The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The new event is unfair for the killers

The way its work survivors have to stay alive in order to get 20 points ( finish 5 gens) and then if they have a lantern and escape you take 25 so in the end 45 points. Killer form the other hand need to hook the survivor in order to take the points, each hook on the survivor give 2 points so if you make the math we have 3(hook) *4(survivors)=12 ( max hooks) *2=24 point in the end you can break the lanterns ( more than one) but they only will give you 3 points each. Now my problem is not how easy survivors get points or how hard killers get them but in DC and 4k. You see a survivor can DC any time in the game and the killer will not get any points from them so i think is only fair if the killer gets at least 2 points when one survivor DC or not get in the game. Another problem is the killer can kill the survivors very fast and get only 8 points from them, so i think if the killer 4k by killing them on the hook should take all the possible point from them.

What do you think?


  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @TheBean said:
    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    i know it's stupid but the truth is this game is and most like will be survivors a favor, the only thing we can do to change that is to give ideas to how to balance for both sides.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @TheBean said:
    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    In the defense of the devs, the envelopes offer extra bloodpoints and can only be offered during this event so I fail to see why a person who has an envelope wouldn't use it.

    I'm not stupid, I know that you get only get 1-3 envelopes per bloodweb and that high-level bloodwebs can take up to 50k bloodpoints to clear and generate a new one.

    I'm just saying that realistically, people who play survivor will offer up envelopes as often as they can so this idea that there will plenty of matches with multiple envelopes isn't unreasonable.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @Peasant said:
    In the defense of the devs, the envelopes offer extra bloodpoints and can only be offered during this event so I fail to see why a person who has an envelope wouldn't use it.

    I'm not stupid, I know that you get only get 1-3 envelopes per bloodweb and that high-level bloodwebs can take up to 50k bloodpoints to clear and generate a new one.

    I'm just saying that realistically, people who play survivor will offer up envelopes as often as they can so this idea that there will plenty of matches with multiple envelopes isn't unreasonable.

    Yee... but how many times is the killer gonna get lucky enough that every survivor in the match throws out an envelope?... Last night in about 10 matches.. that happened only once. All the other times it was usually 2 or 3 in total, and a few times none.

    I think it is unreasonable for the Devs to assume there will be 5 envelopes per match.

    So survivors really only need to throw out 2 to make sure everyone gets a vessel. If they are able to pluck them up right away the killer may not ever get fortunate enough to find the vessel after he hooks someone since he is looking for 1 vessel on the entire map.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    It's fine. I just kill everyone as usual. You eventualy get the cosmetics.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @RoKrueger said:
    It's fine. I just kill everyone as usual. You eventualy get the cosmetics.

    You have to get a 4k in 450 matches if you want to get all of the points as Killer. You have to play the same amount for Survivor, but it is far easier to get your points.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    weirdkid5 said:

    @RoKrueger said:
    It's fine. I just kill everyone as usual. You eventualy get the cosmetics.

    You have to get a 4k in 450 matches if you want to get all of the points as Killer. You have to play the same amount for Survivor, but it is far easier to get your points.

    Clear your weekend then  :p
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited January 2019

    @RoKrueger said:
    weirdkid5 said:

    @RoKrueger said:

    It's fine. I just kill everyone as usual. You eventualy get the cosmetics.

    You have to get a 4k in 450 matches if you want to get all of the points as Killer. You have to play the same amount for Survivor, but it is far easier to get your points.

    Clear your weekend then  :p

    Sorry I have a job and real life duties to attend to, even on the weekend.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    weirdkid5 said:

    @RoKrueger said:
    weirdkid5 said:

    @RoKrueger said:

    It's fine. I just kill everyone as usual. You eventualy get the cosmetics.

    You have to get a 4k in 450 matches if you want to get all of the points as Killer. You have to play the same amount for Survivor, but it is far easier to get your points.

    Clear your weekend then  :p

    Sorry I have a job and real life duties to attend to, even on the weekend.

    Then I guess, like in the Haloween event, we will only get the killer cosmetic. That's the only one we will use anyway  :)
    Enjoy the event! Happy new year!
    What year is it anyways?  :blush:
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @TheBean said:
    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    Actually you don't need to play a single oFFering for Survivors because if 1 person escapes with a Lantern than any remaining Survivors on the map will get the 25 points too.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @MojoTheFabulous said:
    Actually you don't need to play a single oFFering for Survivors because if 1 person escapes with a Lantern than any remaining Survivors on the map will get the 25 points too.

    Yee exactly. No offerings still means 2 survivors can have a perfect match. However if the killer doesn't see 5 red envelopes being burned, they know right away there is no chance for a perfect match.

    The killer would have to play really poorly, but they need to hook a survivor and find 1 of 2 vessels on the map, that aren't picked up.

    So the killer needs to make sure they find the one carrying the vessel, time wasted if not found right away. Then hook then try to find out where the vessel was on the map. Then still hope there is time for hooking everyone 3 times to maximize their progression.

    Totally bizarre on the way of thinking by the Devs on this one. I think the person who designed this event hates killer mains.

    PSSST.... BHVR I'm not a killer main...

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    TheBean said:

    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    And you expect killer not to break any of the lanterns if nobody put out offerings. Also expect survivors to perform a 5 gen not get hook and escape with a lantern, too. 
    I think in this event they gave some obstacles for both sides. 
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    c'mon killers fellas !!
    We have waited a long time for them to fix the problem of the lobbies and at last we do not have to wait so long! I am very happy as a main killer for this!

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Oh okay, then yeah killer seems to have it worse. 
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072
    Iceman said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Oh okay, then yeah killer seems to have it worse. 
    It's very poorly balanced this event and help survivors how do nothing all game.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Wait... What?... So if another survivor in the group escapes with a vessel and you escape but with no vessel... You both get the 25 points?

    I wasn't paying attention to this part... I was under the impression you needed to escape with the vessel to get the 25 points, if you left without one, then you didn't get the 25 points, but only the points for completed gens.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    If you derank, you are fine since you can actually 3 hook everyone.

    Seems like thats the solution, or you switch to survivor :sarcastic:

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Master said:
    If you derank, you are fine since you can actually 3 hook everyone.

    Seems like thats the solution, or you switch to survivor :sarcastic:

    And then wanter why the Q take so much

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @TheBean said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Wait... What?... So if another survivor in the group escapes with a vessel and you escape but with no vessel... You both get the 25 points?

    I wasn't paying attention to this part... I was under the impression you needed to escape with the vessel to get the 25 points, if you left without one, then you didn't get the 25 points, but only the points for completed gens.

    Not sure if it's a bug or intended but yes If someone escapes with the Vessel and you don't you still get the points. It's so easy :lol:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Bongbingbing said:

    @TheBean said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Wait... What?... So if another survivor in the group escapes with a vessel and you escape but with no vessel... You both get the 25 points?

    I wasn't paying attention to this part... I was under the impression you needed to escape with the vessel to get the 25 points, if you left without one, then you didn't get the 25 points, but only the points for completed gens.

    Not sure if it's a bug or intended but yes If someone escapes with the Vessel and you don't you still get the points. It's so easy :lol:


    Lel screw killer, im switching to survivor

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Bongbingbing said:
    Not sure if it's a bug or intended but yes If someone escapes with the Vessel and you don't you still get the points. It's so easy :lol:

    yee.. gonna have to try this tonight.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @TheBean said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Wait... What?... So if another survivor in the group escapes with a vessel and you escape but with no vessel... You both get the 25 points?

    I wasn't paying attention to this part... I was under the impression you needed to escape with the vessel to get the 25 points, if you left without one, then you didn't get the 25 points, but only the points for completed gens.

    Not sure if it's a bug or intended but yes If someone escapes with the Vessel and you don't you still get the points. It's so easy :lol:

    This is so silly xD really why would they let that through... like I can understand making to where you keep the progress when you die but allowing this is just silly
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @not_Queen we will like same answers if you can plz

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149
    yup it's unfair to killers, just like it was to survivors at the halloween event
  • littlejohnny
    littlejohnny Member Posts: 42

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:
    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    You don't even have remain alive, just need the person with the vessel to escape before you die. Seems changes to and opportunities for scoring on both sides would have made this event more balanced and fun to play for killers. I'd say 5 points for normal things like gens, takedowns, hooks and unhooks and 25 for vessel related tasks perhaps with a 50 point match cap would have made it more balanced.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Bongbingbing said:

    @TheBean said:

    @MojoTheFabulous said:

    @Iceman said:


    In order to get the 5points do all survivors benefit from completed gen or do they need to work on it as well? If so then survivors have a challenge as well because if you only completed 1 or 2 gen then you only leave with 8 points unless you escaped with the lantern. 

    If you're alive and a Gen is completed then you'll get the points. If you're alive and someone else escapes with a Lantern, you also get the points.

    Wait...  What?... So if another survivor in the group escapes with a vessel and you escape but with no vessel... You both get the 25 points?

    I wasn't paying attention to this part... I was under the impression you needed to escape with the vessel to get the 25 points, if you left without one, then you didn't get the 25 points, but only the points for completed gens.

    Not sure if it's a bug or intended but yes If someone escapes with the Vessel and you don't you still get the points. It's so easy :lol:

    This is so silly xD really why would they let that through... like I can understand making to where you keep the progress when you die but allowing this is just silly

    Its a known fact that the QA of BHVR would need a QA for themselves.....

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @scerckan said:
    yup it's unfair to killers, just like it was to survivors at the halloween event

    You mean where survivors were able to farm in lightspeed due to suiciding? :smile:

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Master said:

    @scerckan said:
    yup it's unfair to killers, just like it was to survivors at the halloween event

    You mean where survivors were able to farm in lightspeed due to suiciding? :smile:

    do not apply logic

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    as killer, im 4king as nurse every game and getting all the lanterns (not everyone is brinign them in due to higher rarity this event) and i'm getting around 30 points each game, where as survivor, i don't escape half the time but my average is still around 30 something. I'm playing way better as killer and yet getting the same or less points

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    I'm skipping the event.

    Like the Blight one, if I really want one of the cosmetics, which I don't really since I don't think they are that great looking (Personal taste), I'll just buy it, a couple bucks for the DEVs. Since it's not event exclusive, that maybe would've gotten me to care a bit, but nope.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Master said:
    If you derank, you are fine since you can actually 3 hook everyone.

    Seems like thats the solution, or you switch to survivor :sarcastic:

    Or just play nurse, but honestly due to the killer needing all 7 lanterns to be spawned to get maximum points, you still don't get many. The past 3 games i got all 12 hooks every time and have averaged around 32 points

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Peasant said:

    @TheBean said:
    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    In the defense of the devs, the envelopes offer extra bloodpoints and can only be offered during this event so I fail to see why a person who has an envelope wouldn't use it.

    I'm not stupid, I know that you get only get 1-3 envelopes per bloodweb and that high-level bloodwebs can take up to 50k bloodpoints to clear and generate a new one.

    This time, you only get 1 envelope per bloodweb. No chance of 2 or 3. Since survs don't make 50k per game, it's not possible for them to bring an offering to every game.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    today in 3 out of 14 games all the survivors DC when i break all the lanterns. Note i have hook them 2-3 time in total and they have done at least 2 gens.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DarkGGhost said:
    today in 3 out of 14 games all the survivors DC when i break all the lanterns. Note i have hook them 2-3 time in total and they have done at least 2 gens.

    Take the addons out of your loadouts and just DC a few games right in the beginning. It isnt punished anyway lul, so let them taste their own medicine.

    Or you just lobbydodge them (I heard queue times are kinda hefty now for survivors)

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Master said:

    @DarkGGhost said:
    today in 3 out of 14 games all the survivors DC when i break all the lanterns. Note i have hook them 2-3 time in total and they have done at least 2 gens.

    Take the addons out of your loadouts and just DC a few games right in the beginning. It isnt punished anyway lul, so let them taste their own medicine.

    Or you just lobbydodge them (I heard queue times are kinda hefty now for survivors)

    Too toxic even for me

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DarkGGhost said:

    @Master said:

    @DarkGGhost said:
    today in 3 out of 14 games all the survivors DC when i break all the lanterns. Note i have hook them 2-3 time in total and they have done at least 2 gens.

    Take the addons out of your loadouts and just DC a few games right in the beginning. It isnt punished anyway lul, so let them taste their own medicine.

    Or you just lobbydodge them (I heard queue times are kinda hefty now for survivors)

    Too toxic even for me

    Well if you prefer being on the receiving side, thats ok.
    I was like that too, but some toxic SWF back a year ago broke my positivity :wink:

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Peasant said:

    @TheBean said:
    Actually I find it kind of odd, they expect killers to perform a perfect match of hooking everyone 3 times... AND... They expect all the survivors to put out red envelopes, cause if all survivors don't, the killer has no way to get the 45 points. Only 2 survivors need to put out envelopes to for all survivors to get 45 points.

    I do find that odd.

    In the defense of the devs, the envelopes offer extra bloodpoints and can only be offered during this event so I fail to see why a person who has an envelope wouldn't use it.

    I'm not stupid, I know that you get only get 1-3 envelopes per bloodweb and that high-level bloodwebs can take up to 50k bloodpoints to clear and generate a new one.

    I'm just saying that realistically, people who play survivor will offer up envelopes as often as they can so this idea that there will plenty of matches with multiple envelopes isn't unreasonable.

    The points are so small tho it needs to be raised to 10k
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    I dont understand why someone has to be hooked for killers to destroy the lantern but survivors can get it at anytime.
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    @Master said:

    @DarkGGhost said:

    @Master said:

    @DarkGGhost said:
    today in 3 out of 14 games all the survivors DC when i break all the lanterns. Note i have hook them 2-3 time in total and they have done at least 2 gens.

    Take the addons out of your loadouts and just DC a few games right in the beginning. It isnt punished anyway lul, so let them taste their own medicine.

    Or you just lobbydodge them (I heard queue times are kinda hefty now for survivors)

    Too toxic even for me

    Well if you prefer being on the receiving side, thats ok.
    I was like that too, but some toxic SWF back a year ago broke my positivity :wink:

    Don't get the wrong idea i have master the hag to the point i win games at rank 1 with 5 gens left and zero change to win ( without using broken add-ons or mori)