Stop running Lethal Persuer and going after the afk person then slugging them when they try to go next !!!!!! you are the problem i was taking a ######### !!!!!!
Don't go AFK after hitting the Ready Up button?
16 -
Why are you playing the game then if you are afk. Screws over the game for both the killer and your teammates
11 -
????? I went to the loo be for real
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Go to the loo before queueing up. Problem solved.
10 -
omfg I went to the toilet
-7 -
they could have just hook farmed you. Would you prefer that? How would you like for things to play out if you take a break in the middle of the match and leave your character idle?
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y'all are missing the point on purpose atp. kill me when im afk i get that do as u please, but slugging me for trying to go onto my next game after you made the dick move choice to go for the afk person whilst running lethal persuer…. not cool
-8 -
Fun fact: you can unready so you won't go into a match while you're doing your business.
5 -
yes. hook farm me and let me go onto my next game rather than slugging me for accidentally not being here in the first 10 seconds of the match
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why don’t you want to play after you get back? If you were only gone for like 10 seconds why wouldn’t you prefer to be slugged instead of farmed? Your teammates can get you up and at least try to salvage the time you weren’t an active participant that cost the team.
1 -
I did want to play but not after the killer running lethal persuer runs straight towards me bc he can noticably see im not at my monitor. I have thousands of hours bwo i know if a game is worth playing out based on how the start of the match is. if the killer didnt have lethal and i came back unscathed i would've carried on playing, but bc they made the dick choice to target the only afk person in the first 10 seconds of the match for an easy game i went to find my next game and the killer felt the need to slug me and bleed me out, as if they arent the reason im trying to go next.
-3 -
Handicapping 3 other players through irresponsibility is totally fine tho, fr fr.
6 -
Thousands of hours and can't find the unready button. Wild…
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Thousands of hours or one hour you’re coming across kind of like an entitled child. Idk take a lap or something. You could have just left match but you seem like the type that wouldn’t even want to leave your teammates with a bot and prefer to be useless instead and bring everyone else down with you.
4 -
I. went. to. the. toilet.
-4 -
yall are capping if u say u dont go to the toilet whilst ur waiting for a match. nobody just sits there in lobby staring at the wait screen xd befr
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you’re complaining about being afk in a pvp game and coming back to being slugged. Mad they didn’t let you go next and turn it into a 3v1 via hook farming. I mean what do you expect to gain from this post truthfully?
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its a PSA. chicken
-3 -
I mean I think everyone has had those times where they need to use the washroom and forget to not que up and suddenly you hear a scream and see your character on hook. But you can't blame the killer it's an easy hook and I mean their probably slugging you because their either A. Wanting to give you a chance to play or B. Punishment for trying to go next since they don't want your team screwed over because someone wanted to go next.
I've ending up on hook because I needed the washroom and I stilled played the match. But also lethal I feel like has nothing to do with this yeah he saw you weren't moving plus it's just common sense to go after a person who isn't moving or the closet person. So as a lethal user if your not going to move at the very start I'll go to you since I know your not covering as much ground.
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I mean I play out my matches even if I think they’re going to end badly so who’s the real chicken? Thanks for PSA, could have just made a post about how you think lethal is OP though.
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if it makes you feel better I wouldve of done the same without Lethal Pursuer
7 -
chicken wasn't an insult i was just calling you chicken, thats what we do up north but also no this isnt about how OP lethal is, im just asking that people who do run lethal persuer dont go straight for the person who isnt here at the start of the match AND THEN slug them when they try to go next. that is all, and i have people like you calling me entitled lol for not wanting to be slugged after a killer made the choice to go for the person who isnt moving at the start of the game. i guess yeah thats on me for not being here but to SLUG me after you made the decision to down me and hook me when you're running lethal persuer KNOWING I was afk, just not cool and you should expect whoever it is in my situation to go next… instead of slugging them bc you want to punish them for trying to go next, even though them going next is a result of you targeting them with lethal when they were afk lmao
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You don't need Lethal when the crows start circling above them. Maybe, don't make it a 3v1 from the start?
Besides, leaving the AFK injured or slugged is a mercy.
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With some luck, if the anti go next measures they bringing in work, you could end up with a lengthy DC penalty if the killer just killed you so you can go next. You would have all the time in the world to take a **** then lol.
0 -
Did you know that with birds everything comes out the same end?
Cool. Cool cool cool.
2 -
Sorry to hear that you got slugged whilst taking a dump.
Get well soon.
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The person who goes AFK and then ragequits is the victim and not the problem here? That’s quite a hot take…
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It's pretty lame to immediately down someone who is clearly AFK at the start. Things happen. Pets, kids, phone calls, SOs, etc. It's not hard to at least let the person get crows before you down them.
-5 -
Don't ready up when you gotta go to the loo.
Priorities man! Loo first then queue up! Say that over and over and it'll be a nice catchline for you to have the next time you load up and get Lethal Pursuered and it be genuine next time. ❤️🤗
2 -
Firsthand experience of the "it's everyone's fault except for my own" mindset right here.
You should really take care of your business before readying up.2 -
As a lethal enjoyer myself, just no.
Someone has already made the game a basically free win by being 3v1 at the start, and if I go after anyone else in the match it's basically just salt in the wound.
I might as well actively punish the person for being afk, instead of further punishing their team. And I'm basically still guaranteed to win.
I had this happen when I ran a backpack build a while back, though. That was super fun (for me) with a nearly permanent backpack.