Solo Q survivors, are you having fun?

Genuine question. I'm not.
EDIT: I hope you forum mods and devs are paying attention to this. I asked ONE SIMPLE QUESTION. Your players have spoken. You treat us like cannon fodder. We are DCing and giving up. Stop shaping your game around whales and streamers. Fix the hackers. Make it fun again or lose your players!
we're supposed to be having fun?
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Depends. Some days are better than others.
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I can't remember the last time I had fun playing in a public match.
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No lol
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It's actually unplayable. Not in the sense that you can't press play, but in the sense that it's not worth playing. Mostly challenge with very little reward. Objectively bad game design. The reason being that a combination the OP killer balancing combined with horrendous matchmaking makes it so that there is little payoff for playing skillfully. It feels like I have to CS GO clutch for my team almost every single game.
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Soloq is great if you prefer and enjoy losing every match.
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No, 2v8 needs to come back ASAP
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It's not worth the time. Why spend time playing a game that doesn't respect yours?
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Solo q is just fodder at this point.
I'm tentatively hopeful that phase 2 might bring back some hope for solo q... But I'm realistically expecting the anti camp, anti tunnel, and anti slug mechanics to be trivially easy for killers to bypass at will. Basically like how AFC is effectively just a recommendation that the killer stage slightly farther away (but you have like 40 seconds to do so before anything actually happens).
19 -
probably would be august but I foolishly thought "people will be pleasant for the winter event"
people were pleasant for exactly one (edit: sorry, it was two; one farming and one non-sweaty normal game, still disappointingly few though) of the dozen or so games of the winter event I played
Post edited by ratcoffee on13 -
Honestly I tried to type something to say yes but then I really thought about it and I don't really enjoy most killers atm because I either have to sweat to play or run meta perks on weaker killers that slow / regress gens. As survivor my fun is dependent on what map / killer is active and when I keep getting Swamp or other unfun realms I feel like my sessions are much shorter.
I think the main thing keeping me playing atm is I'm on the grind for Prestige 100 on Ace and honestly don't know how much I'll be playing after that.
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There are nuggets of fun to be gleaned from the time spent, but in any given match, there is a good chance you will just get screwed and get nothing out of it.
Even a big loss can feel ok if you thought you had a fighting chance, but since solo players have to devote half their perk slots to get basic info that SWFs get for free, you can't really combo anything with anything, so the lack of player agency SUUUUCKS
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teammates getting 2-tapped.
teammates giving up on first hook.
teammates not caring about objectives and all and focusing on tome challenges only.
teammates playing for their own random fun that has nothing to do with objectives.
teammates that don't do a single gen after a 2min chase where i' not interrupt any gen if it had been done.
matchmaking randomly putting me in match with 100h players.
yea, soloq is very fun. Well would be, if my teammates didn't ruin most of my matches.
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I have fun doing the Tome challenges :)
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Yes but I have probably pretty high MMR also escape a lot and my teammates is mostly good survivors. Some games yes frustrating but overall I have fun still after 7500+ hours in the game with around I guess 5500 of them as solo survivor.
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The best advice is to just stop wasting your time with solo queue.
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I’m having the best time of my life.
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i mainly love the game because how well they adapt licence killers. SWFing in a 4 stack can be fun but winning all day get tedious. solo q the exact opposite... it's not even that uncommon to go on 10-game losing streaks according to many. This is my favorite game but solo q absolutely dog $hit. Playing with my friend @HerInfernalMajesty in a duo is the perfect amount fun.
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The 2v8 feel like a utopia version of solo q. The vast majority of survivors get their fun from looping in this game and 2v8 provide infinite resources. I commend the devs for making the game more balanced but survival fun have only decreased. You need to win from a efficiency standpoint these days as killers anti loop only gotta strong. It went from huntress 50-50s at pallets to 80/20 in favor of mage hand vector. It's a good thing that skill survivors can't loop killers all day anymore though. They just need to dial back the dead zones a little bit
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Sometimes yes and sometimes no. If I get matched with decent teammates who clearly have some experience in the game, it’s usually enjoyable even when I lose. The times when I don’t have fun is when I get matched with players who are brand new to the game (which happens quite frequently) and they spend a significant portion of the match hiding and not doing gens, then get downed immediately once they are found. Matchmaking is really the number one issue here, not killer vs survivor balance.
Many of the complaints are coming from people with unrealistic expectations. The stats say that on average you should be escaping just under 40% of your matches. The game is designed and balanced around this escape rate. If you can’t have fun in the game because you’re not escaping more than that, then it’s more of an issue of your expectations (and maybe also your skill level) and not an issue with game balance. You can say that survivors should escape more than that, but 1) it’s a horror game and survivor (individually) is supposed to be the weaker role, and 2) remember there is a human player on the other and they want to have fun too. Survivor queue times are already quite long during peak evening times and buffing survivors/nerfing killers is only going to make the killer side less desirable to play, leading to even longer survivor queue times. We’ve seen this happen before. Survivor queue times were way worse before the devs adjusted the balance to get to the current target escape rate because killer was very unenjoyable to play.
Also, for those of you who say you “never” have fun, why are you still playing? The best thing for you to do if you want things to change would be to not play DbD. If BHVR sees that solo queue players are leaving in droves, I bet that would drive some action. Obviously that isn’t happening and there are plenty of people who find it enjoyable enough to keep playing solo queue.
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Nope and the player base wants to keep it that way as much as BHVR.
No to lobby loadoutNo to comms/Ping system
No to any slight killer nerfs that would favor soloQ but not swf.
Its a joke and will continue to get worse and worse.11 -
“Unplayable?” How often do you escape, out of curiosity?
-11 -
Some events can be fun for solo, like lights out, MLO and last Halloween.
The Rift portals saved my bacon from so many killer team ups it was nuts
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If the rest of the team works on the objective some of us have a chance to leave alive.
If anyone on the team does dysfunctional stuff we all don't leave. Its as fun as such a setup can be.
At least at no point in the game play loop do I feel like the game is being dishonest about its expectations and rewards, so it feels fair.
But it is difficult for all the necessary pieces to align for a fun game that allows 3 to survive.
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Cool don't play the game we've bought and payed money for other things because the game is broken for anyone playing by themselves. Its funny cause the sweatier and more toxic killers are to solo q players the less there are and the more sweaty and toxic swf they will play. Plus add longer que times, bot players and terrible ping because your playing someone 3 time zones away.
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Short answer: No, not at all. It feels miserable.
Except for 2v8, at the moment it´s the only time where I can bring myself to even start the game.
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Fun is a mere distant memory.
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How I feel when we escape:
And when we die:
Jk jk jk it always feels like first one because we never die 😂
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I remember once upon a time you'd see a few that still thought soloq was okay. I must be the last one out there. For the most part I still don't mind it. If there ever comes a day I'll feel like most that have replied so far I'll just stop playing the game.
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I’ve just been doing my tome challenges and hoping for the best. I wish the community was a bit more kinder in the game client.
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Nope, unless I go killer to have some free wins im not having much fun in dbd (typing this while im sluggued at 4 gens, solo q in chaos shuffle)
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all the people playing no should probably quit playing soloq? or… the game as a whole, even.
games are meant to be fun. y'all seem to have forgotten that part along the way.
plus, if you do uninstall, it might actually result in a push to make the game more fun from the player numbers dropping?
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As Pig, I was doing stealth snowball strikes!
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When I Solo'Q with my forum name, I'd say 3/10 games will give me a fun time with interactions between killer and surv. Even if they do sweat, it's still all good. These are, of course, not part of the game persay, but its nice to have actual gamer interaction that isn't sweat sweat sweat.
As a side note, if a new player decided to join and looked up videos on how to play, how do you think they'd play? Learn mechanics as they go? Just start tunneling and maybe decide the game is too easy as killer? Try survivor and decide this game isn't fun either way? I dunno. If there's a strong reason this game keeps new players, I really want to know what it is.
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No. It's why I only play for events or the Rift - it's easier to put up with solo queue if I know I'm getting rewarded for my time.
6 -
Yes, and No,
Recently when i play as survivor i just enjoy either the chase or hitting great skill check while repair gens, but 1 thing i hate the most, its slugging, since slugging is basically no game for you for 4 minutes (or 3 or less idk how long to bleed out)
But for killer, i can't just enjoy it, i always sweating and tunneling when 2 gens left with 4 survivor, it honestly quite baffling so different when i play killer vs as survivor, as survivor 2 down, none gens complete, while as killer 1 injured 2 or 3 gens pop, like how?!
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I just started playing again after a short break and soloq has been the most miserable experience. If i'm not being hard tunnelled out of a match it's my teammates screwing me over or not lasting more than 20 seconds in a chase. It's wild.
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I've been playing the game since 2018 and every time an update comes I update my comfort level. Instead, the game has become more boring, with more situations requiring judgment and less freedom to build.
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On balance? Yeah, I'm having fun playing solo queue. I've been doing it for half of my 6K hours and I keep doing it, so I must be (or I'm a masochist).
But match to match (or hour to hour) it's a roller coaster for sure. I escape somewhere around 35-40% of the time overall, but I might have a play session where I don't escape once. Bot otoh, I have days where I escape left and right. Heck, yesterday I escaped in seven consecutive matches. That's not a normal thing by any means, but just it's feast or famine out there.
But I think solo isn't that bad, and a lot of people get too caught up in the moment when things are not going well. I do get it, some days playing solo queue feels like an exercise in abject futility, but those moments pass. So much of the solo experience is based on RNG/SBMM, and we can't control that. And that's why taking it too seriously is a bad idea. But people saying it's "unplayable" may or may not need to relax.
I often wonder how many people who feel the most aggrieved by solo normally play in a SWF. Because yeah, if that's your baseline experience, solo is gonna feel awful.
I also wonder how many people just give up/stop really trying when things start to go sideways and then complain about how they never escape.
But the game is designed around a 60% killer win rate, so to me, the solo experience seems like it's as it is intended to be. I mean you're supposed to go into every match feeling like death is at least the most likely outcome (though not a certainty, even if it feels like that some days). The SWF experience is the one that isn't "normal".
But you can't play solo queue and let your escape rate dictate your fun. I mean you can, but that mindset is incompatible with sanity.
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That makes a lot of sense. Naturally if you’re sinking pretty much equal amounts of time into both roles and trying a bunch of different things you’ll have a greater understanding of how most things work from both ends. It makes you a better player. You learn how survivors chain, and you learn how killers work, and what works against them because it happens to you. You learn their limitations and how perks on both sides work.
Edited to also say: absolutely it’s a day and night difference between being on a coordinated team and solo. Even built in huds can’t make up for the difference but do help a lot. If you play like you’re swf while playing solo your teammates can help you out because you’re probably paired with a 3 man or a 2 man. I just crawl to pallets and do things I would do if I was on comms with them, and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. Good decisions make differences.
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It's been in an horrendous state for years. The devs don't care.
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Things i dont love as soloQ survivor:
- getting hit after a full window vault
- getting hit thru a pallet when the killer is stunned
- getting in a backfill lobby with baby killer and babysurvivors that are way below my skill level and cant tell because we dont have to know our teammates stats
- having no way to tell my soloQ console teammates i have shoulder the burden
- having no way to tell my soloQ console teamtates that i have deli
- having no way to tell my soloQ teammates that they are going to 3gen themself
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Some days are great, some days are bad.
I took a break from playing this game for a bit because of how frustrating it was and came back yesterday to play some survivor and had a great time alongside like an 80% escape rate.
But right before that break it was just misery after misery. I guess the best way to play this game is just a few games every now and then and not spend too much time binging it so you don't get burnt out as easily. If it starts getting frustrating or depressing then take a break from the game (including these forums which are just as draining at times) and then come back when you feel like it. Don't put yourself through something that makes you miserable just because you've put a lot of time into it already.
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It's honestly a mixed bag for me. I can have matches that remind me of why I've been playing this game for so long and matches that make me want to rip my hair out. But, even with all of the issues solo queue has, I do prefer it to playing in a SWF. I kinda love the pure randomness of it all. Every day in solo queue is like Chaos Shuffle to be honest.
-1 -
I love being found 30 seconds into the match and caught so fast that I may as well have started the game on the hook!
I love being targeted off hook, or otherwise watch as the killer bypasses 2-3 other players closer to him to come after me.
I love watching how killers hover over you after a down because they can't pick you up fast enough - wouldn't want to waste a millisecond, would we?
I love being mismatched with ho-hum teammates who act like they just barely passed through the game's tutorial.
I love seeing the same stupid perks on every player.
I love being slugged as the second-to-last player because killers can't fathom risking giving up hatch. One escape is inconceivable!
I love that the devs are more concerned about releasing the next line of cosmetics than addressing pressing issues. At this point, leave the gaming industry and become a fashion business if that's what you like.
And if you're reading this thinking any of the above are unfounded claims, you're the problem with this game and this community.
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"I kinda love the pure randomness of it all."
That's one thing I love about it too. I think a lot of people who use the forums are people who play a lot and have high expectations (not saying anything is wrong with that).
I'm pretty chill. I don't mind if someone plays bad. Hell, I think most people can't claim they never make mistake or have off days. I had a game a couple of days ago where I screwed up two pallet saves that I could have got and got in the way of a flashlight save. Yes, one of the other players let me know in chat by calling me a "Dog tm8" TBF to me I was the only one to die and I did it making sure someone else got out.
TL;DR - As long as I can see all the other players are trying I don't really care if things go south. Sure, I might be saying to myself ######### but it's only the people who give up and don't help the rest of the team that piss me off.
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I've been playing since 2017 and I can still have moments where I mess up during a chase and probably come across like I've only just installed the game lmao. It's unrealistic to think people will always play to the best of their ability and have god tier chases. A lot of things in this game are all about luck and RNG and a lot of the time it's got absolutely nothing to do with your skill level. I haven't used an exhaustion or anti-tunnel perk in years as I personally don't find them enjoyable to use and I have much more fun running healing builds or Open Handed + Kindred. I personally value aura reading / healing over being able to protect myself as I find it more fun escaping chases or being able to loop for a long time knowing you had nothing to help aid you during those scenarios. I think because I've been playing for so long, you just grow tired of the 'meta' and realise that when you stop playing thinking you have to escape every match, the game just becomes much more chilled out.
None of my solo queue matches feel the same. I just love having no idea if it's going to be a fun ride or a car crash. I used to play with some friends a few years back but they no longer play but it honestly became stale for me. I didn't like knowing that I always had strong teammates with me / always knowing what perks they were running. I can't imagine playing as a SWF again tbh. I've became such a lone wolf gamer and some of the best and most memorable matches I've ever played have been in solo queue.0 -
Aren't most of your points just survivor specific and not solo-queue survivor specific? Being in a SWF wouldn't really solve most of your complaints. But, hopefully the new changes they're going to be incorporating do. I've noticed that since they implemented being able to Mori the last survivor that slugging has became much more prevalent in my games. It was never this bad before as most killers would just hook and try to find the hatch before you do.
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SoloQ feels like walking around on a hot day with soaking wet socks on pavement that somewhat clings to the external fibers of the sock.
Like yes, you can technically do what you would normally do, but why would you when there are just better options and more fun ways of using your time. I rather just go home and put on a new pair of a socks or do something else completely.