What killer do you hate going against the most..

esn23 Member Posts: 56
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Basically what the topic says.. What killer do you hate going against the most, that makes you just want to rage quit.. For me hands down it's the pig.. I feel she has too many moves she can stealth, she can do a bison lunge and don't get me started on those stupid traps and with the right perks and addons she is a nightmare.. I hate the pig i wish she was deleted from the game.. I would rather go against any other killer lol..


  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258


  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    A good nurse. The ones that are good with her will slug everyone before you can even get a gen done. Broken add-ons+whispers = you cannot run from her. Everyone else is tolerable, but she is not fun to play against (and this is coming from a killer main).

  • TangledHelix
    TangledHelix Member Posts: 89
    Used to be doctor but now it's leatherface. Too many basement builds *shudders*
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @popoles said:
    I hate Freddy. He is weak, I can loop hook for days and he has such a boring ability.

    Basically, all you do is:
    1. Repair a Gen
    2. Hear La La La
    3. Run to the nearest pallete
    4. Whack him with the pallete and loop him
    5. Manage to lose him
    6. He sees you thanks to the aura vision
    7. Rinse and repeat

    I hate him so much.

    Basically, all you do against a normal killer (not nurse) is:
    1. Repair a Gen
    2. Hear your hearth go crazy
    3. Run to the nearest pallete
    4. Whack him with the pallete and loop him
    5. Manage to lose him
    6. He sees you thanks to an aura perk
    7. Rinse and repeat

  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247

    I hate the stupid Hag. With Trapper, you can at least avoid high grass and typical trap areas. With Hag, you have to urban evade everywhere, and that's IF you have the perk, which I don't always do. Hags ALWAYS seem to run ruin, and added to crouching everywhere, she can delay gens for a while.

    Honorable mention goes to stupid Doctor, as well. Just not a playstyle that's fun to play against.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Especially Doctors that always seems to have Jigsaw piece offerings.


  • rollerskate
    rollerskate Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2018

    personally, i absolutely despise trappers. they make me have to play paranoid as fu ck like.. you look at a pallette, & its untrapped, turn around & you see the trapper coming for you

    immediately turn back around for the pallette & you step in a trap 😡😡😡😡

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    Freddy and the Pig. Loathe them both.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Myers with scratched mirror and Monitor and abuse. The only real scares i still get from the game.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    Doctor. Hes the worst imo. Love playing him though xD

  • Juhonna
    Juhonna Member Posts: 23

    I hate going against the Doctor the most, hate that he can find you when your character screams -_-. lol

  • Tills
    Tills Member Posts: 14

    Doctor, if they're running a 3 gen build, absolutely horrible to play against

  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    Doctor he is so annoying 2nd and 3rd go to Myers and Hag absolutely hate the jumpscares.

  • Boxohobo
    Boxohobo Member Posts: 50

    The Pig and Freddy come to mind first, but it's rare I have a good game against a Huntress either.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    Fred. Boring character, and most of them just seem to tunnel which makes it even more boring.

  • crabby247
    crabby247 Member Posts: 58

    @rollerskate said:

    personally, i absolutely despise trappers. they make me have to play paranoid as fu ck like.. you look at a pallette, & its untrapped, turn around & you see the trapper coming for you

    immediately turn back around for the pallette & you step in a trap 😡😡😡😡

    I hate the trapper with a passion. I always step in traps. Even when they aren't hidden!