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dev appreciation?

I find that a lot of people always ridicule the developers or anyone associated with the game! I just wanted to take the time out to say I appreciate you guys and that I couldn't be more excited for what is ahead of us in terms of this community and the game! Thank you guys for creating this game as well as managing it and it's community! As cote would say you guys have done a pretty good job so far! Honestly keep up the good work and don't let the salty people get to you! Sincerely a shape main! Ps I hope this reaches not_queen and cote himself-as they do seem to get a lot of flack though this is really meant for everyone at behavior. Can we take a moment as a community to appreciate our devs? Without them we wouldn't have this amazing game.


    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Ridicule =/= Criticism my dude

    But for what it's worth, they've done a pretty good job so far ( ;) ) although it is the truth that they could've done a better job and maybe had some better decisions (Poor Freddy)

  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    Mistakes happen and constructive criticism I think is always encouraged by them! We can't forget at the end of the day they are human first and foremost and they are trying their best to please most if not all of their community at once! Definitely a tough job to say the least!
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2018

    I think the devs go through a lot of pressure, so let's hope your message reaches them.
    I appreciate them too, and I admire Côté, even though what is said about him.
    I bet he receives everyday tons of messages like "you did a PrEtTy GoOd JoB sO fAr" or any other mocking or mean texts. He says he laughs about it, but if I was him, i'd already go depressed or something alike.
    Managing a team like he does isn't a walk in the park, and the insults probably make it harder for him.
    I also admire not_queen, for her HUGE patience: she probably has to answer 10 000x to the same questions, she has to deal with the DbD community which a large part of it is complete toxic/trolling, etc...
    People get angry when they are meeting bugs or problems in their game, but let's not forget that Behaviour is a small company (70 in my memory), compared to Square Enix,Ubisoft,Riot Games...
    So yeah . They do deserve recognition. And they completely got mine.

  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    If there was a way to tag them both in this post I would!
  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    Excuse me while I freak out that my post has reached my two favorite devs. AHHH haha. Much love to you both! I hope you will be watching the tournament up coming as my team the Canadian hookers looks to be a part of it!
  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    Thank you guys for being so awesome! I'm internally screaming at the fact that my two favorite developers have responded to my post :) much love guys<3
  • TheChanelOberlin
    TheChanelOberlin Member Posts: 80
    But they fudged consoles over massively by not doing the right thing?
    sure appreciate the good they do but let’s not forget they shafted console players by having us wait weeks after PC got to play Clown and Kate?
    i don’t appreciate them or their game at all atm.
  • Theshape94
    Theshape94 Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2018
    That my friend is beyond their control. I can state for them after watching them talk about this time after time. They have basically given the goods to Sony and Microsoft and now it is up to the respective company's to finish the certification so that they can give us the content! As a console player myself I can understand the frustration but you just gotta realize it was either hold off the content as a whole to wait for the certification process to finish or drop pc while they wait for the console certs to finish. I for one don't mind this as I get to watch players like truetalent play clown and I learn more about his play style ahead of time! I agree and respect their decision whole heartedly on this. Its on us to be patient and trust in their decision!
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    @not_Queen @mcote your answers actually made mine. Lot of love guys <3

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @not_Queen @mcote Thanks for putting in the time to make this game something awesome.