Why can't people say GG and move on?

Like, I don't understand the concept or the goal here
Join us on console, no chat to worry about! 😁
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Extra points if they died because of an avoidable mistake.
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Honestly I do not understand why should anybody say GG without a reason. GG means Good Game. If it is not, then why say it anybody?
But yeah, that mate has some problems…
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Whether you win or lose, it's a good game when people do their best on both side without being toxic. But now that I say it it's kinda rare when both side aren't toxic.
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A good game is what I enjoyed. Beeing slugged for 4k, tunneled out, playing against a sabosquad and such things are usually not a funny, enjoyable game even if both side do their best.
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The part about not being toxic was an important part of my message
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To be fair, you did string him along. But chats like this are not uncommon.
I only ever get really good feedback, really bad feedback or no feedback at all. There's no in between.Also used to screenshot the most hilarious ones but at some point I gave up on it.
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Lotta missed chat opportunities here
"better hope im not the pig kid"
"Why? You afraid im gonna make some bacon"3 -
Same reason I decide to play my ps5 dbd over my pc one and because I have my psn setting to friends only can message me, I do not have to deal with people like that, chefs kiss for annon mode too to avoid being stream sniped lol.
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Some people are just terrible human beings. It’s as simple as that. There’s no point in trying to understand it.
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Especially around these parts and DBD in general. Something about this seems to attract even more cracked up, delusional and downright mentally ill people than any other game.
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Those of us on Xbox cannot even use their Anonymous Mode
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I just hope they remove chat completely because there’s zero reason for it unless it’s for toxicity. You don’t need to tell someone else anything. The game is a survival game you didn’t get a kill or survive that’s on you, if you feel like someone is cheating use the report feature given to you. Since the chat isn’t even accessible while you play it shouldn’t even exist in lobby. Probably the most useless feature ever that promotes toxicity. Luckily, I am a console player so any pc players leaving toxic comments I won’t see lol. Oh well
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Devious name. I cannot believe you did not censor yours as well XD
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GG WP is classic BM
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For me, I don't say "GG" unless it was genuinely a good game. meaning both sides had fun, played well, and there was no poor behavior involved such as bully squads or hard tunneling. If the game was played where everyone was allowed to have fun (SUPER rare in dbd), then i will accept a "GG". But usually when I get a GG in this game its from the problematic player and they're being facetious.
That being said if I felt it was genuinely a "GG" im gonna have words to say beyond two letters. Im gonna compliment and talk to them, have an actual convo with them.
"GG" just feels lazy and as though it is expected or required. Making it not feel genuine and is there out of culturally forced "politeness".
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I mean if you don't wanna say gg don't say gg as long as you're not doing the same as them lmao
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Same reason that opposing teams shake hands after a football game. Its good sportsmanship.
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I feel the same way. Some people want to add voice chat, but I don't even want an end game text chat feature. I usually keep mine permanently closed. The tiny number of wholesome interactions I've had just aren't worth the exposure to all those who are salty for whatever reason or to the sore winners that feel a need to leave a "GG EZ".
Personally, I think there should only be chat functionality for players who are friends with each other.
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Id like to imagine that some people still talk smack in Post-Game Chat but like, they are yelling at a brick wall since the other person is just on Console, and they see none of it. Probably the funniest thing ever.
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I usually end all my matches with a simple smile :)
Some people take that as a GG some people take it as I'm gloating in some way.
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Youre just flaming yourself here. lol
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People are people and sometimes people suck. In the future, it's best not to spend your time arguing with them in post game. I would take your own advice, and just say GG and leave.
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The loser has to say GG first. If the loser dont say GG just move on.
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Cuz misery loves company.
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I love when random survivors say "enjoy your ban" lmao.
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They want a reaction out of you to prop up their meaningless existences with the knowledge that you remember them, even if you do so negatively.
Just say GG after the match and go next, don't let these people win by making them remotely relevant through posts like this.
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Imagine what kind of rancid verbal waste he'd have been spewing in the endgame chat if he had won.
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This is something I've been talking about for a while. Objectively, DbD would benefit from players having as few ways to interact with each other as possible.
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If you have nothing nice to say, then just don't say anything.
Also I recently decided to just close the in-game chat window entirely and immediately click Continue after a match when the option becomes available, without so much as casting a glance at my opponent's builds (whether they are the Survivors or the Killer). Out of sight, out of mind. Doesn't matter how the match went, whether I got absolutely destroyed or did the destroying, or anything in between.
For me the match ends there and I will just focus on the next one.1 -
And you keep feeding him? Happy consoles don't have a chat. It should be taken off from PC also.
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Survivor mains are so entitled and miserable this person is probably someone who is single and have never received any positive affirmations about their life.
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Big tip click/press the continue button its at the bottom right of the screen
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Some people just need to point the finger. Half of these gnarly postgame exchanges are fueled by people trying to convince themselves that they're not the ones who screwed up. The other half are just childish venting.
And I have no problem with a cursory GG, but I also feel like saying GG after you just thrashed someone(s) feels…patronizing.
Now many postgames are wholesome, but years ago I made the decision to just wall myself off from all postgame chat/messaging, and that may be the best decision I have made regarding DBD.
Post edited by Thusly_Boned on3 -
Console doesnt have to worry about such things... but if I could, I'm more of a fan of say nothing personally.
- Doesn't risk riling anyone up
- Doesn't start any arguments
- Doesn't take any bait
- Doesn't risk myself having a bad day and saying something curt or provocative
- No risk of being banned
Plus I always felt like saying "GG" from the winning position, especially when emotions are running high, is just asking for trouble.
- At best the reaction will be in kind.
- The average will be a begrudged/cold acceptance/response.
- The worst case you will be interpretted with this kind of energy:
Better when winning to stay quiet in my opinion unless someone offers you a GG first.
Post edited by UndeddJester on1 -
I wonder how many people curse me out while I'm on Xbox to be honest I just want to say gg regardless
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Same, on PS5
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So the moral is, whether you win or lose, whether you’re nice or not, the abuse will still come no matter what. It sounds like a zombie apocalypse.
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I play mainly on PS5 (occasionally on PC), and after lots of salty messages I set my messaging to friends only. Now at least a couple times a week someone from a match I just played will send me a friend request, ostensibly so they can message me. Experience tells me one of the three things is the case:
- They have some beef and desperately need me to hear how I wronged them (somehow) or how bad I am at DBD
- They really want to say GG
- They want to have a wholesome exchange or be my friend
Now #2 or #3 would be nice, but my strong feeling is that 90% of the time it's #1. Again, experience. And you are probably feeling something if you're going to go through the trouble of a friend request just so you can send a message.
And I ignore them all. And sometimes I feel bad because maybe that person was just looking for a friendly connection. But it really is just better that way, if for my own mental health, if nothing else (so if any other PS players here send me a request, don't take it personally if I don't accept, lol).
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Win or Lose I always say GG
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Sure, not saying it's wrong, and is your prerogative to do so, but I bet you get the occasional "BG" or "no not a GG" response, don't you? 😏
The reason is because you're communicating in text, therefore people don't have the ability to read your facial expressions or body language, so when they're frustrated at how the game has gone, they will, occasionally, read your "GG" as being a snide and arrogant comment as I've described above.
It's easy to write them off as just a baby or a rage head, and to be fair, decent chance you're right… but even the best of us get riled up from time to time, and when you're already raging, it's quite difficult to not get the wrong idea and bite someone's head off when they "GG" a clearly one sided game…
So you do you man, but that is the risk you take ^^
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Yeah, but I'd never get mad another player even if tbagged because I know they are just trying to have fun so hopefully I can get the message across as a good thing somehow when I say gg
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It is the reality of things isn’t it? It’s too bad really. I’ve gotten some of those “friend requests” too so I get it.