My Myers Rework Idea

I know Myers got a small rework a few months ago, but I feel he needs a full on rework. This is my idea of a full on rework for him.
First of all, Evil Within. Myers now has the ability to switch between Evil Within 1 and 2 when he gets to Tier 2.
Tier 1 still has all the same stats, except he has a faster successful hit cooldown
Tier 2 is the exact same
Tier 3 has the faster vault speed and lunge range, but he can break pallets and walls and damage generators 10% faster
I would also keep the limited stalk and get rid of the current Tuft of Hair and Tombstone addon effects. Here's why: Once a Survivor is fully stalked, Myers has the ability to mori them. They have to be downed for this to work. Once all 4 Survivors have been fully stalked, Myers gains infinite Tier 3, and can mori them while they're standing. If 1 Survivor was killed on hook and 3 have been fully stalked, then Myers immediately goes into Tier 3 and has the ability to immediately kill someone. This effect is the same for 2 dead on hook and 3 dead on hook.
How I would change Tombstone and Tuft: Tombstone gets reworked to instead give you undetectability whenever you put the Obsession into the Dying State. This effect lasts until Tier 3 is over (it still has the same debuffs of the original Tombstone addons). Tuft now gives haste and makes Tier 3 last longer than the other addons that make Tier 3 longer (same debuffs as original Tuft).
Idk about this part though:
Myers has a new ability: Disappearing Act
Disappearing Act has a cooldown of 20 seconds and works like this:
Myers has the ability to teleport to any window or broken pallet (better start breaking more pallets as him so you get more teleport potential), but he cannot be in chase and cannot be seen to be able to do so.
I was thinking of how Myers seems to just vanish when line of sight is broken on him, and thought that could be a cool ability to give him some map pressure.
I would also give him some visual and animation changes (if Behaviour was allowed of course):
His walk no longer looks like a level 100 crook boss (more straight and rigid, no more hands swaying)
He looks closer to the original source material
He gets more cosmetics (Halloween 2018, Kills, H4 Bandaged Mask, any others y'all can think of)
For his pallet breaking, I'd have him bring his knife up and slam it into the pallet, breaking it
For his wall breaking I imagine it would be him walking through it (H2 reference)
For his successful hit cooldown, he no longer stares at the knife and just brings it back down, similar to Unknown
For the moris, if he's killing one person who was fully stalked, the person on the ground goes onto their back, looks up, and Myers tilts his head and stomps their head in. If every person is fully stalked, it's the same as a normal Tombstone kill.
Hope you all enjoy this rework idea.
I think the teleporting ability should be saved incase jason ever gets put into the game. Otherwise, not bad idea
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I mean they both teleport, plus Myers is already in the game. Jason, due to licensing, probably will never make it.
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Never say never. Especially now that the licensing was resolved, BHVR can actually try to make a deal with the license owner, unlike before.
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I guess, but still Myers did the whole teleporting act before Jason