Whats your event opinion and how are you going with it?



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Personally, I have stopped really participating on either side. I ran 10 matches on both killer and survivor last night. Averaged roughly 14 more points per match as killer, but found it to be very underwhelming and not worth the effort. I had to go out of my way and stop putting pressure on gens in order to break lanterns, and that started to cost me when facing SWFs. I found it more fortuitous to just hook them and smash one if it was in my way.

    As survivor, the escape rate is much lower right now because so many killers are using the thousand ebony moris they got during the holiday event. Out of 10 matches, there were only 2 in which more than one person escaped, and that is because a moron used an ebony mori, and hard camped each hook! WTH was that?!

    Anyways, the bp awarded for the event is pitiful compared to the Halloween event, and it is just not worth going out of your way for. There is only one of the cosmetics I want anyways. (I don't run Huntress or Ace! Perhaps a nice Chinese-themed suit for Trapper?! He would look so dapper in one.)

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334
    edited January 2019

    I find this to be the best event so far. Of course there are problems with it, like envelope being only once in the bloodweb. But the rewards are way better than before, both sides are fairly balanced in getting points. It's hard for killer to find lamps after hook people say, but they forget it's also hard for survivors to escape with lamp. All-in-all, good event. Objectives don't break the game, like sucking on flowers did. Congrats bhvr.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I really like the event, I wish when carrying the lantern it was a physical item instead of just an icon. forcing you to maybe sacrifice carrying that cheeky green toolbox etc. I do agree with a previous post..I don't think the killers have come out of it very well..

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @Zanely89 said:
    I mainly play survivor but the queue time is much longer than usual. Got into 3~4 lobbies, each queue time is about 5 minutes (normal queue time for me is at most 1 minute before the event), with 300~600 ping.

    I got no choice but to switch it up and play killer. I rarely play killer so my killer sir at R17, get an instant lobby paired with 3 R15 and 1 R20. Got totally destroyed by that team of good loopers with flashlight adrenaline decisive. Refuse to leave when the door open and run me around the jungle gym in front of the door for another few minutes. Until they feel satisfy enough running me around then flashlight clicks all the way to the exit. I know I just have to git gud though, what else I can do?

    Yeah, I think I will take a break and play some other game for awhile.

    This is what a bunch of my matches were like, too--though I don't engage in chases with good loopers, I break & find the survivors that aren't as good at running, especially since toolboxes are big right now.

    Also, I hate the event, the mechanics are stupid & playing killer is unrewarding.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Rex_Huin said:
    terrortil said:

    @se05239 said:
    ... and hope you see the vessel that the hooked survivor used and break it before the survivor's saved.

    You don't have to find that exact vessel.

    Really is that so? That helps a lot.

    Actually lets say all vessels are taken. You have to find the hooked ones EXACT vessel. 
    But t
    Lets say one was taken and the other(s) are not. You can destroy any of them
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    Rex_Huin said:

    terrortil said:

    @se05239 said:

    ... and hope you see the vessel that the hooked survivor used and break it before the survivor's saved.

    You don't have to find that exact vessel.

    Really is that so? That helps a lot.

    Actually lets say all vessels are taken. You have to find the hooked ones EXACT vessel. 
    But t
    Lets say one was taken and the other(s) are not. You can destroy any of them

    This is why I would prefer them to be a physical item that the survivors carry and then drop at feet like any other item.

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    Rex_Huin said:

    terrortil said:

    @se05239 said:

    ... and hope you see the vessel that the hooked survivor used and break it before the survivor's saved.

    You don't have to find that exact vessel.

    Really is that so? That helps a lot.

    Actually lets say all vessels are taken. You have to find the hooked ones EXACT vessel. 
    But t
    Lets say one was taken and the other(s) are not. You can destroy any of them

    This is why I would prefer them to be a physical item that the survivors carry and then drop at feet like any other item.

    if you mean like a Medkit that would be unfair to killer if one of his side objectives is to destroy those. Three hooks will be the only drop time for it, and if your not try harding the event you'll only get a few hooks per game if your focus is fun.
    But if hooked once and it drops instantly and killers have a stomp animation for it? Sure. Im all for it
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited January 2019

    Oh i'm skipping the event.

    Like the Blight one, if I really want one of the cosmetics, which I don't really since I don't think they are that great looking (Personal taste), I'll just buy it, a couple bucks for the DEVs. Since it's not event exclusive, that maybe would've gotten me to care a bit, but nope.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    3 coins and I'm out.

    Not enough BP goodness..

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    I’m not really sure if I actually like it or not. The event seems like it is trying encourage us to pay for the outfits instead of having us grind for them because of how many coins you have to earn, you have no way of finding the vessels aside from blindly running around, and the event only lasts two weeks. I also don't like that the event BP gain has been decreased. 
  • Ticon
    Ticon Member Posts: 10

    Skipping it- will return to play after it’s over- the survivor lobby is dead- can’t get any matches- not gonna waste ,y time in a lobby for 40+ minutes.

    I can play other games.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Honestly, if this is the best they can whip out, BVHR should maybe look into not doing special events anymore. Keep the sparse BP events as they have been, maybe cosmetic map changes as a nod to a given holiday or season, but all the "specialty" events just tend to absolutely ruin the general playing experience for both sides (especially since the cosmetics can be bought, anyway, rendering their exclusivity null). I don't even want a single cosmetic from this event, yet I'm stuck trudging through its knee-deep bullshittery just to continue the BP grind as normal. Cut-throat teammates more lethal than any killer while on survivor, and shafted point gains as killer... playing either side just makes one want to bite a curb, or at least take a breather.

  • ToxicAddiction
    ToxicAddiction Member Posts: 58
    This is the first event I don’t care about. Removing the bloodpoint bonuses from gens and hooks makes it pointless to me. 
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I find the event pretty interesting and it made players behave with high self-awareness.

    The only thing that needs an adjustment is the amount a killer receives when breaking a Vessel, to the degree that we see a 4-1 queueing ratio.

    Other than the long queue-times caused by that, I really like it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Not really participating. Not playing survivor at all - It is unbareable. Half the team DC's, killer goes nuts with Mori, then mocks in after chat that you got no points. I'll stick to killer. Averaging 20 points or more a game, and I can decide to let survivors go if they were not being jerks during the match. Need one more coin (3rd) and I'm out till its over.