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General Discussions

Went from fun to trash (mini rant)

Member Posts: 57
edited March 12 in General Discussions

I honestly feel so depressed this game used to bring me joy now it's just miserable.. after being slugged so many times it gets super annoying now it's so easy to want to get your challenge then take yourself out on hook and in my opinion it's just as awful being found so quickly

Also just had a bright use lethal pursuer took away my only token (distortion) then hooked someone and immediately came directly to my locker with BBQ at 5 gens I would love it if distortion started with 2 instead of 1 it makes no sense since it can be very quickly taken away with lethal pursuer

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  • Member Posts: 79

    I dunno, you sound like a brand new player to me.

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    Well, you both look new.

    Anyway, the distortion debacle has come and gone, and is yet another bad idea tossed in to kill a perk instead of doing actual work on it. But hey, if this is the absolute best BHVR can do, we should be thankful, yeah? lol

  • Member Posts: 57

    Going on 3 years played so not new but it's interesting that you choose to judge someone's book without even reading it as if your any better

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    It wasn't a jab, chill.

    Also changes nothing I said.

    Also, you're*

  • Member Posts: 601

    Distortion Debacle come and gone?

    This is the forums that we're talking about here.

    It is quite dumb to me that you at max get 2 Distortion tokens, but you only start with one and I say that as a person who loves to chase and can get one easily.

    @shadow_V has a point that once your token is gone, it's hard to get one back especially if you're going against an S tier killer like Blight.

    I think Behavior should just give the player the 2 tokens off rip, as it's redundant reducing it to 1 at the start when it was originally 3 tokens.

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    I agree. 100%.

    Distortion needs 3 tokens back. Until then, its pretty dead to a lot of players. Not all, but a lot. I very much agree with @shadow_V , but he got snappy.

    But lets take it step by step.

    Distortion Debacle come and gone?

    Yes. Yes it has. Complaints can still be made, but like Skull Merchant, Distortion has just been beaten to death.

    This is the forums that we're talking about here.


    It is quite dumb to me that you at max get 2 Distortion tokens, but you only start with one and I say that as a person who loves to chase and can get one easily.

    I agree. Again, 3 tokens at start and max, and leave as it is, or 2 tokens and revert how it use to be, when it was useful.

    @shadow_V has a point that once your token is gone, it's hard to get one back especially if you're going against an S tier killer like Blight.

    The killer shouldn't matter. The perk should be functional in general, but it simply isn't. OP is complaining about a perk that's been nerfed, dragged and gutted so much its really not even a thing anymore. This isn't me dismissing his venting, just stating a fact.

    I think Behavior should just give the player the 2 tokens off rip, as it's redundant reducing it to 1 at the start when it was originally 3 tokens.

    Agreed. Even that lil handout would be nice. But as with all changes in dbd, how would this change make them auric cells?

  • Member Posts: 4,703

    Out of curiosity, and tangentially related to the topic: Is there any reason to take Distortion over OTR in general play? If you can only get tokens back in chase, and most chases end in a hook, they both have roughly the same effective activation condition. One just blocks readings twice, the other for 80 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I really dislike how they gutted distortion without any clear reason why. Especially now, when they claim the perk’s chase function is useful. I suppose it's intended to give you a chance to lose the killer if you manage to duck around a corner during a chase.

    For a long time, killer mains have been trying to enhance the killer's endgame value, and it's glaringly obvious now with how they've nerfed Wake Up.

    What's frustrating about this community is that when you try to voice a complaint, many people respond by dismissing your argument as simply a skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 82

    BBQ dosnt show you if you are inside the locker when it triggers so you might want to work on your timing, also if you still were inside the locker when the killer got to your location after BBQ showed you enter it, then you are really staying inside lockers for too long. As for distortion, you will easy get 2 new charges for being in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,044

    What has specifically changed with the game to make it go from fun to miserable? I see you complain about slugging, then go on to complain about one specific match where a Blight found you using BBQ while you were (I assume) getting into a locker (honestly that one is kind of your fault). I agree that distortion got a bit overnerfed but also the game shouldn’t allow survivors to stay hidden forever.

  • Member Posts: 2,229

    Old Distortion was nice in some ways because it let you see if Killers were cheating and still “finding” you despite having stacks and hiding in an out of the way spot.

    Like, not every Killer who finds Survivors cheat (obviously) but Distortion made it more obvious to tell who was and wasn’t using cheats.

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    As for distortion, you will easy get 2 new charges for being in a chase.

    As for distortion, you will get 2 new charges for being in a chase long enough, if you are good at looping and have some game sense.


    If by chance you are confident in your looping, I'd recommend Object of Obsession. You'll get just as much aura reading as your assailant, but the catch is if you aren't the obsession, you simply get free aura reading whenever the killer does, instead of every 30 seconds on point. Its quite fun and objectively more valuable than OTR or Distortion imo. Its all about where you are with your looping ability.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited March 12

    I did say that this is the forums that we're talking about here because you came at @shadow_V a bit weird along with @SharonPancakes for implying someone is new.

    Evidentally he/she isn't new for understanding basic concepts like Lethal Pursuer and BBQ and Chili.

    Yes, I agree that it should functionally go back to three tokens.

    Yes, it does matter about the killer as many people find it hard to loop a Nurse or a Blight to even get 2 tokens back when you originally start with one and many mobility killers use LP and BBQ.

    If it's primarily a "chase" to get back your tokens, then it was redundant to keep it at a cap at 2 (go back to 3) and start with the 3 tokens — given how much aura reading is in this game.

    Post edited by CautionaryMary on
  • Member Posts: 601
    edited March 12


    More consistent to play with Distortion if you are a strong chaser, I can easily get my 2 tokens back in one chase if I can pull it off. Obviously depends on the killer, but Off The Record only works twice (as it only works off hook).

    @I_Cant_Loop , with the new Distortion there is counterplay as obviously the survivor needs to be in chase to get value from Distortion - if it is a perk that you get tokens from in chase, then there was no need to reduce it to 2 and only give 1. They're complaining about two things because I assume (as I also play survivor a lot) that they see slugging (and find it annoying) along with being found having LP consume one token, potentially getting in the locker a little too late, and having BBQ tell Blight where to go.

    In this situation, it's best to go into the locker early or have their aura read and go somewhere else when the bubble leaves (obviously hard because this is Blight we're talking about here, pinball boy who goes from one end of the map quite easily).

    These two issues can still persist for the average survivor, as the average survivor cannot loop a Blight to get their tokens back for Distortion anyways.

    @HerInfernalMajesty , interesting point - yes, you could use old Distortion to recognize subtle cheating as well. I don't understand why they nerfed the perk so hard when aura reading is quite prevalent in the game. The way that Behavior manages to nerf perks like Distortion and Adrenaline is a bit mind boggling in a way.

    They need to find a common middle ground towards perks, rather than obliterating them into the ground and buff weaker perks alongside them.

    No one wants to "hide" all game and mentioning how Distortion players are rats are absurd.

    No one is loading into a game with Distortion waiting for their team to die, if that was the case we would see people calling for changes for Left Behind key users who go into a corner with a key and do nothing all game.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Sorry there's just plenty of other things to complain about I guess. Being slugged and/or tunneled was never something I focused on. I would assume the problem is matchmaking both with the teammates you get and the killer. I would think that if all your team is equally skilled and comparable skill wise to the killer slugging wouldn't really be an issue unless we're talking about Nurse or something. So when I read your post I just felt you're complaining about the wrong thing, I think the issue is that the game doesn't really have a lot of fair matches because of a really bad MMR and matchmaking system. After reading my previous post back it could of been taken as insulting which I really didn't mean at the time.

  • Member Posts: 10,362

    So Blight gets a hook before even 1 gen is done (sounds like a very fast, easy chase), and you're there hiding in a locker. He couldn't have found you with BBQ while you were in a locker, unless you purposefully stayed in the locker after he saw you, because you got into it too late. This is just something I can't empathize with because it's not my world. I don't play around BBQ, or hide in lockers period, unless the killer is hard tunneling me and I managed to get away while on death hook. I also don't run Distortion, because again, I usually don't care if the killer finds me. You've got to be able to buy your team some time when the killer finds you. Your teammate didn't do it, and neither did you (basically giving him an instant down). So it's not what the killer's doing or your perk getting nerfed that's the problem. If you're weary of certain perks like Lethal or BBQ, you're at least playing smart by bringing Distortion (although, I'd recommend Shadowstep instead). But hiding your aura from the killer really doesn't matter if either you're an instant down when they do find you, or if they can't find you so they kill your non-Distortion teammates really fast instead (because they were the only ones the killer could find).

    I used to find the game fun, too. Then I met strong survivors as killer, and bad teammates as survivor. So the real problems in this game are deeper. Your issue, or at least part of it, can be fixed by learning to run the killer. Blight's harder to counter than most, but the counterplay to him is essentially the same as an M1 killer, just that you need to think and execute faster. Learn to loop comfortably against M1 killers, and one day he'll be almost as comfortable to face.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I'm sorry you feel this way :( i understand your frustration. i know it's pretty basic advice, but when i start feeling annoyed with this game, like every match is just miserable and nothing seems to be going right...i just take a break from the game for awhile. for a couple days, a week, 2 weeks, maybe even a month or two, whatever!! sometimes just taking a break from dbd for a bit can help so much with this burnout. when i come back after a break, i often find myself enjoying the game even more than i did before.

    i know this likely isn't what you want to hear, and taking a break doesn't fix the many unfair and broken aspects of this game...but there are times when i feel exactly how you do, and stepping away for a bit, maybe playing a different game or something, and coming back can make this game feel so much more fresh and enjoyable. at the very least this helps me, so i wanted to suggest it in hopes that it will help you too.

    in any case i really hope you're able to enjoy this game again, it really sucks to start falling out of love with a game you've enjoyed for so long. i wish the best of luck to you :D

  • Member Posts: 8,606

    Yeah. I've played a grand total of 100 minutes over the last month. My frustration is mainly with the survivor role. I really don't see myself playing this game with any consistency anymore unless they may make huge changes to solo queue matchmaking. There's zero downside for tunneling out a weak link, and there's almost always a significantly weaker teammate in a solo lobby. Weaker teammates disproportionately affect outcomes relative to a stronger teammate.

    I shouldn't consistently be put in lobbies with teammates who quite literally have three sub-20 second chases against a killer that me and another teammate run for 1+ minute. I don't care about the horror theme in that context. I don't care about the "power role" in that context. It's downright frustrating and not worth any significant time investment to play a PVP game that you lose by design and don't have any chance to affect the outcome with your gameplay. Your reward for playing well on survivor is to watch the killer ignore you for the rest of the game while they relentlessly tunnel out your teammates.

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