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Solo Build

What build do you typically use while solo? I've found myself really liking Bond (good information), Iron Will, Dead Hard, and Prove Thyself/Leader (Leader is good for making people heal you faster).


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    My personal favorite is Aftercare, Empathy, We'll Make It, and Small Game.

    Though I'm pretty sure Vietfox's solo build is better in general. I'm just usually the person getting hook saves so this appeals to me.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @DexyIV said:
    My personal favorite is Aftercare, Empathy, We'll Make It, and Small Game.

    Though I'm pretty sure Vietfox's solo build is better in general. I'm just usually the person getting hook saves so this appeals to me.

    What's Vietfox's build? I don't have Aftercare, unfortunately, though I think I'd still stick with Bond. You don't have to do anything special to be able to see people around you and that allows me to find someone to heal me, find the injured person in case they need healing, or just find someone to work on gens with. I've seen survivors sandbagging other survivors with aftercare, too, when they wouldn't have seen them otherwise. So, I'm a bit iffy about that. It's 50/50 on if I'm the one getting the save. Some games, everyone's getting saves and I just sit on gens 'cause someone has to.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    edited February 2019

    Kindred, Bond, Open-Handed, Small Game

    Aftercare does have prerequisites, yeah, and yeah sometimes it can be a pain to get rolling. Especially because it resets after you get hooked. IMO that function should be taken away and it would be a much better perk. I just really like it because it shows the aura of the survivor you heal as well as your aura to them if they don't run aura perks themselves. Plus it applies to the person or people that heal you off the hook too, so you could get downed first and still get at least some use out of it. It's helped me get a lot of people out safely because they saw me opening the exit gate from across the map with it.

    It's just up to preference really. Each has their upsides and downsides. Mine takes a while to get rolling but has global presence, while Vietfox's has no prerequisites but doesn't relay information to others and lacks extreme range.

    Bond can be used to sandbag and troll as well, so can Empathy. I don't really think that should be a factor in your perk decision, but that's just me

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @DexyIV said:
    Kindred, Bond, Open-Handed, Small Game

    Aftercare does have prerequisites, yeah, and yeah sometimes it can be a pain to get rolling. Especially because it resets after you get hooked. IMO that function should be taken away and it would be a much better perk. I just really like it because it shows the aura of the survivor you heal as well as your aura to them if they don't run aura perks themselves. Plus it applies to the person or people that heal you off the hook too, so you could get downed first and still get at least some use out of it. It's helped me get a lot of people out safely because they saw me opening the exit gate from across the map with it.

    It's just up to preference really. Each has their upsides and downsides. Mine takes a while to get rolling but has global presence, while Vietfox's has no prerequisites but doesn't relay information to others and lacks extreme range.

    Bond can be used to sandbag and troll as well, so can Empathy. I don't really think that should be a factor in your perk decision, but that's just me

    Yeah, I don't think it should reset after hooks. It should last the entire match imo. Having people being able to see you does have up sides if someone needs heals, wants to jump on a gen with a teammate, or needs to find the gate. What I was mentioning was that it makes it easier for someone to sandbag you if they don't have those perks already. Though I don't usually get sandbagged like that. Sometimes someone will lead the killer to where I'm working on a gen, but I can see them coming with bond and it usually isn't that much of an issue.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @fluffybunny said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Kindred, Bond, Open-Handed, Small Game

    Aftercare does have prerequisites, yeah, and yeah sometimes it can be a pain to get rolling. Especially because it resets after you get hooked. IMO that function should be taken away and it would be a much better perk. I just really like it because it shows the aura of the survivor you heal as well as your aura to them if they don't run aura perks themselves. Plus it applies to the person or people that heal you off the hook too, so you could get downed first and still get at least some use out of it. It's helped me get a lot of people out safely because they saw me opening the exit gate from across the map with it.

    It's just up to preference really. Each has their upsides and downsides. Mine takes a while to get rolling but has global presence, while Vietfox's has no prerequisites but doesn't relay information to others and lacks extreme range.

    Bond can be used to sandbag and troll as well, so can Empathy. I don't really think that should be a factor in your perk decision, but that's just me

    Yeah, I don't think it should reset after hooks. It should last the entire match imo. Having people being able to see you does have up sides if someone needs heals, wants to jump on a gen with a teammate, or needs to find the gate. What I was mentioning was that it makes it easier for someone to sandbag you if they don't have those perks already. Though I don't usually get sandbagged like that. Sometimes someone will lead the killer to where I'm working on a gen, but I can see them coming with bond and it usually isn't that much of an issue.

    Yeah I can understand. Sometimes it's better to take that chase though depending on how many hooks you are on compared to them, and how confident you are in your chase ability. Once again each perk build comes with ups and downs, that's definitely one. No idea what your teammates will do with the info you're relaying to them

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    @fluffybunny said:
    What build do you typically use while solo? I've found myself really liking Bond (good information), Iron Will, Dead Hard, and Prove Thyself/Leader (Leader is good for making people heal you faster).

    Every perk that daddy Jeff AKA fat jesus has is godly on solo survivor, i highly reccomend them

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Theluckyboi said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    What build do you typically use while solo? I've found myself really liking Bond (good information), Iron Will, Dead Hard, and Prove Thyself/Leader (Leader is good for making people heal you faster).

    Every perk that daddy Jeff AKA fat jesus has is godly on solo survivor, i highly reccomend them

    I still prefer Bond to After Care, but his other two are quite nice. I'm not really asking what build I should use as mine works fine for me. I'm just curious on what people tend to have while they're playing solo. c:

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited February 2019

    One of my favorite builds is Bond, Kindred, Open-Handed, and dead hard.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @DexyIV said:
    My personal favorite is Aftercare, Empathy, We'll Make It, and Small Game.

    Though I'm pretty sure Vietfox's solo build is better in general. I'm just usually the person getting hook saves so this appeals to me.

    What's Vietfox's build?

    As @DexyIV said: Kindred, Bond, Open Handed and Small Game.
    You can change SG for something else like Iron Will if you want, i run it because most randoms focus on gens only.
  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    i usually go for urban invasion, self care, iron will and bond or i mix it up with others, i have tried other perks though....i wish they had 5 perks!

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    If I'm feeling chill:

    Iron will,
    Balanced Landing,
    Resilience, (I spent half the game injured doing gens so this perk helps a ton for me plus the faster vaulting makes medium vaults amazing.)
    Adrenaline (to heal at the end of the game)

    This build is fun but scary since you don't have SC. It makes the game interesting but fun.

    If I've been triggered by some guy who tunnelled for no reason or a rough game as Spirit (I do well as other killers but Spirit is a 50/50 since I'm still learning her):

    Self care,
    Botany knowledge,
    Iron will,
    And Balanced landing.
    With a green medkit with the green extra charge addon and that extra charge addon that also increases healing speed.

    This build lets me heal disgustingly fast and even within chase sometimes. It's pretty overpowered and wins me most my games.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 416

    Since I didn't play survivor seriously for a long time I was in yellow rank hell until Friday. On those ranks it was Self Care (to be self sufficient as your teammates often can't hit skill checks) - Urban Evasion (to better not be seen as killers camp all the time) - Lithe - Dance With Me (in case UE fails and I get seen, allows me to disappear in the chase) pretty much all the time.

    Now on green ranks with better teammates I feel like I can experiment a bit more with my build. Aftercare is a new favorite of mine, feels sooo good when the other survivors actually use the aura information and awesome cooperations result from it.

    Other builds I like are healing builds with perks like We Will Make It and Botany or Empathy (though lately it has been replaced by Aftercare).

    I recently leveled David and unlocked Dead Hard and want to use it a bit more. Happened too often that I went down because I couldn't make the last few inches to the next pallet so I thought I really needed that one.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I have many different solo survivor builds but this is the most used one.

    Windows of opportunity
    Iron will

    I almost never change Bond and Windows of opportunity but I swap the last two perks.

    Other perks I use

    Borrowed time
    Detective's hunch

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    I use Empathy, Autodidact, Sprint burst, and self-care. AD isnt always useful but the amount of times I've had it be helpful far outnumber the times it wasn't. It's useful because usually survivors spend a lot of time using self-care but with autodidact it doesn't take long to get to 5 stacks and when it does i can heal people full health states in like 5 seconds.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Vietfox That's true. I've had games (where I sensed a NOED) that I was the only one getting totems and plenty where the killer went from a 1k to a 3k 'cause I was the only on getting them. Recently I've been keeping totems 'til end game, though, for extra points if I cleanse it. Sometimes the only person they get is death hook, too.

    @Mushwin Iron Will and Urban Evasion are very strong together. I usually run Bond+Iron Will instead of Self Care as in most cases (for me) I only use it when I can't find a teammate and Bond helps me find teammates. I like to play around with my perks, too, and I've found I don't need SC.

    @Poweas I always have Bond on my build, unless I have another aura reading perk like WoO or I'm playing a character without Bond. It can be quite tense without the perk. xD I rely on its information too much. I haven't been reliant on SC for a while and when I'm going try hard, I'll bring in an instaheal or a strong item. I know I wanted to live as Meg (had a daily) and brought in an instaheal and asked my teammates to bring in BT in case I went down at the end. I believe everyone got out, but it was really tense at the end. The Pig almost got me. It was a lot of fun. c:

    @rha Oof, sorry. I took a break and came back to yellow ranks. I don't remember if I allowed other survivors to heal me. I can't remember if I just put up with the missed skill checks or ran from them when too many happened. I'm pretty decent at breaking chase and I'll often get on a gen with a friend, so they often don't target me. xD It's always fun when we run towards the same area and I have to sneak/run to another loop so that they can have a safe-ish area, though.

    I actually had a game where a Nea was waving me over from the distance and I thought for sure she had an aura perk like me, but she didn't. Some people are just really perceptive. It's amazing. I was in sight, though. I still need to get Jeff (waiting for a sale), but I'll probably try about a few of his perks after I do. c:

    I've been practicing with DH recently. It's a lot of fun to use and has helped me extend my chases I do believe. It can make a difference when barely making a window/pallet. I actually started using it for a similar reason. I was also watching people who use it often to see what they use it for and thought it worked well for those cases.

    @Delfador I know recently I was putting different builds on different survivors just to try it out. c: Sounded like it was fun and I had a friend who did that. Most of the time different builds come from a lack of perks or just me goofing off. Like if I get a sabbo daily, I'm sabbo for the next couple of games, typically. Sometimes I just like trying out new builds.

    I usually don't use both Bond and WoO as it's too much information for me, though WoO is quite nice for knowing where pallets spawned and if they were used doing the match. My perk builds usually consist of Bond, Iron Will, Dead Hard, Balanced Landing, Leader, Prove Thyself, We'll Make It, Borrowed Time, WGLF, Quick and Quiet, and Prem or Spine Chill. I main stays are typically Bond and Iron Will, though I'll drop Iron Will if I want to do a particular build that requires 3 slots and put on Self Care if I don't have Bond.

    @KingB Yeah, AD can be quite nice if you can get your stacks. c: I usually don't put SB on my build as I accidentally use it far too often and I quite like running around.

  • shanks3042
    shanks3042 Member Posts: 163

    My current meta is:
    Self care

    But currently i'm playing with
    No mither
    Prove Thyself

  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2019

    I litterally cannot live without these 4 perks:

    And heres another I've been experimenting with. I'm thinking of swapping in Lythe to work with Quick and Quiet and Dance With Me but I cant sacrafice Spine Chill or Urban Evasion. I'm a bit stumped.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    My most successful build for solo has always been Bond, Iron Will, Quick and Quiet and Lightweight.