New Chapter Idea: A Blind Eye

JohnnyB250 Member Posts: 2
edited January 2019 in Creations

So, while I was watching a video of someone playing Hillbilly, a thought came to mind. With there being sound notifications, scratch marks, aura reading and other ways of tracking survivors, what if there was a killer that excelled at that? A killer that spent its time listening for its prey than looking for it?

That's where the rough idea of "The Clicker" came in. (This is lore that was thought up on the spot, I didn't really think of lore)

Being born into blindness, Robert Malcom had a tough time growing up. Born in a small town in Mississippi, everyone made sure to make Robert's life a living hell. Picked on him, robbed from him, heavily injured him, Robert was tired of it. Picking up inspiration of echolocation from bats, he taught himself how to navigate his way in life in case his walking cane was stolen from him again. He mastered this technique in his last few days in High School and just in time when his life turn around. One of the main bullies that tortured his existence throughout his life decided to plan a murder on him. Robert could sense this bully and his friend's presence and knew it wasn't going to end well. The first thing that was gone was his cane, and just before the first punch landed, Robert dodged it perfectly. Pulling out a knife, Robert then stabbed the bully in the neck, the blood spurting out of the punctured artery. The bully's friends, out of fear and revenge, wanted to get back at the blind kid, each one receiving a similar fate, either stabbed in the neck or in the heart.

The police arrested him and was kept in jail for life. The days turned to weeks, turning to months, years, and Robert began going insane. He claimed he was hearing a voice, telling him to kill everyone near him. There were reports of him drawing hooks with spider-like appendages coming down towards it, a picture depicting a trapdoor, generators, and other things. Classified insane at this point, Robert was planned to be sent to an insane asylum near this abandoned town. Robert was brought to the asylum, his drawings becoming more and more crude. Drawing them in his own blood, there were more hooks drawn, more spider-like appendages, a group of them forming a large circle in the room, darkened in the middle. One day, a group of guards went to inspect a blood-curling scream within Robert's chambers. The guards knocked on his door, asking for a response. When silence was given, they opened it, finding no one within the chamber.

Robert awoke in a cold place, the feeling of a fog surrounded him. Getting up, the familiar voice welcomed him to his new home, The Entity's Realm. He was told to kill to his heart's content and that he did. At first, Robert didn't do so well, as his prey escaped time and time again. Though, with each hunt, Robert kept mastering his echolocation and with the help of The Entity, Robert's form became twisted and malformed. His skin turned black, his eyes rotted away and skin enveloped over his sockets. His hearing was amplified and soon, he became a hunter that was effective at tracking down clumsy prey and those who thought they could escape by running. His weapon of choice are his claws that The Entity twisted onto him. Any survivor that escaped his clutches named him "The Clicker."

Core Concept:
His base movement speed is 90% (yes it sucks right now but his ability helps The Clicker in the chase)
The Clicker's ability is called, you guessed it, "Echolocation."
Echolocation has a passive and an active.
Echolocation Passive: The Clicker is blind, only able to see things directly in front of him. However, whenever a survivor starts to run, you can see their aura as well as anything nearby them such as obstructions or obstacles until they stop running. Additionally, whenever a survivor quick vaults over a window or pallet, falls from a high elevation, or quickly go into a locker, you see their aura for 1.5 seconds as well as anything nearby them. This does not apply if you are in a chase with a survivor.

Echolocation Active (3.5 seconds when not in a chase to 5 seconds while in a chase): When activated, The Clicker reveals anything within a certain radius by making a loud clicking noise, highlighting pallets and windows for future chases and if any survivors are within the radius, their aura can be read. Echolocation cannot reveal anything behind any form of obstruction (for instance, if a survivor hides behind a wall when using echolocation, their aura is not read). When using echolocation while in a chase, The Clicker instantly gains 125% movement speed and slowly ramps up as the chase continues, going from 125% to 130% to capping at 135%. Once The Clicker loses the survivor in the chase, the movement speed buff rapidly decays to the eventual 90% movement speed. (This way, if survivors cannot escape The Clicker in time, they will get injured).

The add-ons either reduce echolocation's cooldown, enhance it's range, allow a faster starting chase speed or (the iridescent item) the ability for echolocation to apply the exposed effect after survivors are caught within echolocation 4 times but greatly increases the cooldown.

Blood-stained knife: The knife used to end that bully's life. Time between attacks is increased but whenever you see a survivor's aura, the after image that forms around them lingers in the area for a few seconds.

Walking Cane: A standard cane in the colors of red and white. Your base movement speed increases by 5% and when you start a chase with echolocation, the starting chase speed begins at 128%.

Black-Lensed Glasses:

Hand Cuffs:

Straight Jacket:

Broken Bell: A small bell that would've played a high pitched note. Echolocation's cooldown is slightly decreased when not in a chase.

(Ultra Rare) Bully's Eye: An eye with the iris being green. The cooldown for Echolocation is significantly increased. If while in a chase The Clicker finds the survivor 4 times with Echolocation, the survivors gains the "Exposed Effect."

Whenever I describe Dead by Daylight to friends of mine, I say "It's a game of survival where you're either a survivor or the killer. As a survivor, you work together as a group of 4 to sneak around the map, repair generators, power exit gates, and escape before the killer finds you and gives you to The Entity. As the killer, your job is to stop survivors from escaping by downing them and either killing them through the use of hooks or mori them."
However, as a survivor you never really "sneak" around the map, instead you avoid the killer's sight and run from generator to generator. Running isn't exactly stealthy and while it does leave behind scratch marks, The Clicker punishes those who aren't quiet. This can cause the game to last longer as survivors do not want to have their location revealed, thus having them either walk or crouch from generator to generator or having to end the chase in a different method than the other killers by having to hide behind obstructions so that The Clicker's movement speed bonus is removed.

The three teachable perks:

You Can't Hide From Me:
Survivors cannot be totally quiet and you understand this. Any survivor that performs a slow vault or slowly enters a locker gives the killer a sound notification for 1 second.

Run In Fear:
You enjoy the thrill of the chase. After 40 seconds of a chase, the survivor gains the "Exposed Effect." The survivor has the "Exposed Effect" on them for 20/25/30 seconds or until the chase ends. If the timer runs out or the killer downed the survivor, the ability goes on cooldown for 60/50/45 seconds

Nervous Twitch:
The thought of making any noises makes your prey anxious. Whenever a survivor gets a Good Skill Check, if you are within 16/18/20, you are given a noise notification and lets you see the aura of any survivors on the generator.

Again, this is a rough idea and I'm not exactly skilled at Dead by Daylight so I didn't want to create unfair numbers for both survivor or killers. Let me know your thoughts

Post edited by JohnnyB250 on


  • StopRepostFakeAcc
    StopRepostFakeAcc Member Posts: 10
    I am struggling to understand the ability. Try and lay it out differently to make it easier to read.

    You can't hide from me is a good perk. Not op because the time is so short. Run in fear is very strong. You need to clarify how long the exposed status lasts because it would be too good if it is until the chase ends. Nervous Twitch the radius makes a big difference, I don't think it should be that big because it could be op. Have it maybe 8/12/16 metres, that should be good

  • JohnnyB250
    JohnnyB250 Member Posts: 2

    @StopRepostFakeAcc said:
    I am struggling to understand the ability. Try and lay it out differently to make it easier to read.

    You can't hide from me is a good perk. Not op because the time is so short. Run in fear is very strong. You need to clarify how long the exposed status lasts because it would be too good if it is until the chase ends. Nervous Twitch the radius makes a big difference, I don't think it should be that big because it could be op. Have it maybe 8/12/16 metres, that should be good

    Sorry about that, I did fix it so hopefully it makes better sense. Thank you for your input.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271
    Sorry but slow basic ms with sprint burst abilitx has been proven quite unliked with legion.

    Your killer seems like miror myers, but slower with worse tracking.

    While i agree that the "echo vision" would be cool it'd be quite the disadvantage.