

Killer concept “The snowman”

Member Posts: 2,972
edited March 24 in Creations

the design of the killer would be a man in a space suit with a globe shaped helmet. The head would be a skull that’s frozen and he’s wearing red goggles.
think ghost rider and Mr freeze combined.
his weapon or basic attack would be his bare hands.

Killers Power: Frostbite

The snowman uses his chilling technology to manipulate the trial and environment with his powerful ray gun. His ray gun allows him to freeze anything or create icy conditions.
Hold the action button to aim the ray gun. When aimed you are slowed down and you aim down sites. Pressing the button shoots a beam of ice. Switch between modes on your gun by pressing the other button.

Objective Mode:
Hitting the following items with your ice beam will render it useless until it thaws out.

  • pallets
  • Vaults
  • Totems
  • Chests
  • Exit gates
  • Generators

these objectives cannot be completed or used until they thaw out. It takes 12 seconds for it to thaw completely. If a survivor goes up to the frozen object they can kick it speeding up the process by 100%

Environment mode:

Shooting the floor with your gun will create ice spots. If a survivor runs over the ice spot they will be hindered for 4 seconds by 8%. This will build up the ice meter on the survivors hud if they run into the puddle. If a survivor is hit by the ice beam there ice meter builds up.
when there meter is filled all the way they will be “Frozen” while frozen survivors cannot use items or do any objectives. They will suffer from broken and incapacitated until they Warm up. Other survivors can come up and help warm up there survivors to get rid of the effect.

Heat tracking mode:

Press the secondary button to turn on heat tracking. When a survivor is fully frozen they will be vulnerable to his heat tracker.
in heat mode scan the environment for heat footprints these are more accurate and reliable than scratch marks. the heat marks will stay until that survivor thaws out.

The perks

Perk #1 Stay Cool

You know how to stay calm even when your body is below freezing. When a generator is completed gain a 20% bonus to successful hit recovery for 20/25/30 seconds.

Perk #2 Scourge hook: Everybody chill

Being an iceman has given you the way to rule over any area. When hooking a survivor on a scourge hook, every survivor will scream and become hindered by 5% for until that survivor is unhooked.
Perk only activates when leaving the hooked survivor further than 32 meters. When the survivor is unhooked the hindered stays for a extra 6/10/12 seconds

Perk #3 cold shoulder

You know how to intimidate others. Getting stunned or blinded by any means gives you the undetectable status effect and gives you a 3% haste for 10/12/14 seconds.

I didn’t work on addons. Tell me your honest thoughts and in all seriousness this is all just a rough idea of what the perks and power would be.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Member Posts: 2,249

    Woooow A++++++

    I love the theme and power so much. Anything with ice is so cool. Especially the idea of Survivors warming each other up. And the look of the Killer??? Genius. There’s so much that can be done with this concept.

    This is a great idea for a Killer! Fantastic job 😃 11/10

  • Member Posts: 23

    I made a similar concept about a ice type killer. This concept is cool in how versatile this character is with his ray gun and heat tracker. I think the heat tracker would make more sense if you could track any survivors footprints as long as they are running or something rather than just frozen.

    But great concept, the perks are great, i like the perk cold shoulder a lot, and i think it would be coool (pun intended) to play as a undead mr freeze character.

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