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Need some tips from veteran rank 1 survivors (PC)

For the most part, I'm a devout killer main. But I also enjoy playing survivor as well (solo).

And it seems that I may have reached an impasse with my survivor game play. So, I have some questions that I would like answered from survivors who really know their stuff. All these questions have to do with looping by the way. I'm trying to be more efficient at looping like Vooshy.

  1. Is it possible to make last second window fakes safely? I've seen skilled survivors look behind them when looping T walls, and these survivors seem to know when to fake the window jump. This applies to the shack as well. Is there a certain visual cue they look for? I understand that killers can manipulate the red glow, so any kind of info on this would be helpful.

  2. What do you do when a killer tries to chase you around a loop instead of breaking the pallet? Sometimes the killer will not break the pallet and instead chase me around a loop. And often times when they do break the pallet, I'm in a bad position so I can't really go anywhere from there. Is there a correct procedure for this? Take for example one of the rock wall pallets in Shelter Woods.

  3. What are the general tips for being efficient with pallets? I see survivor mains complain all the time about how their teammates are wasteful with pallets. So how do you be efficient? Are there times when it's better to go down instead of wasting a pallet?

If there are other tips you want to throw in aside from the ones I asked for, then that's okay too.

Final Note: I play with a mouse and keyboard. It took a long time, but I finally got to where I can somewhat reliably play with a mouse and keyboard as survivor. So if you're responding to this post, I prefer that you play with a mouse and keyboard too.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046
    1. I cannot help that much with that, because from my experience Killers do not fall for Window fakes at this Ranks. But I barely try them.

    2. You should try to loop him around, especially, when the Killer needs to go a long way. The Killer needs to break this Pallet, most likely they will do ASAP, otherwise they cannot catch you, if you vault the Pallet while he is going around.
      If the way for the Killer is quite short (there are some really bad Pallets for that), you should try to get to another Pallet or use Windows and Pallets at this point, when a Window is nearby. If you feel that the Killer will get you, better go away sooner than later, so that you do not end up in an area where you cannot reach any goods spots to evade the Killer.

    3. Do not throw a Pallet down when you just took a hit, you have some sort of Speed Boost after taking a hit, so dont waste it to put down a Pallet. Also, when you think you can reach another Pallet, try to get to this Pallet and dont use the first one.
      Dont use all of the Pallets in one area, especially, when Generators need to be done there. Those generators become REALLY unsafe when doing so, which can result in your team losing.
      Always try to loop the Killer and dont throw done a Pallet immediatly.
      When you suspect or know that the Killer has Spirit Fury, use the Pallet a little bit earlier and dont even try to go for the Stun. You will most likely get a hit when he is using Spirit Fury and Enduring and those two Perks are used quite frequently.
      DONT use the Shack Pallet unless REALLY needed. It is the best Pallet in the game, if you are not injured, I would say that you should not use it at all, at least not early in the game. I once got down in the Shack because I did not want to use it, even when the Basement was there. After rescued I saw that one of my Teammates used it without even trying to loop the Killer. That hurt.

    I think those would be some points. You can also look on Youtube for Tutorials, I myself am not an expert, I usually reach Rank 1 quite quickly, but my chases are not 100% optimal and well...ranking up is not that hard.

    I am pretty sure other people can give really good tips. :)

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Hello again, going from billy to survivor as it seems :)
    Im not as good as no0b3 or real survivor mains, but i can give some advice

    1. I generally watch for the red stain and hit Space at the latest moment possible. This gives you a little bit more time to react. If the red stain comes towards me, i jump the window. If it stops or turns around, i will fake it. You just have to watch out for moonwalkers, who will start to turn around and moonwalk at that exact moment to make you fake out the window and then they are right behind you. Dont know how to counter that, since its hard to make the correct decision in a split second.

    2. You keep looping the pallet and try to keep the killer on the longer side of the loop. You always want to jump the pallet when he is on the longer side. If you guess correctly, you can usually make a loop for more free time, but try to never end up vaulting with the killer on the short side.
      If the pallet is really unsafe and he challenges you on it, you will get hit. Waste as much time by winning mindgames as possible, then use the hitburst to run off. Dont vault if you know you'll get hit, take the full hitburst instead.

    3. Use windows as much as possible. Dont drop the pallet if you know you're getting hit. Dont drop god pallets if you're healthy. Only use god pallets when you're injured to prevent going down. So your general plan is to create loops with all the windows nearby and use pallets inbetween to break bloodlust. Cowtree, Jungle gyms, 4 walls, shack etc all have windows. While some are not strong on their own, a single palletloop nearby can create really strong loops where you dont have to drop a pallet for a long time.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    @Weederick said:
    Hello again, going from billy to survivor as it seems :)
    Im not as good as no0b3 or real survivor mains, but i can give some advice

    1. I generally watch for the red stain and hit Space at the latest moment possible. This gives you a little bit more time to react. If the red stain comes towards me, i jump the window. If it stops or turns around, i will fake it. You just have to watch out for moonwalkers, who will start to turn around and moonwalk at that exact moment to make you fake out the window and then they are right behind you. Dont know how to counter that, since its hard to make the correct decision in a split second.

    2. You keep looping the pallet and try to keep the killer on the longer side of the loop. You always want to jump the pallet when he is on the longer side. If you guess correctly, you can usually make a loop for more free time, but try to never end up vaulting with the killer on the short side.
      If the pallet is really unsafe and he challenges you on it, you will get hit. Waste as much time by winning mindgames as possible, then use the hitburst to run off. Dont vault if you know you'll get hit, take the full hitburst instead.

    3. Use windows as much as possible. Dont drop the pallet if you know you're getting hit. Dont drop god pallets if you're healthy. Only use god pallets when you're injured to prevent going down. So your general plan is to create loops with all the windows nearby and use pallets inbetween to break bloodlust. Cowtree, Jungle gyms, 4 walls, shack etc all have windows. While some are not strong on their own, a single palletloop nearby can create really strong loops where you dont have to drop a pallet for a long time.

    Thx. I mostly play killer, but I do enjoy playing survivor. I kinda caved and decided to play Billy with Q and E. It's just superior to mouse honestly. Still have a ways to go though.

    I really like your tip about the red stain. Sometimes it can be hard to judge what the red stain is doing. So I'll watch and see if I can notice it slowing down or fading.

    I think the hardest part is knowing whether or not you're versing a good or bad killer. At which point you'll know to watch out for moonwalking.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @Mister_Holdout said:

    @Weederick said:
    Hello again, going from billy to survivor as it seems :)
    Im not as good as no0b3 or real survivor mains, but i can give some advice

    1. I generally watch for the red stain and hit Space at the latest moment possible. This gives you a little bit more time to react. If the red stain comes towards me, i jump the window. If it stops or turns around, i will fake it. You just have to watch out for moonwalkers, who will start to turn around and moonwalk at that exact moment to make you fake out the window and then they are right behind you. Dont know how to counter that, since its hard to make the correct decision in a split second.

    2. You keep looping the pallet and try to keep the killer on the longer side of the loop. You always want to jump the pallet when he is on the longer side. If you guess correctly, you can usually make a loop for more free time, but try to never end up vaulting with the killer on the short side.
      If the pallet is really unsafe and he challenges you on it, you will get hit. Waste as much time by winning mindgames as possible, then use the hitburst to run off. Dont vault if you know you'll get hit, take the full hitburst instead.

    3. Use windows as much as possible. Dont drop the pallet if you know you're getting hit. Dont drop god pallets if you're healthy. Only use god pallets when you're injured to prevent going down. So your general plan is to create loops with all the windows nearby and use pallets inbetween to break bloodlust. Cowtree, Jungle gyms, 4 walls, shack etc all have windows. While some are not strong on their own, a single palletloop nearby can create really strong loops where you dont have to drop a pallet for a long time.

    Thx. I mostly play killer, but I do enjoy playing survivor. I kinda caved and decided to play Billy with Q and E. It's just superior to mouse honestly. Still have a ways to go though.

    I really like your tip about the red stain. Sometimes it can be hard to judge what the red stain is doing. So I'll watch and see if I can notice it slowing down or fading.

    I think the hardest part is knowing whether or not you're versing a good or bad killer. At which point you'll know to watch out for moonwalking.

    It is superior tbh... You dont have to worry about consistency or accuracy, but just the timing when to press qe.
    Yeah probably true. Another tip when you use this moonwalk trick against survivors: They will fall for it the first time and always take the window for the second time. They're not falling for it a second time, but that makes them predicatble too.