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31 Minute PS4 Solo Queue

ReneAensland Member Posts: 838
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

Of course I don't expect you to watch it, but if you can tell...I was lobby dodged twice. Two games I found the Ping was over 300.

How is this fun?
31 minute queue to potentially get moried, camped, tunneled.
How does the matchmaking team think this is acceptable.

This was at 2:30pm. Western Time. Los Angeles. Today.



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.

    You can't use reactions on your own comments. I won't comment on the rest because I think it'd only make it worse.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.

    You can't use reactions on your own comments. I won't comment on the rest because I think it'd only make it worse.

    I never asked you to comment.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.

    You can't use reactions on your own comments. I won't comment on the rest because I think it'd only make it worse.

    I never asked you to comment.

    It's an open forum, anyone can comment. I was trying to (politely) correct you so you wouldn't go around making false accusations in the future.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.

    You can't use reactions on your own comments. I won't comment on the rest because I think it'd only make it worse.

    I never asked you to comment.

    It's an open forum, anyone can comment. I was trying to (politely) correct you so you wouldn't go around making false accusations in the future.

    I honestly don't care whether you comment or not, I don't understand why you would assume I would care if you commented.
    It's an open forum, sure you have to announce when you're going to comment or when you'll be witholding?

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @ReneAensland the lobbies have been an issue for 2 weeks. In 2 days we will find out if it is a player base issue not enough killers or a lobby bug. It sucks i'm dealing with it also sometimes they pop quick other times i feel like i'm in the entities realm. let's see if things improve during the event. Hopefully i will see you in the fog.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Orion said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.

    You can't use reactions on your own comments. I won't comment on the rest because I think it'd only make it worse.

    I never asked you to comment.

    It's an open forum, anyone can comment. I was trying to (politely) correct you so you wouldn't go around making false accusations in the future.

    I honestly don't care whether you comment or not, I don't understand why you would assume I would care if you commented.
    It's an open forum, sure you have to announce when you're going to comment or when you'll be witholding?

    I wasn't "announcing"; I was explaining so as not to seem nitpicky. Take a chill pill.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @fcc2014 said:
    @ReneAensland the lobbies have been an issue for 2 weeks. In 2 days we will find out if it is a player base issue not enough killers or a lobby bug. It sucks i'm dealing with it also sometimes they pop quick other times i feel like i'm in the entities realm. let's see if things improve during the event. Hopefully i will see you in the fog.

    Thank you for a producive response.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @ReneAensland Bud, a friendly reminder, you are being too aggressive to a user that did nothing wrong. It makes you look bad. It is an open forum, people can comment on whatever they want. If you don't like them or what they wrote, just ignore. He was really trying to correct and help you so that you don't make the same mistake in another thread. You should just drop it but you do you.

    As for the queue times, I don't think it is a bug, in the last 2 weeks, many survivors on consoles came here and said that it was difficult to find lobbies. I haven't seen any killer coming here saying that they had problems with queue times. There seems to be a lack of killers and I don't know how the devs can fix this.

    They should give incentives to play a role that is being less played, maybe more bloodpoints or shards. It wouldn't solve the problem but it would at least make it better.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838
    edited January 2019

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.
    And ######### are you talking about.

    These are queues you idiot.
    I'm also bringing up factual evidence of a console issue that many players have and you want to come at me with th at smartass remark?

    Why don't you open your mouth for something more productive you troll.

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    What else can I say about this? Maybe be nice to the other side? :wink:

    Oh and btw, try upvoting your own comment, you idiot

    I'm a killer main.

    And no, I'm not desperate for upvotes.
    And I don't understand the high headed-ness, you were being a smartass.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607
    Today has been the first day in a while I got games real fast and only 2 lobbydodges. I got more ragequitting survivors that scardey killers
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    The que times have been quite slow for solo lately. Sometimes its fast for me tho, other times it's not good at all
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    yea on ps4 too takes forever as Survivor to get into match sometimes I get dodged sucks but if I play killer I get match right away I'm solo player.I think it got something to do with more people playing SWF making it harder for solo to find a game.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.
    And ######### are you talking about.

    These are queues you idiot.
    I'm also bringing up factual evidence of a console issue that many players have and you want to come at me with th at smartass remark?

    Why don't you open your mouth for something more productive you troll.

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    What else can I say about this? Maybe be nice to the other side? :wink:

    Oh and btw, try upvoting your own comment, you idiot

    I'm a killer main.

    And no, I'm not desperate for upvotes.
    And I don't understand the high headed-ness, you were being a smartass.

    Well then just play killer if you are a killer main anyway.
    Lots of survivors are waiting for you in the queue already, dont make them wait any longer

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    edited January 2019
    For me I get insta queues but for whatever reason I get matched with people in Germany or china and I end up having like 400 ping all the time.....

    I'm in WNY
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Game is janky asf on console. Doesn't retain players like pc. Needs to go free 2 play.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    It’s probably your region.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Might_Oakk said:
    Game is janky asf on console. Doesn't retain players like pc. Needs to go free 2 play.

    They just need to implement cross platform matchmaking

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.
    And ######### are you talking about.

    These are queues you idiot.
    I'm also bringing up factual evidence of a console issue that many players have and you want to come at me with th at smartass remark?

    Why don't you open your mouth for something more productive you troll.

    Why are you insulting them? Obviously they were joking why are you being so triggered?

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.
    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.
    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

    as someone said - it's not so fun. Even when you trying to get ALL fun frome game without ruining others fun - you will endedup with camping, tuneling, memento moris, HEX: RUIN and NOED, Hillbillys, nurses, through pallet or window hits and finaly - slugging

    on other side

    you get pallet looped, genrushed, DS (whitch i think is fair enough), toxic survivors (i get here only thouse who taunting killer instead of doing something), Unhooks when you not camping but didn't find anyone to chase, constat genrepairing when you chasing someone, beeing unable to caught and kill that annoing survivor that whole game were taunting you, but even if you down them - they had insta heal, DS, adrenaline and they still somehow escaped...

    i don't maining any role - playing both sides...

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    @Master said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    Game is janky asf on console. Doesn't retain players like pc. Needs to go free 2 play.

    They just need to implement cross platform matchmaking

    i like this.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.
    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

    as someone said - it's not so fun. Even when you trying to get ALL fun frome game without ruining others fun - you will endedup with camping, tuneling, memento moris, HEX: RUIN and NOED, Hillbillys, nurses, through pallet or window hits and finaly - slugging

    on other side

    you get pallet looped, genrushed, DS (whitch i think is fair enough), toxic survivors (i get here only thouse who taunting killer instead of doing something), Unhooks when you not camping but didn't find anyone to chase, constat genrepairing when you chasing someone, beeing unable to caught and kill that annoing survivor that whole game were taunting you, but even if you down them - they had insta heal, DS, adrenaline and they still somehow escaped...

    i don't maining any role - playing both sides...

    You know when i first started playing this game i played only killer for the longest time, and i played very sweaty too. I didn't give two shits about anyone. I was one of those killers that was like killers are to weak, killers job is to kill etc. 
     Then I started playing a lil survivor. And I would escape some, get camped some, get tunneled some, moris etc. And I was just like why would anyone want to play survivor if they knew they were just going to be someone's lil ######### for a few minutes. So it's a very hard game to balance and be appealing to both sides, and I think it's in the best place right now than when I first started.
     So I still play alot of killer and I say prolly 75% of the time I play laid back. Dont camp let people get unhooked and healed. Yea that just backfires on me most the time. Gens get done to quick cause I'm not applying enough pressure. So then the teabagging starts and waiting at the exit gates just so you can watch them leave. But if you apply pressure and keep pressure then your just a bad killer and get bad mouthed. So the killer drought isn't from balance of the game, I think it's just the toxic community. People just say hey, I dont have to deal with this ######### and go on to something else. Survivors dont want to survive they want to bully. And if you are not a bully, if the shoe dont fit dont wear it.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    TimeMonster said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:

    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.

    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

    as someone said - it's not so fun. Even when you trying to get ALL fun frome game without ruining others fun - you will endedup with camping, tuneling, memento moris, HEX: RUIN and NOED, Hillbillys, nurses, through pallet or window hits and finaly - slugging

    on other side

    you get pallet looped, genrushed, DS (whitch i think is fair enough), toxic survivors (i get here only thouse who taunting killer instead of doing something), Unhooks when you not camping but didn't find anyone to chase, constat genrepairing when you chasing someone, beeing unable to caught and kill that annoing survivor that whole game were taunting you, but even if you down them - they had insta heal, DS, adrenaline and they still somehow escaped...

    i don't maining any role - playing both sides...

    You know when i first started playing this game i played only killer for the longest time, and i played very sweaty too. I didn't give two shits about anyone. I was one of those killers that was like killers are to weak, killers job is to kill etc. 
     Then I started playing a lil survivor. And I would escape some, get camped some, get tunneled some, moris etc. And I was just like why would anyone want to play survivor if they knew they were just going to be someone's lil ######### for a few minutes. So it's a very hard game to balance and be appealing to both sides, and I think it's in the best place right now than when I first started.
     So I still play alot of killer and I say prolly 75% of the time I play laid back. Dont camp let people get unhooked and healed. Yea that just backfires on me most the time. Gens get done to quick cause I'm not applying enough pressure. So then the teabagging starts and waiting at the exit gates just so you can watch them leave. But if you apply pressure and keep pressure then your just a bad killer and get bad mouthed. So the killer drought isn't from balance of the game, I think it's just the toxic community. People just say hey, I dont have to deal with this ######### and go on to something else. Survivors dont want to survive they want to bully. And if you are not a bully, if the shoe dont fit dont wear it.

    Same here...I get burned out playing killer.
    It's nice to elude the killer, run him around and etc.

    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    I can say that there are definitely not enough killers on console. Not much the devs can do about that, I think. I play solo and it takes a bit longer depening on rank, but when I try to play with friends, it takes much longer. With killer, the queues are basically instant. 
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @fcc2014 said:
    @ReneAensland the lobbies have been an issue for 2 weeks. In 2 days we will find out if it is a player base issue not enough killers or a lobby bug. It sucks i'm dealing with it also sometimes they pop quick other times i feel like i'm in the entities realm. let's see if things improve during the event. Hopefully i will see you in the fog.

    What are you waiting to see / find out? like how do you get this information and knowing this how long do you think it'll be before its' remedied. I often have 30+ min lobby waits on Ps4

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    @ReneAensland the lobbies have been an issue for 2 weeks. In 2 days we will find out if it is a player base issue not enough killers or a lobby bug. It sucks i'm dealing with it also sometimes they pop quick other times i feel like i'm in the entities realm. let's see if things improve during the event. Hopefully i will see you in the fog.

    What are you waiting to see / find out? like how do you get this information and knowing this how long do you think it'll be before its' remedied. I often have 30+ min lobby waits on Ps4

    That's awful. =/

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @ReneAensland said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    @ReneAensland the lobbies have been an issue for 2 weeks. In 2 days we will find out if it is a player base issue not enough killers or a lobby bug. It sucks i'm dealing with it also sometimes they pop quick other times i feel like i'm in the entities realm. let's see if things improve during the event. Hopefully i will see you in the fog.

    What are you waiting to see / find out? like how do you get this information and knowing this how long do you think it'll be before its' remedied. I often have 30+ min lobby waits on Ps4

    That's awful. =/

    I concur fully. I just reset the lobby and usually get in faster than the 30 min wait I just had so I think it may be a lobby issue. Also I've found the more people I have in my group from solo, duo to full 4 man team also makes it longer...cest le vie

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Poweas said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.
    And ######### are you talking about.

    These are queues you idiot.
    I'm also bringing up factual evidence of a console issue that many players have and you want to come at me with th at smartass remark?

    Why don't you open your mouth for something more productive you troll.

    Why are you insulting them? Obviously they were joking why are you being so triggered?

    I am dead serious. When killers have insta queues and survivors have long queues, then the logical consequence is that there are not enough killers anymore. If you can explain that otherwise, Im curious :wink:

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    What else can I say about this? Maybe be nice to the other side? :wink:

    How do you suggest this? Until PS4 gets a massive ban wave(for Disconnects) because i suspect the same salty a-holes that message are the same that only play to torment, refuse to leave at the door, and find the hatch but feel the need to wait until you come see them before leaving.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    TimeMonster said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:

    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.

    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

    as someone said - it's not so fun. Even when you trying to get ALL fun frome game without ruining others fun - you will endedup with camping, tuneling, memento moris, HEX: RUIN and NOED, Hillbillys, nurses, through pallet or window hits and finaly - slugging

    on other side

    you get pallet looped, genrushed, DS (whitch i think is fair enough), toxic survivors (i get here only thouse who taunting killer instead of doing something), Unhooks when you not camping but didn't find anyone to chase, constat genrepairing when you chasing someone, beeing unable to caught and kill that annoing survivor that whole game were taunting you, but even if you down them - they had insta heal, DS, adrenaline and they still somehow escaped...

    i don't maining any role - playing both sides...

    You know when i first started playing this game i played only killer for the longest time, and i played very sweaty too. I didn't give two shits about anyone. I was one of those killers that was like killers are to weak, killers job is to kill etc. 
     Then I started playing a lil survivor. And I would escape some, get camped some, get tunneled some, moris etc. And I was just like why would anyone want to play survivor if they knew they were just going to be someone's lil ######### for a few minutes. So it's a very hard game to balance and be appealing to both sides, and I think it's in the best place right now than when I first started.
     So I still play alot of killer and I say prolly 75% of the time I play laid back. Dont camp let people get unhooked and healed. Yea that just backfires on me most the time. Gens get done to quick cause I'm not applying enough pressure. So then the teabagging starts and waiting at the exit gates just so you can watch them leave. But if you apply pressure and keep pressure then your just a bad killer and get bad mouthed. So the killer drought isn't from balance of the game, I think it's just the toxic community. People just say hey, I dont have to deal with this ######### and go on to something else. Survivors dont want to survive they want to bully. And if you are not a bully, if the shoe dont fit dont wear it.

    Same here...I get burned out playing killer.
    It's nice to elude the killer, run him around and etc.

    So you're more like an ex-killer main. I don't blame you.

    @WINTERS said:
    I can say that there are definitely not enough killers on console. Not much the devs can do about that, I think.

    There are definitely things that the devs can and have to do about that issue (balance, bugs, toxicness). If they don't act, it will harm the game. The killer role needs to be made more attractive.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    TimeMonster said:

    @Unnamed_Freak said:

    There's not enough people playing killer, that's simple.

    It's not a very attractive role to play due to the game's unbalance, so most people play survivor.

    as someone said - it's not so fun. Even when you trying to get ALL fun frome game without ruining others fun - you will endedup with camping, tuneling, memento moris, HEX: RUIN and NOED, Hillbillys, nurses, through pallet or window hits and finaly - slugging

    on other side

    you get pallet looped, genrushed, DS (whitch i think is fair enough), toxic survivors (i get here only thouse who taunting killer instead of doing something), Unhooks when you not camping but didn't find anyone to chase, constat genrepairing when you chasing someone, beeing unable to caught and kill that annoing survivor that whole game were taunting you, but even if you down them - they had insta heal, DS, adrenaline and they still somehow escaped...

    i don't maining any role - playing both sides...

    You know when i first started playing this game i played only killer for the longest time, and i played very sweaty too. I didn't give two shits about anyone. I was one of those killers that was like killers are to weak, killers job is to kill etc. 
     Then I started playing a lil survivor. And I would escape some, get camped some, get tunneled some, moris etc. And I was just like why would anyone want to play survivor if they knew they were just going to be someone's lil ######### for a few minutes. So it's a very hard game to balance and be appealing to both sides, and I think it's in the best place right now than when I first started.
     So I still play alot of killer and I say prolly 75% of the time I play laid back. Dont camp let people get unhooked and healed. Yea that just backfires on me most the time. Gens get done to quick cause I'm not applying enough pressure. So then the teabagging starts and waiting at the exit gates just so you can watch them leave. But if you apply pressure and keep pressure then your just a bad killer and get bad mouthed. So the killer drought isn't from balance of the game, I think it's just the toxic community. People just say hey, I dont have to deal with this ######### and go on to something else. Survivors dont want to survive they want to bully. And if you are not a bully, if the shoe dont fit dont wear it.

    Same here...I get burned out playing killer.
    It's nice to elude the killer, run him around and etc.

    So you're more like an ex-killer main. I don't blame you.

    @WINTERS said:
    I can say that there are definitely not enough killers on console. Not much the devs can do about that, I think.

    There are definitely things that the devs can and have to do about that issue (balance, bugs, toxicness). If they don't act, it will harm the game. The killer role needs to be made more attractive.

    I Love being killer but being a survivor is a lot of fun.
    During Rank Reset I go back to Rank 10 and it's fun playing Freddy, Clown and Wraith but right when I hit Ranks 7-1 it's Spirit, Spirit, Spirit until Rank 1 and it's such a burnout.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    I can't imagine that the devs are not aware of this issue. If the reason for the queue time was a buggy matchmaking, don't you think they would have said something like "we know there's a bug, we are working on it" by now?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Sucks when no killer wants to play with you anymore, guess now you realize that you cant play the game with your own :wink:

    Funny how you vote up your own comment.
    And ######### are you talking about.

    These are queues you idiot.
    I'm also bringing up factual evidence of a console issue that many players have and you want to come at me with th at smartass remark?

    Why don't you open your mouth for something more productive you troll.

    Why are you insulting them? Obviously they were joking why are you being so triggered?

    I am dead serious. When killers have insta queues and survivors have long queues, then the logical consequence is that there are not enough killers anymore. If you can explain that otherwise, Im curious :wink:

    I guess you're right. I don't know about Ps4 queues, but XBOX 1 queues for survivor was cancerous. PC is different though but that's because there's more rank diversity with different players on each rank. On xbox, most good players stayed at rank 20 (killer and survivor alike) to bully the newer players. It's why escaping rank 20 on xbox is an achievement in itself.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838
    edited January 2019

    @TRGraybles said:
    I couldn't really care less when I saw it was a P3 Claudette complaining... quite amazed she wasn't carrying a flashlight to be honest!

    First off, this argument is old. Stop shaming Claudette users. I carry a Syringe 60% of my matches.
    Call it what you want, and let me just put this out there.

    I'm a P2 Claudette.
    I now know who Ochido is thanks to everyone celebrating his ban on Reddit.
    Before that, I didn't know who tf was Ochido.

    Wanna throw anything else my way that I haven't heard of already?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    I can't imagine that the devs are not aware of this issue. If the reason for the queue time was a buggy matchmaking, don't you think they would have said something like "we know there's a bug, we are working on it" by now?

    If it was buggy matchmaking, how is the killer side geting insta queues then?
    You need both sides for a game, so.....

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @TRGraybles said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    Wanna throw anything else my way that I haven't heard of already?

    Wow, 0 -> 100% rage in 0.5s.
    Ever though about the fact that people remember you? and that that is the reason you get dodged? The higher your Rank the fewer the players in your choisepool, Have fun simmering down while you wait a little longer, it sounds like you could use some R&R!

    Do you play this game?
    I'm a Killer main and I never remember anyone I do against.
    Do you?

    Honestly. Do. You?

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I don't know how people can say there aren't enough killers, I was getting INSTANT lobbies as solo survivor about a month ago (before, during, and even for a bit after the event). You don't lose THAT many killers out of nowhere, it has to be the matchmaking changes slowing things down.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @TRGraybles said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    Honestly. Do. You?

    Ah, yeah, for example you said you play in PS4 I now know your name, think I wanna play with someone like you? Welcome to dodge town sister!

    I doubt you'll ever see me.
    I haven't found 1 person from the forum who's on my friends list.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Master said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    I can't imagine that the devs are not aware of this issue. If the reason for the queue time was a buggy matchmaking, don't you think they would have said something like "we know there's a bug, we are working on it" by now?

    If it was buggy matchmaking, how is the killer side geting insta queues then?
    You need both sides for a game, so.....

    Exactly. That's why I was asking hypothetically what would happen IF it was a bug...

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    I can't imagine that the devs are not aware of this issue. If the reason for the queue time was a buggy matchmaking, don't you think they would have said something like "we know there's a bug, we are working on it" by now?

    I think DBD has been better with communication for the past 9 months but no i don't think they would. We constantly have bugs on all platforms that they don't talk about. Hell When the Legion chapter came out consoles on both Xbox and PS4 were locking up, becoming unresponsive, game crashes, blue screens and trying to overclock themselves to run the game. What did it take a week to lock the Ormond Map and a small patch.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Negi said:
    I don't know how people can say there aren't enough killers, I was getting INSTANT lobbies as solo survivor about a month ago (before, during, and even for a bit after the event). You don't lose THAT many killers out of nowhere, it has to be the matchmaking changes slowing things down.

    It could be people took a break after the previous event. We had those awesome bloodwebs and double blood points. People may have played other stuff they got after xmas.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Negi said:
    I don't know how people can say there aren't enough killers, I was getting INSTANT lobbies as solo survivor about a month ago (before, during, and even for a bit after the event). You don't lose THAT many killers out of nowhere, it has to be the matchmaking changes slowing things down.

    It could be people took a break after the previous event. We had those awesome bloodwebs and double blood points. People may have played other stuff they got after xmas.

    Its a lobby + matchmaking issue for sure

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @fcc2014 said:

    @NoShinyPony said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Master said:

    Yes its a factual evidence that there are not enough killers on console and thus survivors experience high queue time.

    We don't know yet if it is a player base issue. I suspect it might be.

    I can't imagine that the devs are not aware of this issue. If the reason for the queue time was a buggy matchmaking, don't you think they would have said something like "we know there's a bug, we are working on it" by now?

    I think DBD has been better with communication for the past 9 months but no i don't think they would. We constantly have bugs on all platforms that they don't talk about. Hell When the Legion chapter came out consoles on both Xbox and PS4 were locking up, becoming unresponsive, game crashes, blue screens and trying to overclock themselves to run the game. What did it take a week to lock the Ormond Map and a small patch.

    I do like that patches like today came out pretty fast.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Negi said:
    I don't know how people can say there aren't enough killers, I was getting INSTANT lobbies as solo survivor about a month ago (before, during, and even for a bit after the event). You don't lose THAT many killers out of nowhere, it has to be the matchmaking changes slowing things down.

    It could be people took a break after the previous event. We had those awesome bloodwebs and double blood points. People may have played other stuff they got after xmas.

    Its a lobby + matchmaking issue for sure

    HOPEFULLY, I really hope lobbies pop quick for both sides during the event. It is going to be a grind for sure if you want all 9 pieces 4500 seems like a lot.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @fcc2014 said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    Its a lobby + matchmaking issue for sure

    HOPEFULLY, I really hope lobbies pop quick for both sides during the event. It is going to be a grind for sure if you want all 9 pieces 4500 seems like a lot.

    It has to be tbh .. I queue for ages with a 4 man group..nothing, we reset the lobby and queue pops straight away. makes no sense, I do find it faster to get in as a solo, then a duo, then three of us and takes forever to find a match with 4 they fill lobbies by plonking in solos, then duos etc? It be good to have this kind of information to hand

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Negi said:
    I don't know how people can say there aren't enough killers, I was getting INSTANT lobbies as solo survivor about a month ago (before, during, and even for a bit after the event). You don't lose THAT many killers out of nowhere, it has to be the matchmaking changes slowing things down.

    It could be people took a break after the previous event. We had those awesome bloodwebs and double blood points. People may have played other stuff they got after xmas.

    Its a lobby + matchmaking issue for sure

    Then explain how killers have insta queues.
    If it was a lobby problem, then both sides would have to wait, but since only one side has to wait for the other to fill up......

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    Its a lobby + matchmaking issue for sure

    HOPEFULLY, I really hope lobbies pop quick for both sides during the event. It is going to be a grind for sure if you want all 9 pieces 4500 seems like a lot.

    It has to be tbh .. I queue for ages with a 4 man group..nothing, we reset the lobby and queue pops straight away. makes no sense, I do find it faster to get in as a solo, then a duo, then three of us and takes forever to find a match with 4 they fill lobbies by plonking in solos, then duos etc? It be good to have this kind of information to hand

    I play solo and in swf sometimes 2,3, or 4 man. i was having as much problems with solo as i was in a 2 man swf. 4 man was popping quick saturday night.

  • ForeheadSurviors
    ForeheadSurviors Member Posts: 154
    Rene has a little attitude in her..