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After ~3 years hatch

Akuma Member Posts: 407

it feels really annoying and silly

Always those free wins
i mean often i just accept it, break some pallets, gens or what ever
but sometimes it's so stupid

I hope you rework the endgame to an epic fight between the goods and the bads (sometimes survivors are the bads and sometimes the killer is) i mean you can do something really crazy and complex if you want. I can wait. Just tell us if you already had an perfect idea. You dont have to tell me what it is just you're on programming this awesome #########


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2019

    DS, totems, Freddy and game length are right behind hatch as well. The fixes get a lot of talk but not much action from them. From inception to completion their changes/fixes take 2+ years to come to fruition.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Hatch standoffs are hella fun /s

    Either way I'd love to see some changes from them regarding this in particular. Not even DS comes close to being as unfun as a killer and survivor standing on a hatch for 20 minutes lol

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    @Blueberry said:
    DS, totems, Freddy and game length are right behind hatch as well. The fixes get a lot of talk but not much action from them. From inception to completion their changes/fixes take 2+ years to come to fruition.

    no way man
    ds is a joke after 2 years. I'm meming it
    I watched a streamer today and it didnt matter if he was the obsession or not he didnt even get it, except the killer wanted it. and then it was a nurse LUL
    was really funny to see. there are better perks, ds in his current mechanic becoming less important

    do you remember the stats from the devs stream? ~40% escape rate? and you know that in 9/10 potentional 4ks ONE survivor escapes through the hatch
    1 from 4 = 25%
    the hatch
    is a big deal.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    @Akuma said:
    it feels really annoying and silly

    Always those free wins
    i mean often i just accept it, break some pallets, gens or what ever
    but sometimes it's so stupid

    I hope you rework the endgame to an epic fight between the goods and the bads (sometimes survivors are the bads and sometimes the killer is) i mean you can do something really crazy and complex if you want. I can wait. Just tell us if you already had an perfect idea. You dont have to tell me what it is just you're on programming this awesome #########

    Solving the End Game/Replacing the end game? We already know what solving the end-game looks like;

    do you remember the stats from the devs stream? ~40% escape rate? and you know that in 9/10 potentional 4ks ONE survivor escapes through the hatch
    1 from 4 = 25%
    the hatch
    is a big deal.

    This is a matchmaking fallacy. Survivors who do the same can also give the killer a pip-rate of 5%. (Marth88's experiment)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Akuma said:

    @Blueberry said:
    DS, totems, Freddy and game length are right behind hatch as well. The fixes get a lot of talk but not much action from them. From inception to completion their changes/fixes take 2+ years to come to fruition.

    no way man
    ds is a joke after 2 years. I'm meming it
    I watched a streamer today and it didnt matter if he was the obsession or not he didnt even get it, except the killer wanted it. and then it was a nurse LUL
    was really funny to see. there are better perks, ds in his current mechanic becoming less important

    do you remember the stats from the devs stream? ~40% escape rate? and you know that in 9/10 potentional 4ks ONE survivor escapes through the hatch
    1 from 4 = 25%
    the hatch
    is a big deal.

    None of my comment said that DS changes were more important than the hatch changes. All I did was list other changes that we have also been waiting on.

    That said, DS is still a very big issue and game breaking in the right hands.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @TRGraybles said:

    @Blueberry said:
    DS, totems, Freddy and game length are right behind hatch as well. The fixes get a lot of talk but not much action from them. From inception to completion their changes/fixes take 2+ years to come to fruition.

    Freddy really isn't as bad as he's claimed to be, I really learned to appreciate him recently when leveling him for the perks! You just gotta learn to work around his weaknesses witch are plenty, but not that hard to counter! He's great against SWF 4-man groups! The worst thing you can do with Freddy is rescue your buddies if you still hear the song, 'cause that song is a requiem, it lets you know the hooked guy will get tunneled and will die!

    You just leveled him. I've got hundreds of hours on just him alone at rank 1 P3 since his release. He is indeed as bad as he is claimed and is not good against SWF 4 mans whatsoever. You do well with him when survivors play dumb and at low ranks.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    I'd be okay with the hatch if they fixed standoffs. If the survivor is hit, they have a few seconds where they can't interact with the hatch, essentially meaning they can't escape through it unless they get there ahead of the killer. Still leaves issues with it, but at least prevents the standoffs
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    I don't mind about the hatch, always i give it to the last person (unless if he/she was tbging me so hard)

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

    I don't think theres an entitlement for the 4k but the hatch is still flawed. It encourages suicides and DCs, or a survivor intentionally abandoning another just to take the hatch. And again, hatch standoffs shouldn't be the problem they are. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @TRGraybles said:

    @Blueberry said:
    You just leveled him. I've got hundreds of hours on just him alone at rank 1 P3 since his release. He is indeed as bad as he is claimed and is not good against SWF 4 mans whatsoever. You do well with him when survivors play dumb and at low ranks.

    Lol, he's so bad but I got 100's of hours on rank one with P3 Freddy. It sounded like a golden turd just fell out of your mouth! Enjoy blowing your own horn mate!

    If you can't listen to someone with more experience than you then you're hopeless and delusional. Enjoy rank 20

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

    Bro. A long time I didnt understand things because I knew how it was it felt playing survivor in the beginnings of dbd. Every time something got nerfed in favor to the killer side i was pissed. I started playing killer and with the time i understood. The devs made the killer gameplay a lot more funnier then it was in the past. And after 4,5k hours and ~3 years I'm here and brother this hatch is completely bs. For sure there MUST be a chance for the last survivor to survive after all the others are dead but not like this. It's an alternate win for the survivor and only for the survivor. As Killer you know: mhhhhhh hatch, so stupid I cant do anything.
    And the hatch is part of the endgame. Means the devs wil lfix the whole endgame for one left behind survivor. How great would it be to have an exciting and completely new gameplay? Where Idk you get some extra built in perks? Or another soundtrack?
    I mean very oftenw hen I play kilelr after the last gen I know I've lost. There's maybe one chance to get one more hook, or two. Everything else depends on how ######### the survivors are. If there are more than two^^
    And I mean in some way it's okay because you did 5 gens. But every side should have a real chance to change something. Dead by Daylight isn't a stealthy sneaky game. It's competetive and with every day it becomes more skill-based. That's fookin cool man ^^ And trust me there will be days killer are too strong and trust me if that's the case the devs will adjust it because it's not fun to get killed by a 5 blink noed ruin tunneling camping toxic bs nurse every game
    that's not a war between survivors and killers
    it's a war to make this game balanced as far as possible and FUN as possible

    and the hatch is just fun for one gameplay and bs for the other

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I play killer mostly, I still have zero problem with the hatch. You get it, or you don't, I don't care. I also don't feel like I have to get 4k every match. I play and have fun, I don't sweat it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2019

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

    You're missing the point, it's not a 4k entitlement. Entitlement means it is undeserved.

    What if when the gates were powered one survivor just auto falls over dead. BRO you're not entitled to escape EVERY GAME. You see what I mean?

    Killers aren't upset because they didn't get a 4k. They are upset because they won the game and EARNED the kill. The survivor lost, they didn't earn the escape. Just like a survivor auto dying on gate powering would make you mad because you had earned the escape.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    The hatch needs to be closed by the killer.

    At that point the survivor can do a gen and it will reopen, or they are screwed. It would make perks like resilence better.

    THe current hatch game sucks... and I will continue to slug...

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    The hatch needs to be closed by the killer.

    At that point the survivor can do a gen and it will reopen, or they are screwed. It would make perks like resilence better.

    THe current hatch game sucks... and I will continue to slug...

    Wasn't this being worked on by the devs? what ever happened to it..

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Blueberry said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

    You're missing the point, it's not a 4k entitlement. Entitlement means it is undeserved.

    What if when the gates were powered one survivor just auto falls over dead. BRO you're not entitled to escape EVERY GAME. You see what I mean?

    Killers aren't upset because they didn't get a 4k. They are upset because they won the game and EARNED the kill. The survivor lost, they didn't earn the escape. Just like a survivor auto dying on gate powering would make you mad because you had earned the escape.

    You fail to understand the point of the game. The hatch fits the horror genre perfectly. Everyone dies, but one did just enough to squeeze out. The survival rate is below 50%. If you take the hatch away, you discourage survivor play even more. The hatch is not a given for a survivor. I rarely get it when I play, but I usually let them take it when I play killer. I play killer much more than I play survivor, but survivor is flat out boring.

    As for "winning the game" - you did not EARN that 4th kill unless you downed that 4th survivor before the hatch. That is the plain fact of it. If I don't down you before you hop through the hatch, oh well. Well played. I know you don't like hearing that, but it is the plain fact of the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2019

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Wow. I can't get over how many of the players on this forum are so entitled to what they see as theirs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the hatch. We are not entitled to 4k. If they do two gens and that is it and the 4th gets the hatch, I lose zero sleep over it. I'd rather that than some drawn out hide and seek. If players have zero hope other than the gates, we will have far less survivors and no game to play.

    Get over your entitled mentality already.

    You're missing the point, it's not a 4k entitlement. Entitlement means it is undeserved.

    What if when the gates were powered one survivor just auto falls over dead. BRO you're not entitled to escape EVERY GAME. You see what I mean?

    Killers aren't upset because they didn't get a 4k. They are upset because they won the game and EARNED the kill. The survivor lost, they didn't earn the escape. Just like a survivor auto dying on gate powering would make you mad because you had earned the escape.

    You fail to understand the point of the game. The hatch fits the horror genre perfectly. Everyone dies, but one did just enough to squeeze out. The survival rate is below 50%. If you take the hatch away, you discourage survivor play even more. The hatch is not a given for a survivor. I rarely get it when I play, but I usually let them take it when I play killer. I play killer much more than I play survivor, but survivor is flat out boring.

    As for "winning the game" - you did not EARN that 4th kill unless you downed that 4th survivor before the hatch. That is the plain fact of it. If I don't down you before you hop through the hatch, oh well. Well played. I know you don't like hearing that, but it is the plain fact of the game.

    I don't think you understand the point of the game. I'm also not saying to remove the hatch entirely, just not its current free escape for nothing. The survival rate is also at the rate it is NOT because of balance but because of skewed statistics from things like NOED. Survivor is boring because it is too easy and heavily skewed in their favor.

    You DID earn the 4k because they didn't complete the gens. That last person cannot complete the rest the gens on their own BECAUSE they lost. If they hadn't lost then they'd still be doing gens. You aren't presenting facts you are presenting opinions and a misunderstanding of the games balance.