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Thoughts on new Freddy?

Hey everyone. I started playing a bit after taking a break from DBD. I saw they revamped Freddy. So far I've tested him in bot matches,and he feels like he will suffer the same problems pyramid head has. Pyramid is good at low MMR,but once you start going up against good survivors dodging pyramid heads attack is rather simple. Freddie's new ability feels very similar. I don't want to waste effort, and time investing into a killer that will perform badly at higher MMR. What's everyone's thoughts?

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  • Member Posts: 59

    He is objectively better and stronger then before, which is good because he was one of the weakest killers for years.

    However while the rework made him better and probably more fun to play, I think he isn't very interesting killer to play or play againts.

    I heared that lot of freddy mains don't like this rework thanks how his identity is changed and yes he is kinda more generic in this regard.

    This overall good update but could be done better for sure… so 6/10.

  • Member Posts: 3,031

    I think Freddy is pretty good. His snares make window loops unsafe, a lot of pallet fillers unsafe, and even though he has to break a lot of them you can replace them with dream pallets which can block survivor pathways in unexpected ways and get you nasty hits. Dream Projection is also just amazing, it's super practical and gives you map pressure on every map, and it can get you into the next chase very quickly.

  • Member Posts: 276

    He’s fun to play until you go against competent survivors. He has always been and always will be a noob stomper but once the team he’s going against knows how to loop him he feels kinda helpless. Alarm clocks are way too easy to keep out of the dream world for most of the match, his snares are decent but very reactable since they don’t move that fast, the slowdown from snares are decent but often not even enough to beat the survivor to a pallet unless you were already pretty close to them, and the dream pallets are just a glorified zoning tool. You’ll probably never get hits with the pallets unless the survivor is looking behind themselves too much in a chase. The teleport is nice but good survivors know to wake up before healing so you’ll almost never get tp value on healing survivors. Overall he’s decent but I feel they could’ve done more and he could’ve used some more tweaks during the bugfix patches rather than just a VFX when he’s teleporting to healing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited March 17

    Yeah. I agree with you. I have 1.5k hours in dbd,and I've always had the hardest time getting into killer. My problem is I'll have a few good games,and then my MMR thinks I'm some god player at DBD. So I'll then get paired up with players who know every ins and outs of every killer,and can dodge most of there abilities. So it really limits you to what killers you can actually play cause a lot of killers just aren't good at higher MMR. I really hate the MMR system, and hope it changes in the future.

  • Member Posts: 7,102

    I mean he's alright, but yknow what they say, a golden pile of crap, is still a pile of crap.

  • Member Posts: 2,108

    I played him on the PTB last time, so I'm not really up to date. But…

    His Dream Snares are good, Dream Projection is good too, Pallets are a decoration mostly, and the clocks make it so it's hard to keep people asleep.

    I was also pretty bored playing him. It's eh.

  • Member Posts: 16,772

    He is certainly stronger, but IMO something I said when they reworked him just confirmed itself - he is still really boring to play and face. And this is also visibile in his pickrate, at least in my Survivor-games. He is not as rare as he used to be, but I almost never face him. Which might be alright, since realistically there are so many Killers that statistically it can go a while until you encounter one specific Killer, but I just feel that his rework tackled his strength (or lack of it), but not the overall enjoyment of playing him or playing against him. He is just so boring.

    To give a perspective - I think it is pretty dumb that he can teleport to Gens next to unhooked Survivors, since one counterplay is to keep the Unhooker awake so that healing can be done. But a Gen next to it removes it immediatly, he should have some restriction like Dredge has. But, I dont even care enough about that since I never encounter Freddy anyway. This is how rare he is for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,566

    I think he's cool to face, but I really dont understand why I can see Dream Pallets as I approach them.

  • Member Posts: 266

    I think that, in his current framework, Freddy can never really be INTERESTING. He's fine, and he's better than before, I do appreciate that— There's just no good way to work with Freddy now. I want a return to his original power design, so that can be expanded on, but I see why it doesn't happen: it'd run into the same problem as reworking him originally did. Laying absolute waste to a power is just a bad idea.

    Taking him as he is now, he's… Still probably BAD, but he's not as bad as before. I guess. I don't know what they can really do about it, you know?

  • Member Posts: 4,942

    I mean, he is more interesting than what he used to be, but he's still not the killer I grew to love back in the day.

    My only complaint with his new kit (apart from the fact that it isn't Old Freddy) is that Sleep Immunity feels a bit too strong.

  • Member Posts: 95

    He's much worse than Pyramid Head that's for sure, definitely don't bother with him if you're looking for a strong killer.

  • Member Posts: 310

    he is still pretty boring to play . On a positive note he is a good brain off killer since the way to play him is very linear and he is not mecanically demanding . Most times tough he comes down to everyone pre dropping and you're playing catch up over and over . Both his iris are garbage now but thats whetever . I compare him to knight as in he's easy to play but very limited in what he can do .

  • Member Posts: 7,187

    Stronger than he used to be, but still boring to play and face.

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