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How do you counter pre-running or Hold W?

Is there a killer or perk that can counter this?

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  • Member Posts: 8,932

    There's several killers that can close distance quickly. Those killers are also usually pretty high on various tier lists. Blight, or the new Ghoul killer for example can quickly rush in.

  • Member Posts: 310

    yes it is called blighted rush .

  • Member Posts: 165

    That's the neat part you don't.

    Let's say you are Pyramid head or any other "immobile" killer

    You can try to mitigate the issue with perks :

    Mindbreaker to prevent Sprint burst early + shift W. Mindbreaker shines because it will pause existing Exhaustion timer so they will have a hard time getting it back. It does not adress the early running but at least you don't have to eat a lithe or sprint burst after the catch up.

    Stealth : Oblivious or Undetectable will get you closer to them before they realise. You have to path weirdly in open map. Works most of the time, against SWF, it can be harder if someone scouts you out and communicate. A very strong SWF will probably demolish an "immobile" killer anyway tho.

    Monitor is great because it gives you a smaller TR outside of chase, so less distance to shift W. Also, people tends to run away when they hear the second layer of the Terror radius, not the first, so with Monitor, you will be way closer by that time.

    Let's not fool ourselves, in most cases, you are screwed and that's why immobile killer tend to gravitate toward making survivors comes to them instead of catching up for 30s each chase. They achieve this by proxy camping and guarding a 3 gens. If they don't and the survivors are really trying hard, you will just take forever to even catch up to someone and then eat a shack or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Your options are to try and use Undetectable, reduce the TR, or brute force with something like Machine Learning.

    It's tough to deal with if they are coordinated and have perks for it like finesse

  • Member Posts: 796

    If you do the math, it's not very good.

    If you are planning to destroy the pallet, Brutal strength is way better.

  • Member Posts: 796

    Killers? Blight, Billy, Wesker, Kaneki are good for it.

    Perk? Depends on the killer, but PWYF can work on some, or undetectable perks

  • Member Posts: 3,030

    Stealth or mobility. If you dont have either then you just have to hope you catch someone off guard. Which stealth helps you do, so the only reliable way is mobility.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    The problem is even worse when you go against teams using on comms and they’re always >40 meters away when you go to check on a gen because their buddies told them which way you were headed after hooking someone

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    Yeah, they don't even need Sprint Burst to shift W. It works on literally any map, and some maps take absolutely no skill to do it on. RPD or Midwich for example, where they can see the killer coming from so far, and guaranteed get 40 seconds on them if they commit to them. It's literally you just have to be lucky enough to be playing a mobility killer.

  • Member Posts: 16

    I think Blight is the killer that can fight against you mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Houndmaster, Hillbilly, Wesker, Singularity, Oni (when in bloodfury), Dracula, etc. just killers who have dashes/jumps/teleports and mobility.

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