

Does Darth Vader have a place in the Fog?

Member Posts: 305
edited March 15 in Polls

Does Darth Vader have a place in the Fog? 13 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,207

    To be fair, after Kaneki and Wesker, I think that everyone has a place in fog nowadays. I guess you don't need to be a horror villain to be in the killer roster, just an action franchise's antagonist or someone with dubious morality.

  • Member Posts: 2,252

    As cool as Bhvr’s version of him would be, the image of Vader being stunned by a pallet doesn’t feel in place.

    However, maybe a zombie Vader when stunned could instead have an animation where he catches it and dodges or somethhing. It would still be the “pallet stun” but it would have a different animation that fits someone of his power and reputation.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Absolutely not, last thing I wanna see in Dbd are IP's that have been abused for profit and drained of all the good memories from when I was a kid by all these big companies (Disney, DC, Marvel, etc.). Companies like them will completely destroy this game and plus ngl Darth Vader doesn't exactly fit the serial killer vibe, hell or even Dbd in general.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Bro Kaneki and Wesker are part of the horror genre. Darth Vader isn't even a horror character, let alone is Star Wars part of the horror genre. Can Darth Vader be scary, yes but being scary doesn't make you part of the horror genre.

  • Member Posts: 319

    After Dungeons and Dragons anything is technically fair game. But Vader isn't known for leaving blood. Star Wars may not be violent enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,207
    edited March 16

    Dude, if you get scared by watching Tokyo Ghoul then anything scares you. The show doesn't even try to be scary, and the only horror element it has is gore, but a lot of other japanese anime have it and they aren't horror.

    For Wesker, RE5, which is the game which he takes the main antagonist's role, can't be considered a horror game, it is more of an action game. RE1 to RE4 have progressively went from horror to action, with the last one still being horror. The 5th installment is full action, so much so that you fight Wesker inside a volcano while punching rocks to deter him, in order to stop his evil plan to infect the world with an artificial virus lmao.

    Also, D&D isn't a horror franchise, but I will let Vecna slide since at least he looks creepy.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Regardless if I get scared or not of Tokyo Ghoul, guess what genre it's a part of, H o r r o r. Now true even tho RE5 is more so action based guess what kind of additional aspects are in RE5, H o r r o r. See regardless horror is involved somewhere, Darth Vader has zero horror aspect whatsoever. Being only sometimes scary does not qualify as being able to be part of the Dead By Daylight world or the world of horror in general.

  • Member Posts: 45

    I disagree, true while D&D is primarily a fantasy role-playing game, it can absolutely be adapted for horror, and many campaigns and adventures incorporate elements of the genre, such as the popular "Curse of Strahd." So the only reason in my mind to why D&D is even allowed in this game is due to it's moldablility. But I will agree that Darth Vader is not violent enough to even get into the doorway of the world of horror.

  • Member Posts: 1,207

    That is super relative. You say that Tokyo Ghoul is "H O R R O R", but you don't say what makes it "H O R R O R". Is it the gore? As I said, a lot of other anime have gore and they are not considered to be of this genre. Is it the existencial dread of having another species that consumes flesh hiding in plain sight? Then I suppose the existencial dread of a Death Star being able to annihilate a planet in seconds should also make it "H O R R O R". Tokyo Ghoul doesn't try to have a creepy atmosphere even once, so it is very vague calling it "H O R R O R". RE5 is the same thing, you are just saying it is "H O R R O R" because it is, without giving any actual characteristic of the work that justifies it.

    I am not saying that Star Wars is a horror franchise, but my point is that BHVR has stretched what is eligible to become a DbD killer so much that whether the IP is horror or not doesn't even matter, and Tokyo Ghoul and D&D are prime examples of it.

  • Member Posts: 45

    I'm not the one who determines and classifies what is horror and what's not. But regardless if we find something scary or not, if you look up any information on Tokyo Ghoul, RE5, Darth Vader, etc. Google and Articles will tell you whether or not if the horror genre is involved at all in the game, movie, character, etc. Tokyo Ghoul is horror, there are horror themes in both D&D and RE5. If I had to choose any of them being considered a stretch, it would honestly be D&D but still it qualifies but barely, according to the world, not me, lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,207

    Ok, so here is a list of other works that wikipedia also considers horror or a thriller (a thriller is what it says Tokyo Ghoul is):

    Baldi's Basics

    Squid Game


    Death Note

    The Promised Neverland

    Teen Wolf

    Needless to say, to label any of those as horror is kinda of a stretch, although they are categorized the same way as Tokyo Ghoul. All you are doing is following what google is saying, without any critical thinking and asking yourself if the IP is scary enough to be considered horror.

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited March 16

    Ok, first off wikipedia is one of the most unreliable sources on the internet and there are different subgenres of horror that exist so not everything classified as horror will fit the subgenre of horror that BHVR prefers. For example of some of the options that you brought up:

    • Baldi's Basics is an educational puzzle horror game (clearly doesn't fit the bill)
    • Kakegurui isn't even a horror in the traditional sense, it's strictly a psychological thriller with elements of suspense and dark humor (clearly doesn't fit the bill)
    • Teen Wolf is a supernatural thriller and a teen drama (clearly doesn't fit the bill)

    Now Tokyo Ghoul, while most classify it as a psychological thriller anime, due to the manga also existing it can also be classified as mild horror for in the manga there is some pretty extreme body horror while also there being gore, torture, psychotic serial killers and, mass murderers. So according to BHVR, Tokyo Ghoul fits the bill and I happen to agree with them, as odd as it may feel to some that he's in the game at all.

    The fact that we even started talking about Tokyo Ghoul when he's already in the game and this poll being about Darth Vader, in which I might add that they are both in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GENRES is maddening. So back to the initial freakin debate, judging off of what BHVR is looking for, Darth Vader doesn't make the cut for he, along with all of Star Wars, is not even horror in the slightest. Darth Vader, while a formidable and menacing villain, isn't typically considered a horror character because his primary focus is on power, control, and the pursuit of his goals, rather than inducing fear through grotesque or supernatural means, which are more common in horror.

    Post edited by Sinndica on

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