New Killer Idea - The Spaceman

The Spaceman would look like a normal Astronaut without any tiers, and would something look like this with Tier 3:
Movement Speed: 104%
Terror radius: 32 meters
Height: Medium
Weapon: Broken Pipe
Killer Power: Zero Gravity
The Spaceman can utilize the cosmic energy surrounding him.
Pressing Mouse 2 will charge a Leap. Pressing Mouse 1 at any time during the charge will launch you into the air, and you will slowly fall back down to the ground, and moving at 115%. While you are in the air, bypass Pallets, Windows, and low Walls (like the walls on Mount Ormond or the Asylum maps). During this time, you can press Mouse 1 to perform a devastating slam attack. If you are within 2 meters of a Survivor, they are put into the Injured state. If they were already Injured, then they are put into the Dying state. You can use this power to instantly break Pallets. If you are indoors, once you do Leap and hit the ceiling, you will move immediately start moving horizontally rather than vertically. This ability comes with a 15 second cooldown, and 10 seconds if you don't slam.
Special Ability: Insanity
The Spaceman can cause Survivors to become Insane. Insanity comes in 3 Tiers, and starts at 0 Tiers. Insanity will increase in 3 ways. Passively, at 1% per second, hitting a Survivor, which will increase their Insanity by 10%, and failing Skill Checks, which increases Insanity by 5%. Each failed Skill Check will increase Insanity by another 5%, maxing out at 25% per failed Skill Check.
Tier I:
The Spaceman will start to twitch slightly to the affected Survivor. His visor also becomes slightly cracked. Survivors' field of view will be reduced by 10% permanently unless Insanity is removed. Skill Checks become 5% more frequent.
Tier 2:
The Spaceman will twitch a bit more frequently, and his visor will be even more damaged. Hallucinations will begin to appear for the affected Survivor alone. They will constantly look at the Survivor, and will occasionally move out of line of sight and disappear. Randomly, they will pop out of nowhere and jumpscare the affected Survivor. Their field of view decreases to 15% permanently unless Insanity has been removed.
Tier 3:
The Spaceman will twitch much more frequently and his visor will be half destroyed, revealing a skull underneath. The affected Survivor will become Oblivious to the Spaceman, with the Red Stain randomly switching to other Hallucinations. The Survivors' heartbeat will also randomly switch on and off, disorienting them. Every 30 seconds, the Survivor will have to navigate in total darkness, having a cooldown of 30 seconds. The darkness comes in very slowly, as to warn the Survivor. Hallucinations will become more frequent, and occasionally one of these will become aggressive. During this time, the Hallucination will have a terror radius and red stain only the Survivor that is affected can hear. If the Survivor is hit by this Hallucination, they will become Exposed and Killer Instinct will activate for 10 seconds. Survivors can get rid of this Hallucination by Pallet stunning them. Once the Hallucination hits a Survivor it cannot come back for 40 seconds, or gets destroyed, it cannot come back for another 30 seconds, where it will once again show up randomly. The aggressive hallucination stays for 20 seconds until it gets a hit, gets destroyed, or despawns.
Special Item: Lobotomy Pick
Once a Health Kit is fully depleted, it will drop onto the ground, and a Lobotomy Pick will be in your hand. This Lobotomy Pick is useful in getting rid of Insanity. You can use this to help another Survivor out or use it on yourself. When used, you will scream and reveal your location for 4 seconds, and lose a health state. If already Injured, you will go into the Hemorrhage status effect. You will not lose a health state permanently if used. After 25 seconds, Insanity will go back to being passively gained.
Spatial Awareness:
Your senses allow you to track down anyone, anywhere.
Whenever a Survivor fails any Skill Check, their Aura will be revealed for 5 seconds.
Spatial Awareness has a cooldown of 25 seconds.
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the Universe exist."
Cosmic Touch:
Your touch can distort the very reality around you.
After injuring a Survivor, gain 1 Token, up to a maximum of 3 Tokens. Once 3 Tokens are acquired, 1 of 2 effects can happen depending on your next action. Kicking a Generator will instantly result in 15% regression, with the Entity blocking it for 20 seconds. Injuring a Survivor will cause them to become Exhausted and Oblivious for 20 seconds. Either of these actions will immediately consume all Tokens.
"Do not go gentle into that good night."
Dark Matter:
Your infusion with Dark Matter has made you otherwordly.
After hooking your Obsession, transfer your terror radius to the nearest Generator for 15 seconds and become Undetectable.
After hooking your Obsession, gain 2 Tokens, up to 6 Tokens. Each Token reduces your terror radius by 3%. Getting stunned in any way will remove 1 Token.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."
Other -
Weapon: I originally thought of a drill, but thought a broken pipe from the spaceship would work much better.
Animations: While walking, depending on what Insanity Tier you are in, he will make an afterimage similar to Sadako. As for his Mori, he would use telekinesis to bring the Survivor to his hand, spawn a Black Hole behind the Survivor, and their skin will rip off and go into the Black Hole. he eventually releases the skeleton of the Survivor into the Black Hole as well. His picking up and hooking animations use telekinesis similar to Sadako.
Sound effects: Someone suggested to me on Reddit where I posted my original idea that the Spaceman could have voice lines, but they sound like distorted radio chatter. I thought maybe that this could apply to Hallucinations randomly as well.
As for appearance: The Spaceman will be the only one having the cracks/skull. Hallucinations will not. I was also thinking if the game engine could handle it, maybe a galaxy type thing could be constantly reflected in his visor, and move around with him.
This concept is cool and thought out, but I don't get the insanity part of the power. It doesn't quite make sense for a spaceman that can control cosmic energy to make hallucinations. It make more sense if he could do something like make mini black hole traps or create force fields that cut off survivors.
You could do a meter for survivors that when filled would allow the spaceman to attack a after image of a survivor as if bending time to attack the past self of a survivor.
The concept is still cool, i just feel like we have too many characters involved with hallucinations.
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I was originally thinking of black holes but thought it could be too powerful? Plus I wanted it to be a psychological/cosmic horror type character, but the time bending thing sounds pretty cool