New killer idea

Sean Member Posts: 107
edited June 2018 in Creations
this is just an idea. Just something cool I thought I of.

So the killer is called “The Wallrider”

the killer runs around like normal hitting survivors but his power is he can get into a sneak mode where he can crawl on the ground really low as if he is proned . He can climb up into trees, and crawl up walls and if it’s indoors he can crawl on the ceiling kind of like how Spider-Man does. When he gets into this mode his terror radius disabled and the red light shuts off on survivors screens. When he is being sneaky like this he can jump down and land on the survivors hitting and insta downing them. 

Just a cool idea. It would a jump scare killer for sure.  I’m sure someway it problem wouldn’t work in game but it would be insane if we had killer who could climb onto stuff in the game.


  • Fredwood909
    Fredwood909 Member Posts: 7
    Since the new killer will be number 13, I think they should add Jason from “Friday the 13th” These two games are also very similar.
  • Why_Are_You_Salty
    Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138

    @Fredwood909 said:
    Since the new killer will be number 13, I think they should add Jason from “Friday the 13th” These two games are also very similar.

    I highly doubt Jason will ever come to dbd because currently Friday the 13th the game isn't getting anymore updates because a lawsuit was filed by the first films script writer so everything related to Friday the 13th is on hold so I doubt Jason would come to this game sadly. I got bored of Friday so I don't care.