March 2025 Roadmap

From DBD's Twitter, didn't see it posted here anywhere here so I figured I'd post it. Seems like Blood Moon is postponed until april.
So, Blood Moon isn't tied to a certain date and can be moved to any time of year.
So why did we discontinue the Lunar New Year event?
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Oh nice, Chaos Shuffle's coming back, I love that mode
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I feel like Blood Moon was meant to be this month - probably 2nd week of march, after PTB dropped late Feb - but was included in them pushing everything back by 3 weeks
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I'm away on holiday from the 15th to the 29th. I'll probably bring my PS Portal but DBDs performance isn't the best on it so I'll likely only get a couple of days of Chaos Shuffle when i get home. It's my favourite mode so that's a bit of a downer but on the plus side I'll be around for the Blood Moon event, so I'm okay with it being pushed back lol