General Discussions

General Discussions

What do you guys think about The Ghoul?

I think he could be fun but I hope for bug fixes and audio decrease of his screaming.

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  • Member Posts: 2,058

    Oh definitely. The screaming is so annoying, especially in lobby. He is screaming almost every 30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 1,207

    I don't like like the license itself, and I do think he seems like a noob stomper but will struggle doing anything against solid teams. On the other side, he seems fun, not my style of killer, but one that I would appreciate playing it from time to time.

  • Member Posts: 1,797

    I will definitely buy him day one if he doesn’t get any nerfs. He looks so fun, just like spiderman, but I wished he could go vertically and move higher up.

  • Member Posts: 3,020

    I find him really fun, i've never played a PTB so much.

    For PTB i hope they make apron add-on basekit and then reverse it's effect, and some other add-ons need reworks to be better.

    Reducing the volume of his audio for killer side seems reasonable but i really hope they don't get rid of any of the voice lines.

    Other than that i don't think he needs any buffs, he feels quite strong.

    If anything, he stays in enraged mode too much. The countdown is very long especially if you perfectly time the grab attack which i think will become easy to do consistently. He could possibly do with the countdown being halved, however maybe after matches on live we may see that it doesn't need changes.

    I also think the distance between the killer and survivor when doing a grab attack can sometimes be a little ridiculous, im not sure if he should really be be able to grab if there is a pallet or vault in between the players. Whilst i think it's okay that's it pretty hard to avoid since it can't down, if pallets and windows don't stop it then there's basically nothing the survivor can do, that will probably get boring overtime.

  • Member Posts: 1,396

    I'm almost afraid to like him because he looks really decent. I'm scared to lose him already

  • Member Posts: 2,383

    behavior rarely miss with licences killers. They did a excellent job here.

  • Member Posts: 6,362

    Anyone in the PTB run him with a controller? If so how did it feel?

  • Member Posts: 16

    I don't think much about it but if they enjoy it then that's all that matters.

  • Member Posts: 764

    Extremely boring to face against. Another high skill level to play, even fun. Another killer with massive and poor bugged animations and the worst part ever is the huge possibility to make those "techs". So, another killer for give up instantly when u will face agaisnt him.

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