New Event Points Counted.

Member Posts: 86
If you get 3Unhooks for the event Item you get 3K Points
While carrying it you Recive 500 Points for every 30Seconds this caps at 5,500Points for 11Tics.
Escaping with it will grant you 5K Points
meaning for playing the best for points the event items only give you 13,5K Points Max Per Round.
Correct me if I'm wrong
Killer Counted] If all use Offering.
Every time you hook a survivor with the lanter you will recive 1K Points. meaning a maximum of 12K is Possible.
Everytime you destroy 1/7 of the Lanters you will recive 1,5K.Meaning in 1 Killer game the max amount of [Event Points] is 22,5K Points
My Math
- 1,5 X 7 = 10,5. ___ 1Hook X 1K Per Survivors Max Hook b4 death is 12K.
Survivor 13,5K [Event Points]
Killer 22,5K [Event Points]
This took me about 4 Hours to collect all info. Have a good event
Post edited by CardClasher on0