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A change to camping?

The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.



  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Camping post. Next..

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    I've said this b4, but they should have a variant to borrowed time as baseline but unlike the perk and so not too op for the survivor have a small range for killer to hook, so if killer is literally on hook then a BT activates, but if killer great than say 8 metres then only the perk of BT would work. Should stop true face camping
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @branchini1979 said:
    I've said this b4, but they should have a variant to borrowed time as baseline but unlike the perk and so not too op for the survivor have a small range for killer to hook, so if killer is literally on hook then a BT activates, but if killer great than say 8 metres then only the perk of BT would work. Should stop true face camping

    That's actually quite a good idea, though i disagree on what you think BT should do instead

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Master said:
    Im tired of repeating the same arguments all over again.
    Have this instead

    Master it's you every time who says stuff like that but honestly, what are you on about. Quite obviously that's not what i'm talking about. You never come up with a good argument, instead you just hit me with the toxic survivor main, when i prefer killer. The reason i hate camping so much is i know as someone who plays killer that there is no point in face camping someone purely out of your own salt, so why don't you give a good argument for once, rather than just always blaming the victims of a stupid playstyle

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    Just having something baseline, saying to the killer, if you choose to literally be on the hook, then you will have to put some effort chasing the survivor as a first hit off hook will be a BT deep wound effect. 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @branchini1979 said:
    Just having something baseline, saying to the killer, if you choose to literally be on the hook, then you will have to put some effort chasing the survivor as a first hit off hook will be a BT deep wound effect. 

    i'm very thankful that you actually suggested something, rather than just insulting me

  • I mean killers have it so easy already, sure why not make it harder for the killer to actually kill.

    Lets also add a third hit required to down someone and bring back instant BNP.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
    I mean killers have it so easy already, sure why not make it harder for the killer to actually kill.

    Lets also add a third hit required to down someone and bring back instant BNP.

    why dont you actually read everything rather than assuming i'm saying nerf killers. I play killer ffs. Honestly i'm suggesting buff killers in every way EXCEPT one very specific 'play style' that requires no skill and is actually a detriment to the killers progress anyway

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    edited January 2019

    Have an upvote. May i remind the og players how a camping meta looks like? Back when trappers camped the hook and had noed every game? One unlucky survivor gets caught and camped, the rest escapes and no one even tries to go for the save since every trapper camped. The game wasn't fun, even though the "strat" is counterable. It just leads to the ever same results. One guy dead, rest escapes. If killer camped early, he could noed a second guy. 2 kills, 2 escape = perfect balance? Except there is no variation or skillcap in it. Every game was a legion game.

    Back then, people didnt went for saves. Generation borrowed time turned that concept upside down and everyone is hookrushing like mad. Campers back then really lost, but nowadays they dont, since unhooking gives the most bloodpoints and pips. Either encourage genrushing and escaping, or discourage unhooking. Cause the game rewards altruistic hookrushing which gets everyone killed. Survivors were different back then

  • @Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
    I mean killers have it so easy already, sure why not make it harder for the killer to actually kill.

    Lets also add a third hit required to down someone and bring back instant BNP.

    why dont you actually read everything rather than assuming i'm saying nerf killers. I play killer ffs. Honestly i'm suggesting buff killers in every way EXCEPT one very specific 'play style' that requires no skill and is actually a detriment to the killers progress anyway

    The only real buff you described is a speed buff, which is not really relevant or adequate in exchange for a dying timer penalty. 

    You said yourself sometimes a killer does it purely out of “salt”. These people aren’t going to care about how “detrimental” it is to their progress, or blood points. 

    A majority of killers do it out of ease or lack of knowledge of the game. Gen rush them and make them depip with little blood points. That’s the only way to fix a majority of hard campers. 

    Otherwise youre introducing a pretty radical change to the game for a very small minority of situations. Furthermore as your own post said, there are plenty of times when camping is legit and warranted. Will the game somehow know these parameters exist, or are all killers punished because some play “dirty”? 

    tl;dr - instead of dramatically changing the meta of the game because of a select few, alter the mindset of the majority by gen rushing. 
  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    So if they are crouching nearby or something and you aren't in a chase but you're searching for them because you know they are there, you get a speed debuff? All of these "anti camping" ideas just sound like they are going to punish the wrong people. People who camp to be toxic WILL CAMP EITHER WAY. And those who camp for a reason shouldn't be punished for it. I've said it a million times but I'll say it again -- they don't need to do anything about camping, they need to fix the reason many killers feel like they HAVE to camp, which is the insane speed at which gens are done and the game ends. Either gens need to take a lot longer, they need to come up with something other than skill checks or buff them so they are much harder, or add another objective for survivors and slow the game down a bit.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    Yes, we need a change in camping. I mean, give us a fire, a place to sit down and some marshmellows while we wait. We could also sing some songs with the hooked survivor 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @scorpio said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    So if they are crouching nearby or something and you aren't in a chase but you're searching for them because you know they are there, you get a speed debuff? All of these "anti camping" ideas just sound like they are going to punish the wrong people. People who camp to be toxic WILL CAMP EITHER WAY. And those who camp for a reason shouldn't be punished for it. I've said it a million times but I'll say it again -- they don't need to do anything about camping, they need to fix the reason many killers feel like they HAVE to camp, which is the insane speed at which gens are done and the game ends. Either gens need to take a lot longer, they need to come up with something other than skill checks or buff them so they are much harder, or add another objective for survivors and slow the game down a bit.

    My main point was that my idea wasn't THE idea, it was more of an example. My main point was how unjustified camping can ruin the game for both sides

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Well_Placed_HexTotem said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Well_Placed_HexTotem said:

    I mean killers have it so easy already, sure why not make it harder for the killer to actually kill.

    Lets also add a third hit required to down someone and bring back instant BNP.

    why dont you actually read everything rather than assuming i'm saying nerf killers. I play killer ffs. Honestly i'm suggesting buff killers in every way EXCEPT one very specific 'play style' that requires no skill and is actually a detriment to the killers progress anyway

    The only real buff you described is a speed buff, which is not really relevant or adequate in exchange for a dying timer penalty. 

    You said yourself sometimes a killer does it purely out of “salt”. These people aren’t going to care about how “detrimental” it is to their progress, or blood points. 

    A majority of killers do it out of ease or lack of knowledge of the game. Gen rush them and make them depip with little blood points. That’s the only way to fix a majority of hard campers. 

    Otherwise youre introducing a pretty radical change to the game for a very small minority of situations. Furthermore as your own post said, there are plenty of times when camping is legit and warranted. Will the game somehow know these parameters exist, or are all killers punished because some play “dirty”? 

    tl;dr - instead of dramatically changing the meta of the game because of a select few, alter the mindset of the majority by gen rushing. 

    But that's never going to happen, as like i said, no one plays a game to sit at at a gen for 5 mins and then leave. Admittedly my suggestion is trash but i know that, all im saying is something should be done to discourage this boring playstyle

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.

    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

  • MegChicken
    MegChicken Member Posts: 163

    Camping post. Next..

    You didn’t have to comment, next.
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @MegChicken said:
    TeambossFloze said:

    Camping post. Next..

    You didn’t have to comment, next.

    I did. Next.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673
    edited January 2019

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    This is my issue with camping nerfs, penalities, whatever. It punishes the wrong person. Killers who do proximity camping or are camping because the swarm of Dwights are just behind that tree will get punished because the survivors rush the hook before he can even get away (happens all the time). It does nothing to punish a hard camper because guess what, he was planning to sit there all day anyways. In the end, you want to punish the majority of people who use camping as a legit (though most of the time, stupid) strategy for the ignorant actions of a handful.

    I appreciate the attempt to fix the issue. I honestly do. I just do not think you can fix it by punishing those who do not commit the crime you want punished.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @lasombra1979 said:
    This is my issue with camping nerfs, penalities, whatever. It punishes the wrong person. Killers who do proximity camping or are camping because the swarm of Dwights are just behind that tree will get punished because the survivors rush the hook before he can even get away (happens all the time). It does nothing to punish a hard camper because guess what, he was planning to sit there all day anyways. In the end, you want to punish the majority of people who use camping as a legit (though most of the time, stupid) strategy for the ignorant actions of a handful.

    I appreciate the attempt to fix the issue. I honestly do. I just do not think you can fix it by punishing those who do not commit the crime you want punished.

    Yeh i guess. My idea is trash i'll except that, but i still think that there is something wrong with how camping works, and i wish so many people would stop being immature and just sending memes or whatever making fun of the complaint. Just because they've heard it before, doesn't mean it's a bad idea. People like that don't give good contribution or feedback, they just say no, and don't actually think why

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @MegChicken said:
    TeambossFloze said:

    Camping post. Next..

    You didn’t have to comment, next.

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.

    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Designwise the game itself promotes, or at least allows, some kind of gameplay around hooks. Otherwise, hooked survivors would only respawn after "n" seconds in a random location of the map, or an impenetrable (for killer) wall would form around the hooked guy. But then again, people would complain about killers standing outside the wall...

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

    The camping you want to punish is honestly unpunishable without punishing the innocent. You have great intentions. I applaud you for that. The issue is, some people do not care about the pips or bp. They play the game simply to kill other players. If hard/face/way too intimate for comfort camping is how they decide to ensure their kill, no matter the number of punishes you give them will stop it. All you end up doing is giving all other killers a penalty that will honestly be exploited to death.

    Also, as I play both sides and have played up and down the rank ladder, hard camping happens but it is not this wide spread epidemic you are painting it to be.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

    Sorry Louis - i'm just failing to see what another post about camping no matter the viewpoint can possible bring any more light to the ongoing 3 year debate.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Designwise the game itself promotes, or at least allows, some kind of gameplay around hooks. Otherwise, hooked survivors would only respawn after "n" seconds in a random location of the map, or an impenetrable (for killer) wall would form around the hooked guy. But then again, people would complain about killers standing outside the wall...

    Playing around the hook and camping would be fun, if the devs change it to make it fun. I can see that this game revolves around hooks and baits and human psychology. But the actual gameplay of playing around hook is boring, bland and forces everyone to hold M1.
    If the devs actually gave counterplay, mechanics and a worthwhile playstyle to camping, hell yeah lets camp. But its not. Nothing interacts with camping. They could make dull totems into helpful totems. While you cleanse them, the sacrifice timer slows down considerably. Give it some more dynamics and develop the game into something that revolves around hooks.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Weederick said:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Designwise the game itself promotes, or at least allows, some kind of gameplay around hooks. Otherwise, hooked survivors would only respawn after "n" seconds in a random location of the map, or an impenetrable (for killer) wall would form around the hooked guy. But then again, people would complain about killers standing outside the wall...

    Playing around the hook and camping would be fun, if the devs change it to make it fun. I can see that this game revolves around hooks and baits and human psychology. But the actual gameplay of playing around hook is boring, bland and forces everyone to hold M1.
    If the devs actually gave counterplay, mechanics and a worthwhile playstyle to camping, hell yeah lets camp. But its not. Nothing interacts with camping. They could make dull totems into helpful totems. While you cleanse them, the sacrifice timer slows down considerably. Give it some more dynamics and develop the game into something that revolves around hooks.

    This is the best thing i've read all day. Yeh i'm not saying nerf camping it's op, i'm saying fix camping it's boring, my idea was just crap that's all

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

    Sorry Louis - i'm just failing to see what another post about camping no matter the viewpoint can possible bring any more light to the ongoing 3 year debate.

    Because i'm not crying OP, i'm crying boring for both sides. As @Weederick suggested, camping doesn't even have to be discouraged, as long as a counter play is given so it results in more than just everyone doing nothing. How can there be a debate about if something is boring enough or not. If it can be made more fun, it would be ridiculous not to do it.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

    The camping you want to punish is honestly unpunishable without punishing the innocent. You have great intentions. I applaud you for that. The issue is, some people do not care about the pips or bp. They play the game simply to kill other players. If hard/face/way too intimate for comfort camping is how they decide to ensure their kill, no matter the number of punishes you give them will stop it. All you end up doing is giving all other killers a penalty that will honestly be exploited to death.

    Also, as I play both sides and have played up and down the rank ladder, hard camping happens but it is not this wide spread epidemic you are painting it to be.

    Yeh i play both sides too, and i don't know if it's my play style, or my luck, but i get hard camped often enough for it to ruin my day. Some days it won't happen at all, whilst others it will happen once every 3 games or so and sometimes even more. i don't tbag and stuff, i'm just decent at pallet looping and can last a while. I do understand though that some players go purely for the satisfaction of killing, which is understandable. I appreciate your understanding and i advice you look at @Weederick 's suggestion further up in the chat as his idea is far better than mine

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    Designwise the game itself promotes, or at least allows, some kind of gameplay around hooks. Otherwise, hooked survivors would only respawn after "n" seconds in a random location of the map, or an impenetrable (for killer) wall would form around the hooked guy. But then again, people would complain about killers standing outside the wall...

    I honestly think you're along the right lines though, far better than i am, as what i was suggesting would add more chases to the game, however your suggesting a whole new part of the game, involving hooks. I do honestly think this is the bets possible option and if thought through well by the right people, could really make the game more interesting regarding hooks

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:

    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.

    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.

    Only if you're against a bad killer, and anyway that kind of game would be just as boring as a game with hard camping, as still you have 3 survivors doing gens all game, and a very frustrated killer.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

    The camping you want to punish is honestly unpunishable without punishing the innocent. You have great intentions. I applaud you for that. The issue is, some people do not care about the pips or bp. They play the game simply to kill other players. If hard/face/way too intimate for comfort camping is how they decide to ensure their kill, no matter the number of punishes you give them will stop it. All you end up doing is giving all other killers a penalty that will honestly be exploited to death.

    Also, as I play both sides and have played up and down the rank ladder, hard camping happens but it is not this wide spread epidemic you are painting it to be.

    Yeh i play both sides too, and i don't know if it's my play style, or my luck, but i get hard camped often enough for it to ruin my day. Some days it won't happen at all, whilst others it will happen once every 3 games or so and sometimes even more. i don't tbag and stuff, i'm just decent at pallet looping and can last a while. I do understand though that some players go purely for the satisfaction of killing, which is understandable. I appreciate your understanding and i advice you look at @Weederick 's suggestion further up in the chat as his idea is far better than mine

    I read the suggestion, and while it is not a bad one and would add an interesting change to gameplay, it still would not change the core issue you want addressed, hard camping. The killer will still sit there and wait no matter how long, while still punishing those who play correctly. So a helpful totem gets cleansed, giving the sacrifice timer more time and even though I am not even camping, it punishes me by giving survivors more time to complete gens and then make the save.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

    The camping you want to punish is honestly unpunishable without punishing the innocent. You have great intentions. I applaud you for that. The issue is, some people do not care about the pips or bp. They play the game simply to kill other players. If hard/face/way too intimate for comfort camping is how they decide to ensure their kill, no matter the number of punishes you give them will stop it. All you end up doing is giving all other killers a penalty that will honestly be exploited to death.

    Also, as I play both sides and have played up and down the rank ladder, hard camping happens but it is not this wide spread epidemic you are painting it to be.

    Yeh i play both sides too, and i don't know if it's my play style, or my luck, but i get hard camped often enough for it to ruin my day. Some days it won't happen at all, whilst others it will happen once every 3 games or so and sometimes even more. i don't tbag and stuff, i'm just decent at pallet looping and can last a while. I do understand though that some players go purely for the satisfaction of killing, which is understandable. I appreciate your understanding and i advice you look at @Weederick 's suggestion further up in the chat as his idea is far better than mine

    I read the suggestion, and while it is not a bad one and would add an interesting change to gameplay, it still would not change the core issue you want addressed, hard camping. The killer will still sit there and wait no matter how long, while still punishing those who play correctly. So a helpful totem gets cleansed, giving the sacrifice timer more time and even though I am not even camping, it punishes me by giving survivors more time to complete gens and then make the save.

    When i said his suggestion, i more meant his point of making hook gameplay actually interesting. the thing is, when im hard camped, it's not dying that annoys me, it's feeling bored and hopepless, and i wish there were more hook related mechanics that actually gave you a chance, and made you have to think about how to play around the hook

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Bug_Reporter said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    The bit in italics is my idea but if you want to criticise please read some of the other stuff first as it explains my reasoning.

    I've suggested something similar in the past and got hate for it but recently i made a thread asking why hard camping (would call it face camping but i know people don't refer to it as that anymore since the change to hooks) is a thing, and many people agreed that there is something wrong with it, but straight up nerfing it is the wrong idea, so i thought i'd try again.

    I fully understand camping as i play more killer than survivor and i agree it is sometimes necessary (for example there are scratch marks in the area, or a gen is on 90% nearby, or the gens are finished). However, more and more, as survivors get better at the game in the purple and red ranks, more and more killers are camping without a reason, other than it's easy, and guarantees at least one kill.

    However, quite often it gets more kills, as survivors will go for the save and get downed and there's the killers second victim. Killers always say "survivors feed face campers by going to the hooks" but that's just plain stupid. If they didn't go to the hooks, 3 survivors would spend all game holding mouse one doing gens, 1 survivor would be stuck doing nothing on a hook, and the killer would be afk. It's boring for everyone, you wouldn't pip, and you wouldn't get and blood points.

    The reason i believe unjustified camping to be so scummy is it is a win win for the killer as they either guarantee one kill, or more kills from boring survivors into being stupid. Constantly people say "the devs say it's intended". The reason that's stupid is the devs didn't intend the boring game i described earlier, but at the same time, it IS technically the survivors fault for camping being strong as they go to the hook, so you're stuck in a loop of it always being justified.

    I understand many killers at higher ranks feel they need to use such strategies to secure a kill, but often it can be out of salt and they just wish to ruin that particular survivors game. I strongly believe that some change should be made that rewards killers for leaving the hook, and punishing them for specifically for camping doing NONE of the objectives. By this i mean, if a killer is standing by a hook, and the gens aren't finished, there should be some penalty (for example he has a gradual decrease in movement speed or the hooked person dies slower). However if some cocky survivor is running round the hook, as long as you're in a chase with them, the negative affects would not happen. Meanwhile if they leave said hook, they gain a slight buff (for example slight speed increase or faster death of person on hook).

    My ideas are just suggestions, but my main argument is that there is something wrong with how camping works, and a change (NOT A NERF) must be made. Also yes i know it's been done before but that was a straight up nerf, and was so unthought through, that it was abused, and since then everyone's been scared of change, including the devs.

    If u get less than 10% Hook Proximity on your Chaser emblem after the match has ended, u didnt camp at all!

    Camping is something related to survivors who very often camp hooks, hatches, gens and pallets. But they dont lose their emblems because of that!

    Thats why i always say that this is an extremely survivors sided game!

    Again i'll say, that's not the type of camping i'm talking about. I play killer and of course i'm going to stay round the hook if there's a bunch of survivors sitting in the area, but when they just stand in your face to ensure your death, which happens very often if you know how to pallet loop well, it's boring for everyone, and despite what people say, i don't think the devs intended people to play like that

    The camping you want to punish is honestly unpunishable without punishing the innocent. You have great intentions. I applaud you for that. The issue is, some people do not care about the pips or bp. They play the game simply to kill other players. If hard/face/way too intimate for comfort camping is how they decide to ensure their kill, no matter the number of punishes you give them will stop it. All you end up doing is giving all other killers a penalty that will honestly be exploited to death.

    Also, as I play both sides and have played up and down the rank ladder, hard camping happens but it is not this wide spread epidemic you are painting it to be.

    Yeh i play both sides too, and i don't know if it's my play style, or my luck, but i get hard camped often enough for it to ruin my day. Some days it won't happen at all, whilst others it will happen once every 3 games or so and sometimes even more. i don't tbag and stuff, i'm just decent at pallet looping and can last a while. I do understand though that some players go purely for the satisfaction of killing, which is understandable. I appreciate your understanding and i advice you look at @Weederick 's suggestion further up in the chat as his idea is far better than mine

    I read the suggestion, and while it is not a bad one and would add an interesting change to gameplay, it still would not change the core issue you want addressed, hard camping. The killer will still sit there and wait no matter how long, while still punishing those who play correctly. So a helpful totem gets cleansed, giving the sacrifice timer more time and even though I am not even camping, it punishes me by giving survivors more time to complete gens and then make the save.

    Thats just one example of a mechanic. They could add more mechanics to interact with camping. If a killer hardcamps, survivors can cleanse totems to buy gentime. If he's not camping though, you'd be wasting time cleasning totems instead of doing gens. The killer could get notified when someone cleanses totems, so he gets a next target, in case hes insecure about leaving the hook. And so on,... they can bring more depth to a camping playstyle. Its not necessarily bad. Its currently just boring. Like playing chess with pawns only. Its a more wholesome game with more figures and strats.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

    Sorry Louis - i'm just failing to see what another post about camping no matter the viewpoint can possible bring any more light to the ongoing 3 year debate.

    Because i'm not crying OP, i'm crying boring for both sides. As @Weederick suggested, camping doesn't even have to be discouraged, as long as a counter play is given so it results in more than just everyone doing nothing. How can there be a debate about if something is boring enough or not. If it can be made more fun, it would be ridiculous not to do it.

    I'm sorry Louis, I mean no offense but I don't see what the point of the post is. This is just another generic post about camping. Personally I think its pointless to argue about anymore but for some ppl they cant just let it go.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

    Sorry Louis - i'm just failing to see what another post about camping no matter the viewpoint can possible bring any more light to the ongoing 3 year debate.

    Because i'm not crying OP, i'm crying boring for both sides. As @Weederick suggested, camping doesn't even have to be discouraged, as long as a counter play is given so it results in more than just everyone doing nothing. How can there be a debate about if something is boring enough or not. If it can be made more fun, it would be ridiculous not to do it.

    I'm sorry Louis, I mean no offense but I don't see what the point of the post is. This is just another generic post about camping. Personally I think its pointless to argue about anymore but for some ppl they cant just let it go.

    I dunno, i just feel like everyone talks about DS and noed, which sure are OP, but not boring like camping. I just wish people wouldn't give up before they tried and would have a go to make things better

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:

    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.

    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.

    Only if you're against a bad killer, and anyway that kind of game would be just as boring as a game with hard camping, as still you have 3 survivors doing gens all game, and a very frustrated killer.

    #########? How is a game boring when you are being chased by the killer? And dont tell me it's boring for the other 3 guys who are just holding M1, the solution to that is add new objectives, It has nothing to do with camping or getting tunneled.
  • MegChicken
    MegChicken Member Posts: 163

    @MegChicken said:
    TeambossFloze said:

    Camping post. Next..

    You didn’t have to comment, next.

    I did. Next.

    No one asked you too, especially if you aren’t planning to comment something actually relevant to the topic. 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @TeambossFloze said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I did. Next.

    You really didn't like i wasn't even talking about general camping but sure be toxic and unfriendly

    Sorry Louis - i'm just failing to see what another post about camping no matter the viewpoint can possible bring any more light to the ongoing 3 year debate.

    Because i'm not crying OP, i'm crying boring for both sides. As @Weederick suggested, camping doesn't even have to be discouraged, as long as a counter play is given so it results in more than just everyone doing nothing. How can there be a debate about if something is boring enough or not. If it can be made more fun, it would be ridiculous not to do it.

    I'm sorry Louis, I mean no offense but I don't see what the point of the post is. This is just another generic post about camping. Personally I think its pointless to argue about anymore but for some ppl they cant just let it go.

    Again i'l stand by my point that i think the only reason it's pointless suggesting any thing, is everyone gives up before anything is done. Everyone just says nothing will ever change, but it's them saying that that makes that happen. Like yeh i know i should let it go, but i still have hope.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:

    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.
    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.

    Only if you're against a bad killer, and anyway that kind of game would be just as boring as a game with hard camping, as still you have 3 survivors doing gens all game, and a very frustrated killer.

    #########? How is a game boring when you are being chased by the killer? And dont tell me it's boring for the other 3 guys who are just holding M1, the solution to that is add new objectives, It has nothing to do with camping or getting tunneled.

    You're focusing on one thing i said, which is still true as only 1 person is having fun out of 5. My main point was that at the higher ranks where the most camping happens, even good survivors can usually only last 3 gens running at maximum, and that's with a team that actually does the gens

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    I'm sorry Louis, I mean no offense but I don't see what the point of the post is. This is just another generic post about camping. Personally I think its pointless to argue about anymore but for some ppl they cant just let it go.

    Again i'l stand by my point that i think the only reason it's pointless suggesting any thing, is everyone gives up before anything is done. Everyone just says nothing will ever change, but it's them saying that that makes that happen. Like yeh i know i should let it go, but i still have hope.

    I ask myself from viewing this post and some of the responses what have I learnt or garnered from this debate I didn't know already. It's cool to vent buddy - just yeah...cant help it but i'm a bit bored of people trying to debate camping.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @MegChicken said:
    TeambossFloze said:

    No one asked you too, especially if you aren’t planning to comment something actually relevant to the topic. 

    I was actually trying to have a debate with the OP actually, but thanks for your pointless contribution

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Funbag5 said:
    MegChicken said:

    I was going to ask him too, ya 3 people are waisting post time

    aww was you <3

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:

    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time.
    What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.

    Only if you're against a bad killer, and anyway that kind of game would be just as boring as a game with hard camping, as still you have 3 survivors doing gens all game, and a very frustrated killer.

    #########? How is a game boring when you are being chased by the killer? And dont tell me it's boring for the other 3 guys who are just holding M1, the solution to that is add new objectives, It has nothing to do with camping or getting tunneled.

    You're focusing on one thing i said, which is still true as only 1 person is having fun out of 5. My main point was that at the higher ranks where the most camping happens, even good survivors can usually only last 3 gens running at maximum, and that's with a team that actually does the gens

    That's just because the rank system on this game is awful. You probably are getting teammates that belong to rank 8-9 but they are in rank 1 because rank system is broken.

    If you find good survivors you can run the killer for all 5 gens, you just need an efficient loop route and that's it.
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    I camped my way all the way to rank one on the old system with Michael. 

    Hit. Stalk with bloodhound to 99%. Never lose first person. Hook. Camp. NOED ready. 2 kills guaranteed every time. And if they were altruistic. Bloodbath. 
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    I camped my way all the way to rank one on the old system with Michael. 

    Hit. Stalk with bloodhound to 99%. Never lose first person. Hook. Camp. NOED ready. 2 kills guaranteed every time. And if they were altruistic. Bloodbath. 

    why though? sure it gets you to rank 1, but you get very few BP and it's pretty boring for everyone, even the killer. Also doesn't your very comment prove that the entire concept doesn't work. Kills shouldn't be 'guaranteed', they should be worked for, and no offence but where's the skill in what you say you do

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:

    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @tt_ivi_99 said: There is a fix for it... Borrowed Time. What and get tunnelled off the hook by the killer? Sure. As killers have got buffed and pallets nerfed, all borrowed time will do is extend the time before your imminent death. if a killer wants you, you're dead, at the cost of him not getting anyone else, and everyone having a boring game

    I've make it out alive with killers chasing my ass for all 5 gens... "If the killer wants you dead, you are dead", is just a poor excuse... If you know how to loop efficiently + have perks that help you with looping you can run the killer for the entire match.
    Only if you're against a bad killer, and anyway that kind of game would be just as boring as a game with hard camping, as still you have 3 survivors doing gens all game, and a very frustrated killer.

    #########? How is a game boring when you are being chased by the killer? And dont tell me it's boring for the other 3 guys who are just holding M1, the solution to that is add new objectives, It has nothing to do with camping or getting tunneled.

    You're focusing on one thing i said, which is still true as only 1 person is having fun out of 5. My main point was that at the higher ranks where the most camping happens, even good survivors can usually only last 3 gens running at maximum, and that's with a team that actually does the gens

    That's just because the rank system on this game is awful. You probably are getting teammates that belong to rank 8-9 but they are in rank 1 because rank system is broken.

    If you find good survivors you can run the killer for all 5 gens, you just need an efficient loop route and that's it.

    But you can't choose to find good survivors, and honestly though i prefer killer, i've got 1000 hours on the game so i know how to loop efficiently, and against an even remotely decent killer its very difficult to loop for 5 gens. However i do agree one of the biggest problems in the game in the ranking system. i feel like it's too easy for both sides to rank, so people are out against players the wrong level