Killer Concept - The Maiden
Legends begin in the hush of childhood dares and age-old rituals. In dim basements, children would huddle together with only a flickering candle for light, daring one another to chant into a darkened mirror - half in jest, half in fearful anticipation. In another time, hopeful maidens would peer into their looking glasses at midnight, seeking a glimpse of their future lover’s face. Countless whispered superstitions and playful pranks stem from humanity’s innate fascination with that which cannot be known. Yet here in that liminal space somewhere between nightmares and reality exists a palpable dread that has haunted humanity since it first began to wonder of what lies in the dark.
You must be careful when you fix your gaze on the dark. The dark might fix its gaze on you.
It is in the faint light of beckoning mirrors that the pale face of The Maiden appears.
Marie Leroux - The Maiden
Alias: Bloody Mary
Once a tormented soul silenced by betrayal and sorrow, The Maiden now wanders the forsaken grounds of The Fog, marking her arrival with the ghostly echo of whispering laments. Survivors must navigate a world abandoned of all semblance of safety as she pursues them relentlessly. Vengeful and desperate, the very act of looking into a mirror will, without a doubt, invoke her wrath. Her power enables her to ignore obstacles in her path while haunting those who would dare tempt fate.
Physical Description: The Maiden is a ghostly apparition adorned in the wedding gown she was terrorized in. She walks with a deliberate, almost floating, gait.
Terror Radius: 24 meters
Movement Speed: 4.4m/s
The Maiden’s hand lashes out with a combination of anguish and rage, flashing like a shattered mirror where she strikes.
Power: Through the Veil
The Maiden can activate Through the Veil at any time by holding the Power button. Doing so grants her the ability to traverse through any object, while also slowing her movement to 3.85m/s by default. While Through the Veil is active, The Maiden cannot use Basic attacks, becomes Undetectable, and gains a whimpering, murmuring lullaby. The closer she is to a survivor, the more pronounced the ghostly moaning becomes. When it is initially activated it will make the sound of a quiet, low, glassy hum, like rubbing the rim of a crystal glass. When releasing the power button, The Maiden will immediately become tangible but recover her speed over the course of a couple seconds. During this time she cannot use any form of attack. The Maiden cannot gain bloodlust while Through the Veil is in use.
Lullaby Radius: 16 meters
Initial Hum Alert: 40 meters
Special Attack: Grasp
While Through the Veil is active, pressing the Attack button will cause The Maiden to reach her hand out in front of her for several seconds. Survivors making contact with Grasp will become severely Hindered for 10 seconds and become Exhausted for 10 seconds. If the hit survivor is the Obsession, they will also lose a health state.
Special Prop: Mirror
Mirrors spawn randomly throughout the environment. They are covered at the start of the Trial, but are uncovered automatically after 60 seconds. They become shattered after a survivor uses the Summon Bloody Mary interaction, or after the Exit Gates are powered. Shattered Mirrors remain in that state for the remainder of the Trial. Please see add-ons for Mirror effects. Mirror auras are only visible to survivors while they are intact and uncovered.
Special Interaction: Summon Bloody Mary
Survivors can walk up to any intact Mirror and Summon Bloody Mary. Doing so will cause the Survivor to walk up and gaze into it, during which it will begin to show the distorted, unnatural reflection of The Maiden. Any survivor completing an interaction with the Mirror will become the Obsession. After a moment the survivor will cease interacting with the mirror and shortly after that The Maiden will be forced to teleport to that survivor’s location. As she walks out of the Mirror, it shatters loudly announcing to the other survivors that she has been summoned to that location. All other intact mirrors will become covered for 75 seconds. A survivor cannot use the Summon Bloody Mary interaction while a Mirror is covered or on a Mirror that has already been shattered.
Add-Ons for Through the Veil:
- Tarnished Frame: Increases the amount of time it takes for a survivor to complete the Summon Bloody Mary interaction.
- Bloodied Rope: After using Through the Veil to phase through an object, your next successful or missed basic attack cooldown is reduced by 15% within 10 seconds.
- Dusty Pocket Mirror: Decreases the time it takes for Mirrors to become uncovered after being covered by 8 seconds.
- Torn Cloth: Marginally increases the rate at which your speed recovers when leaving Through The Veil.
- Grimy Hairpin: Survivors within 16 meters of an intact, uncovered Mirror suffer from the Blindness status effect.
- Polished Locket: Decreases the amount of time it takes for The Maiden to teleport when a survivor completes the Summon Bloody Mary interaction.
- Dirty Bridal Glove: Your movement speed is increased by 5% while using Grasp, but you are forced out of Through the Veil after its completion and your recovery speed when leaving Through the Veil is slowed significantly.
- Jagged Hammer: When a survivor within 8 meters of a Mirror performs a Rushed action, they scream and reveal their location for 2 seconds.
- Smudged Handprint: Survivors within 12 meters of an intact, uncovered Mirror have a random chance to intermittently hear a false Terror Radius.
- Bloodied Bridal Glove: When Grasp makes contact with a survivor other than the Obsession, that survivor becomes the Obsession and loses a health state.
- Terrifying Reflection: Survivors suffer from a -5% Hindered status effect while within 12 meters of an intact and uncovered Mirror. This effect lingers for 5 seconds after leaving the effect radius, but will stop immediately if Mirrors become covered.
- Hopeless Reflection: Reduces the repair speed of survivors within 16 meters of an intact, uncovered Mirror by 20%.
- Empty Mirror: Survivors within 24 meters of a shattered mirror suffer from the Broken status effect. You can no longer see the auras of your Mirrors.
- Shrouded Portrait: When a survivor completes the Summon Bloody Mary interaction, all other survivors suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30 seconds. The survivor which completed the interaction is not affected.
Very Rare:
- Blackened Looking Glass: Survivors within 12 meters of an intact, uncovered mirror suffer from the Oblivious status effect.
- Bloodied Bridal Veil: You are Undetectable and your Terror Radius is replaced by your lullaby for the duration of the trial at a radius of 24 meters. This effect is disabled while Mirrors are covered.
- Shattered Vanity: Any Healthy survivor that completes the Summon Bloody Mary interaction loses a health state and is inflicted with Deep Wound. Any injured survivor that completes the Summon Bloody Mary interaction is inflicted with Deep Wound. Increases the time it takes for The Maiden to appear after being summoned.
- Wedding Band: Reveals the Aura of the Obsession to you for 10 seconds every 30 seconds. Reveals your Aura to the Obsession for 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
Ultra Rare:
- Iridescent Hand Mirror: Mirrors can no longer be used to Summon Bloody Mary. Survivors within 12 meters of any mirror are revealed to you while using Through the Veil.
- Liquid Reflection: Grasp no longer causes the Obsession to lose a health state. Increases movement speed while using Through the Veil to 4.0m/s. Mirrors no longer shatter after being used to Summon Bloody Mary.
Something Looks Back: When a chased survivor breaks line of sight with the killer they gain the Oblivious status effect for 2/4/6 seconds.
Shattered Resolve: When any survivor begins a healing or repairing action, they are faced with a semi-difficult skill check. Survivors who fail the skill check will become Exhausted for 20/25/30 seconds and have their aura revealed to the killer for 4/6/8 seconds.
Hex: Twisted Reflection: Whenever a chase is initiated with a survivor suffering from a Status Effect, Hex: Twisted Reflection applies a token to that survivor. An additional token is granted for every additional Status Effect active on the survivor at the beginning of the chase. There is a 25 second cooldown on applying tokens to any given survivor. When the final generator is completed, if a given survivor has accumulated 10 tokens, they gain the following effects.
- That survivor will gain the Cursed status effect.
- The exit gate locations will not be revealed to that survivor.
- That survivor will scream and reveal their location to the killer.
- That survivor will perceive a Terror Radius as though you were constantly chasing them.
- That survivor will intermittently and frequently see illusions of the killer walking towards them.
- All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.
I spent all day on this and am super happy with how it turned out! I really enjoyed the creative process from a game design standpoint and will probably do more of these in the future. If you made it this far thank you. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments!
It would appear I didn't include any rank stuff for Hex: Twisted Reflection. I assume it would just be the cooldown on applying tokens, so let's just say 45/35/25 for that!
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This is a cool concept, i would love to be able to go through walls and scare survivors without having a fatigue animation like nurse.
The mirrors are a nice touch, but i dont see a reason to break them as a survivor. I would understand if it was a teleport for the maiden, similar to that of sadako and tvs, but there is not a lot to gain for breaking them.
Neat idea, i just don't understand the mirrors.
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The motivation for breaking the mirrors is to prevent the other substantial detrimental effects that the mirrors can have as a result of the add-ons, such as her being permanently Undetectable or survivors suffering from Hindered. Additionally, they can be used to force The Maiden out of a chase with a survivor, or pull her away from an objective that needs to be completed. I’m glad you liked the idea!
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Thanks for making that clear. I personally would probably break the mirrors to save a injured survivor during chase... just to be downed myself.
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Lol I feel that. She is reminiscent of Pinhead in that regard, if I get the box then I'm prolly just dead