posts: 181

    It is a waste of a slot 90% of the time, doesn't protect the person you're unhooking at all and is a total detriment to yourself or your team considering you're able to be one shot and the unprotected survivor can be tunneled right after unless they pack a bunch of anti tunnel.


    You want to help team mates more tunnel wise? bring borrowed time, that stuff lasts twice the baseline anti tunnel solution, has no way to tell, works in end game and doesn't hurt yourself at all. Also gives a survivor like 88meters of distance too in that 20 seconds if they use it well mapping their unhook route.

    Or also making a for the people build. just instantly full heal the teammate off the hook so they're less worth chasing. still a detriment to yourself but health states are still an infinite resource and you can remedy this with stuff like dead hard.

  • Member Posts: 4,700

    The thing you are talking about though, using StB in order to remove someone else's first hook for the purpose of letting them use -their- StB has no value at all.

  • Member Posts: 411

    I don’t have the perk unlocked since I didn’t buy taurie

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    Some coordinated SWFs are using STB on people with one hook state. They aren't doing this specifically so the 1st person can use STB. But if the killer chases after the 2nd person instead, or otherwise doesn't tunnel the 1st person, then the 1st person can use STB on someone else.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    Being able to delay the 1st kill, from 3 hooks to 6 hooks, is huge value.

    1. Survivor A has 1 hook state
    2. Survivor B uses STB on Survivor A
    3. The killer hooks Survivor B.
    4. Survivor A now has 0 hook states, and Survivor B now has 2 hook states.
    5. Survivor A uses STB on Survivor B.
    6. Survivor A and Survivor B now each have 1 hook state.

    And the reason why Survivor B used STB on Survivor A, is in case the killer wanted to tunnel Survivor A, because this gives more margin of error than waiting for survivor A to have 2 hook states.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    No. The idea is that multiple STBs work as a flowchart, to force the first 4 hooks to be on 4 different survivors.

    The survivors don't know beforehand if the killer will tunnel survivor A or chase after survivor B. So they use STB on first hook states, to make the flowchart easier. There's also a possibility that the killer didn't tunnel survivor A in this scenario, specifically because they were using STB.

    There's also a possibility the killer will just try to tunnel out survivor B, now that they know the survivor team has STB, at which point, the last 1 or 2 STBs will be used on survivor B, to further spread out the hook states.

  • Member Posts: 4,700

    But if the killer tunnels survivor A, there's no reason for B to give up their StB early, before the killer can do so. And if the killer switches targets, and A StB's B, then there's now two StBs down without the killer having done any tunnelling yet, and as @AmpersandUnderscore said, you'd have gotten two hookstates out of two hooks, identical to normal play. Just with two expose effects firing.

    I think you're too deep into the theoretical here, because none of what you're describing is of any value. The ONLY value StB has is if one survivor has two hook states and the StB user has none. Any other situation is just shuffling hook states around for the fun of it.

  • Member Posts: 4,184

    I’m describing stuff that happens in my games.

    Regardless of what the actual thought process is, coordinated SWFs are actually using STB on first hook states, and they are succeeding in spreading out the first 3 to 4 hooks.

    Maybe Survivor A is the best in chase, so the originally plan was to use all the STBs on them, but after the killer hooked Survivor B, Survivor A used STB to encourage the killer to tunnel them instead.

    Because that absolutely is a thing too. Some teams clearly have 1 or 2 survivors with chase builds, that are always trying to aggressively bodyblock, or otherwise get the killer to chase them, so the other survivors can use their generator perks.

  • Member Posts: 10,352

    It's a perk designed for SWF to bully the killer with. Solos will just run up to hook with more than half the meter left, blindsiding the person who had STB, and probably costing them their use of it. They do the same thing in regards to We'll Make It, Deliverance, BT, Babysitter, etc. The game is made for SWF and their info.

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