Killer perk that uses plants in the map

Urtica Advena
“The Entity’s perversion of stinging nettle hampers survivors’ progress with its whiplike mechanism.”
Moving through shrubbery [but not grass, tall grass, cattails, etc.] causes survivors to be Hindered for 5 seconds, be visually blinded for 3 seconds, suffer Blindness for 23 seconds, and emit a glow akin to blighted serum for 10 seconds.
Urtica is a plant genus commonly known as nettle or stinging nettle; hairs on the leaves sting to the touch and therefore herbivores avoid eating them. Advena is Latin for "outsider, foreigner, alien, or stranger". My thought was that the Entity would change an organic, natural-world plant into something more sinister and previously unseen - something foreign and strange.
I wanted something that makes use of the natural aspects of a map - nothing currently interacts with trees or shrubs. Of course, the problem would be on maps like The Game and Midwich, where there are few or no plants whatsoever, so it's almost as if there would have to be an alternate effect active or layered below the main effect to give the perk slot some usage universally, no matter what map is played. Or BHVR would need to add flora to every map (Lery's has some already).
The effects of the perk listed above will necessitate survivors watching where they go. Maybe there should be a stipulation of, "when running through shrubbery" so that walking won't cause harm.
I'll think about what can be done with trees next, but of course this also presents problems with indoor maps.