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General Discussions

Stop with the modifiers

Member Posts: 1,794
edited March 20 in General Discussions

Three months is all I ask of a break from 2v8, lights out and choas shuffle. That's all just three months of normal gameplay because it is horrendous I've taken breaks the length of around a month because I'm sorry I'm getting sick of modifiers just normal dbd for three months all i get is toxic on either side and i can't play normal dbd because everyone else is playing the modifier. I'm happy I found other games I really am and even competitive games have more fun then dbd. An example is Enlisted a competitive game where some sides have a strong advantage depending on the player but at least it isn't has infuriating as dbd. It's rare i can even enjoy a modifier as fun fact it's all just toxic BS.

I'm hoping that the updates that are coming will make dbd less of a annoying game and at least go back to the enjoy I had in 2018-2020.

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  • Member Posts: 1,794

    I can see how people have to rely souly on the meta that they need to tunnel or slug. I've learned that choas shuffle is supposed to make you learn to adapt to perks and no not all of them are terrible. I had power struggle and learned okay gotta make use of it some how. Small game extremely good even if no hex totems are up because you never know. But seeing killers do nothing but tunnel and slug has just shown how players have to rely heavily on the meta. Yes I've struggled at times since I'm used to having Self-care and Botany but learned to adapt to it try getting a med-kit or learn to be a little more stealthy.

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited March 20

    I can't blame the killers for tunneling/camping/slugging in chaos shuffle. they simply have no other choice.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 455
    edited March 20

    I understand that, but modifiers, despite being a fun game mode that deviates from the norm, are still just a game mode and there will always be those people who want to win at any cost.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 276

    They need something to entertain the community in between new content. That’s what events and modifiers are for.

  • Member Posts: 1,794
    edited March 20

    I know but it's just the repeat modifiers I get their hard to make but I mean even joke modifiers like my little Oni where it's just being there for goofing around rather then the same ones all the time. You know what...ANOTHER BREAK until the event or the chapter is released because so far i'm not having fun because fun fact even hit validation is not on my side with this game.

  • Member Posts: 683

    They should make 2v8 permanent.

    Only way to enjoy any semblance of soloQ

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited March 20

    Stronger killers have choices, weak killers don't and that's why most of the time tunneling/camping/slugging are practiced by weaker killers due to power discrepancy.

    In a match would you feel more threatened by a Ghostface or a Blight? Which of them has the best chance of winning? Which of them has the best chance of turning the game around if they are losing?

    Things are just like that, you may not accept these strategies that some killers use but you can understand why they were practiced depending on the situation.

    But I agree that a killer practicing these strategies at the beginning of the game is bad behavior.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 683
    edited March 20

    Depends on the map for ghostface blight comparison.

    insert smaller, bunch of obstacles map here (Maybe one of the red forests)

    Ghostface 10/10 times

    Bigger/open maps Blight.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 276
    edited March 20

    Every single game the killer has either hard tunneled the first person they hook out the game or hard slug to “catch up with the gen rushing.” It just goes to show what killers do when there’s no DS,OTR,DH, WGLF or unbreakable in play. And killers wonder why anti tunneling and anti slugging measures are being further looked into in phase 2. Survivors literally HAVE to run an anti tunnel or anti slug perk to actually have a chance at surviving because chaos shuffle is the best picture of what killers do when there’s not anti slug or tunnel perks in play.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 5,508
    edited March 20

    well, I had a different experience from the other side of the fence: most survivors rely heavily on their perks and if taken away, crumble against a good killer.

    I had a lot of pretty good survivors, who just got downed in awkward ways, because they just had no meta perk loadouts and even somewhat sweaty teams with full juiced up toolboxes and flashlight jockeys, who just got stomped. I had games where I downed an already hooked survivor and nodded at them before leaving them on the ground, as not to tunnel but give them a second chance, not to generate extra pressure, and the team still lost.

    I think that the survivors community is much more reliant on their meta perks then the killers, even though there are victims of this on both sides. And don't get me wrong: cracked survivor mains need no perk at all to run me for minutes on end, just because they know every single loop and tileset by heart and can run every corner pixel perfect, but most survivors are not like that.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 5,508
    edited March 20

    Is the same true for survivors who split up and tackle 4 different gens simultaniously, or am I "tripping" for just mentioning this? Just asking for a friend.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 1,794

    I'll give you a point for that I'm not a major fan of 2v8 because after a while it gets a little stale mostly just lack of maps or variety of perks plus also match making time isn't that good.

  • Member Posts: 276
    edited March 20

    both sides rely heavily on their meta perks but killer’s rely more because the main defense on the killer side is they tunnel, camp and slug during chaos shuffle because they don’t have their slowdown perks. I’ve had game after game today of killers having 2-3 hooks at 1-2 gens left and then instantly switch playstyles to proxy camp and hard tunnel someone out and when that doesn’t work they’ll just hard slug the whole team.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 455
    edited March 20

    But isn't that the point? You stated that the reason why killers tunnel/slug is because they depend more on their meta than survivors, so this means that the game itself tends to favor survivors more than killers.

    You also gave an example that killers tend to tunnel/slug when the game is in the final moments and depending on how the match went, some of these strategies are completely acceptable if the killer wants to win.

    A killer tunnel/slug at the beginning of the game for no reason is bad behavior, a killer tunneling/slug at the final moments have their reasons since they depends on the meta to be able to win as you said.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 966
    edited March 20

    you can also see how survivors without meta perks and gen rushing builds (even tho they still have the toolboxes) are AWFUL at the game... Spotting who can't play withiut their windows of opportunity is easy af

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 966

    Chaos shuffle should be permanent

  • Member Posts: 985
    edited March 20

    survivor meta is early gen splitting. It's counterpart is forcing a 3v1 asap (tunneling).

    In Chaos Shuffle, killer doesn't have necessary perks to counter early gen splitting on majority of killers (Corrupt Intervention).

    On the other hand, survivors don't have necessary perks to destroy a tunneler (anti-tunneling perks), tho they can still have a decent match with enough chase skills

    I really dislike hypocrisy around killer meta strats when quite a lot of survivors will pick 3 different gens in early game, but they somehow don't see it as "meta gameplay". Not only that, but gen splitting without slowdowns is as easy as tunneling without anti-tunnels, maybe even easier.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 324

    I would like to have a mode without perks / items or addons.

  • Member Posts: 352

    It wouldn't be much different to what we have now with Chaos Shuffle. Killers aren't using their Shattered Hope's and Cruel Limits or whatever they get now and just tunnelling at 5 gens. And survivors aren't sitting in the basement with the invocation Crow perk. It would play out almost identically to what is happening now.

    Problem is when modifiers or events are on they are sweaty as possiblee, the quality of solo queue drops even further and people that play solo queue take breaks for the duration of the modes or events and play other games. Then the matchmaking and queue waiting times go out of whack and it turns into an even more unenjoyable mess of mismatches and/or painfully bad matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,633

    I've been in a long break since July and returned a few days ago, I played a bit the first events, light outs, chaos shuffle, 2v8 and one of a giant Oni smashing survivors and if I remember correctly they used to have an event tome, but this time it doesn't. So why should I play chaos shuffle now if I'm not getting a BP bonus at least? Someone can say me "play it just for fun", but it isn't fun for me, I can play 2v8 just for fun for example, because it is different enough from the classic mode, but chaos shuffle feels like nerfing myself by not chosing my perks and if I'm unlucky enough I can get a No Mither (It happend to me in the first chaos shuffle), so… for me it is more an annoyance than anything because it makes the queues longer due being split in two different game modes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Member Posts: 135

    That's a pretty weak sauce excuse. There is no tome/rewards for this mode. Even the incentives aren't better. Last time I played Killer was 50% on normal and 25% for survivor on chaos. I went and played killer. If you someone can't handle randomly assigned perks don't play the modifier.

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