SWF survivors already have an 4th perk// MAYBE EVEN A FOURTH!

Its so unbalanced!
playing against a swf group is frustrating and unfun in every way. i would be less frustrating if atleast balanced, but it isn't!
they have all the mechanics:
Pallets - ok
windows- ok
decisive- not ok but oh well
but then they have an extra mechanic:
######### comunication- broken
4 Survivors already have power. the thing with swf is the fun of being with a buddy and the hability to comunicate. not being op and destroying killers.
so my idea is.
if you're in a swf group with 2 or 3 people in it: you have only 3 perk slots.
if you're in a swf group with 4 people in it: you have only 2 perk slots.
it is balanced because they already have so much power. This change makes them rely on they'r ability to speak and coordenate with each other!
showing the killer that its a swf group on the lobby like this:
wouldn't help because then people who play swf whould be facing nurse, billy and etç with moris all the time.
it is balanced because its fun for both sides and its fun to get good at.
we already saw that Tru3t4l3nt got to rank 1 as survivor without perks. so if you're good you can get at rank 1 with only some perks and buddies.
so what you X mains think?
This will never happen. The devs are not going to do a thing about SFW. They don't care.
11 -
You realize the developers are aiming for an average kill/escape ratio of 2 which is totally manageable especially with solid killers like Myers, don't you? You don't need to 4k every game.18
Not everyone is like you playing alone without any friends.
You may not believe it , but some people like playing with friends and I doubt the devs want the to play less because they get punished for playing with friends.PS
Not every swf are a tactical commando unit. Lol.18 -
@Yamaoka then you do realize that with a 4 man swf group you CAN'T kill anyone without camping unless you're a god nurse.
if i get 2 kills most of the games thats because i'm in a rank that suits my skills. if i'm #########. rank 19.
if i'm average: rank 9
If i'm good: rank 1
but this doesn't make sense when a swf group takes place because they're basically hacking with a third party sorftware like Discord.1 -
@BigBubs i play with friends too but the feeling i get is that is completely unfair.
it makes no sense the "i'll play less because they nerfed playing with friends" part.if they nerfed noed. ALL the players who depend on it would get mad.
some would try other things (as they should)
some will stop playing (as they should)
and your point is that we shouldn't nerf the broken mechanic because it would get people to stop playing?So you're saying: Don't nerf the ######### mechanic, let it stay and bleed the community out. otherwise it will get some people to stop playing.
@BigBubs said:
You may not believe it , but some people like playing with friends and I doubt the devs want the to play less because they get punished for playing with friends.i'm playing less because of swf. ironic huh? but the thing is i'm playing fair and getting ######### up.
they on the other hand are not.2 -
Chicken said:
@Yamaoka then you do realize that with a 4 man swf group you CAN'T kill anyone without camping unless you're a god nurse.
if i get 2 kills most of the games thats because i'm in a rank that suits my skills. if i'm #########. rank 19.
if i'm average: rank 9
If i'm good: rank 1
but this doesn't make sense when a swf group takes place because they're basically hacking with a third party sorftware like Discord.1 -
I play both sides.
You shouldn't even be worried about SWF's at rank 15 until your higher ranks. SWF's mean squat at that rank. Communication doesn't help their bad plays.
What does it achieve knowing who is in a SWF? So you can tunnel a guy and hope his friend gives up? So you can just dodge games because your too scared to lose?
Not to mention, not all SWF's communicate, they might just play together like most of my friends on Steam.
It's not going to be the communication that's going to destroys you, it's about knowing you can rely on your teammates, because you know how they play, instead of randoms. A good SWF doesn't need coms.
And no, blocking out perks will just make the game less fun.
I don't like vs'ing Billys, so do you think it's okay to deny them perks, just because i don't want to vs them?
2 -
@Chicken said:
it is balanced because its fun for both sides and its fun to get good at.
we already saw that Tru3t4l3nt got to rank 1 as survivor without perks. so if you're good you can get at rank 1 with only some perks and buddies.so what you X mains think?
That isn't exactly a fair comparison. You have to realize part of a variable are the person, themselves. He also got to rank 1 as killer without any perks. Still, I think limiting the perk slots like that may be a bit much. I've seen others suggesting limiting perks (only one per group, for instance) and I think that's a good idea. Otherwise, buffing solo survivor to be on the same level of SWF and buffing killer to address both could also be a good option. Like make it easier to communicate between randoms/solos and give more reason to care more people get out.
For instance, survival points could be linked to how many people get out or you could take more of a hit for just letting everyone die and taking the hatch (with altruism). I honestly just want more points for survival. xD In a good match, you'll only get 5k and typically you get nothing. It makes the offering related to survival kinda pointless imo.
2 -
you see:
NURSE is balanced around what she CAN be on the right hands.
if it wasn't like so. she would have 110 speed so that potatoes can play her too.
And if THAT was the case good players would ######### survivors all the time with her, that is why you balance around good players, because there will be good players.swf yes can be just you and a friend messing around.
but it can be you and 3 friends bullying the killer into DC like the dpip squad.
following this line of thought i ask you:
Why risk it?
and @CronaWins ######### are you talking about? by knowing it is a swf team you can only expect good players. because not expecting so means a bad game for you.
in the state it is today that would be the smartest option. BUT always running ass blasting perks, addons and offerings is boring for everybody.
EX: its obvious that you won, you were playing spirit with ruin, surveillance, RM and noed, with addons that makes you go faster and turn off the wosh sound, what is the fun with that?
winning an unfair match isn't fun. its a struggle.
you say: that was hard. hope i never see those people again.@CronaWins said:
It's not going to be the communication that's going to destroys you, it's about knowing you can rely on your teammates, because you know how they play, instead of randoms. A good SWF doesn't need coms.its not the communication, but its knowing who they are and what they do when X happens...
Looks like your a rank 15 killer, are you new to the game? I play killer usually more than survivors and usually stay around 2 or 3 rank. Some days I keep count of matches and how many survive, a couple days ago playing with Freddy in 8 matches that’s 32 survivors 2 survived by finding the hatch. The gates didn’t get powered a single time. This game has always seemed easier for the killer to me, the only part that’s hard usually is keeping the last guy outta the hatch.1
Lol listen to all these survivors!
"Noooo...but I want to be able to get real time info about the killer/map/gens/etc AND have all my perks! We're not commandos! We just want an unfair advantage since we grouped with friends who can tell us everything they see/hear!!!"
lol this game either needs to balance around grouped teams or find a way to reduce the swf advantage. Simple as that. Anything else is bonkers.
3 -
Chicken said:
and @CronaWins ######### are you talking about? by knowing it is a swf team you can only expect good players. because not expecting so means a bad game for you.
in the state it is today that would be the smartest option.
I play SWF all the time and, while I agree it gives an edge, it depends on the killer. We get stomped a lot and we kill it a lot. I hate to be this guy (but not enough to not be this guy, apparently), but git gud and stop whining.0 -
While SWF can be a hard opponent, saying you can’t kill anyone is rather curious. You should probably give that p3 Myers back.0
The fact is the game was not and is not balanced around premade teams using voice chat. Anyone making use of this is giving themselves a huge advantage in this game. Asking killers to endure this broken OP feature is why survivor que times are so lengthy. All it takes is one straw to break the proverbial camel's back (like this lousy event for killer for instance) and the killer population plummets. If the devs want more people to play killer they have to address SWF. Facing against SWF tends to not be a fun experience so why should people play killer?
4 -
@Duckodb12 said:
Looks like your a rank 15 killer, are you new to the game? I play killer usually more than survivors and usually stay around 2 or 3 rank. Some days I keep count of matches and how many survive, a couple days ago playing with Freddy in 8 matches that’s 32 survivors 2 survived by finding the hatch. The gates didn’t get powered a single time. This game has always seemed easier for the killer to me, the only part that’s hard usually is keeping the last guy outta the hatch.hahahidon't believe a word of it... freddy? rank 2? only 2 survived by hatch? yeah right
0 -
No - this will just increase lobby times.
The issue is most killers don't care about SWF. It's only the vocal minority on this forum that cry so much about it.
Competent killers aren't on this forum saying the game should be easier, they playing the game and being efficient at all ranks against all teams.
SWF is not an issue, and you certainly shouldn't be encouraging lobby dodging by notifying killers.
1 -
SWF is an issue. The game was not and is not balanced around premade teams with voice chat. It was balanced around 4 randos who can't speak with each other. Survivors who defend SWF are the ones who want ez wins not killers who complain about what is the game's biggest balance issue. Killers want fun and fair matches. Not toxic stressful matches with SWF teams.
And I'm not some salty killer main. I play survivor too and think Nurse should be nerfed because like SWF, matches with a good Nurse are not fun or fair.
5 -
Yamaoka said:You realize the developers are aiming for an average kill/escape ratio of 2 which is totally manageable especially with solid killers like Myers, don't you? You don't need to 4k every game.
If they just left that would be ok, but they don't. They'll force you to run around wasting time chasing them out while they tbag the hell out of you, or they'll have the gates open but decide they want the hatch instead because of some stupid decision where it gives you more points so you got to sit there for 5 minutes while they look for it.2 -
I feel the majority of the community would like to see solo be brought up to the SWF level and then bhvr could move and adjust killers that need the help1
Another swathe of killer crutchlords hard at work /crying as hard as their little tear ducts can for their inexorable, ever advancing easy-mode, hand-held, toxic, babied crutchfest I see.
1 -
Unfortunately they probably will not touch SWF.
70 percent of games have at least a 2 man SWF.
They certainly cannot go and offend the survivors.
SWF is a pain in the ass, and communication is what really puts them there. It's a ton of real time information, and that allows them to coordinate far too well.
Lower rank killers probably have it the worst. They're who get targeted for easy games, same as depipping killers.
The low rank killers generally end up facing greens, purples, and even reds.
They don't likely have a huge arsenal of perks or moris to counter the SWFs either.
2 -
punished for playing with friends is fun!0
@SenzuDuck said:
No - this will just increase lobby times.The issue is most killers don't care about SWF. It's only the vocal minority on this forum that cry so much about it.
Competent killers aren't on this forum saying the game should be easier, they playing the game and being efficient at all ranks against all teams.
SWF is not an issue, and you certainly shouldn't be encouraging lobby dodging by notifying killers.
How do you know? Honestly (not trying to be argumentative) how do you know most killers don't care?
My guess is that if killers had the option, they would choose NON swf 9/10 times (the 1/10 being the arrogant one who thinks he can beat them).
2 -
Myers can crush SWF, you're good.
1 -
Messing with SWFs means inconveniencing survivors and that's a big no-no for our developers. They need their precious majority to buy store fodder.
1 -
@Attackfrog said:
How do you know? Honestly (not trying to be argumentative) how do you know most killers don't care?Watch one competent killer and they will NEVER blame SWF for their issues. The forum players seem to act as if solo players don't do gens or something, they act as if they stand around doing nothing and then suddenly SWF means they do gens?
If you chase someone an entire match, what would stop them doing that in solo, hint, it wouldn't.
My guess is that if killers had the option, they would choose NON swf 9/10 times (the 1/10 being the arrogant one who thinks he can beat them).
Of course they would opt out, they already opt out with lobby dodging, swf is not an issue, i play killer constantly when the lobbies work and have never dodged a lobby for any reason other than ping, I don't come onto the forums and cry about how hard I'm done by because losses are usually on me, not survivors doing their objective.
According to the forum: Everyone is SWF
According to the forum: SWF is unbeatableShouldn't matches be unwinnable as a killer, then? Because they certainly aren't.
2 -
@SenzuDuck said:
According to the forum: Everyone is SWF
According to the forum: SWF is unbeatableShouldn't matches be unwinnable as a killer, then? Because they certainly aren't.
According to the Dev's stats, SWF players are the majority of the playerbase.
According to the Depip-Squad 's huge data, it's indeed unwinnable with all killers except Nurse, if the survivor team play optimally.
Of course you will disingeniously deny it or twist it, but at least peoples who will read this threads will be acknowledged of the usual survivor 's fallacies.
3 -
@NathanExplosion said:
@SenzuDuck said:
According to the forum: Everyone is SWF
According to the forum: SWF is unbeatableShouldn't matches be unwinnable as a killer, then? Because they certainly aren't.
According to the Dev's stats, SWF players are the majority of the playerbase.
According to the Depip-Squad 's huge data, it's indeed unwinnable with all killers except Nurse, if the survivor team play optimally.
Of course you will disingeniously deny it or twist it, but at least peoples who will read this threads will be acknowledged of the usual survivor 's fallacies.
SWF Players are the majority - but you shouldn't be able to cherry pick, 2 players playing together aren't communicating with the whole team, are they?
According to out of date depip squad data that people keep referring back to as if their haven't been any killer buffs since then, according to 4000+ hour players that were better than most killers... almost no teams are playing the way they did, they aren't all running dstrike and unbreakable, I bet you could go play 100 matches today and not see a single game with all that stuff in it.
You should not be balancing a game around 1% of matches.
of course everything I said was TOTALLY disingenuous, right?
Wonder which banned forum user you are.
3 -
@SenzuDuck said:
SWF Players are the majority - but you shouldn't be able to cherry pick, 2 players playing together aren't communicating with the whole team, are they?
According to out of date depip squad data that people keep referring back to as if their haven't been any killer buffs since then, according to 4000+ hour players that were better than most killers... almost no teams are playing the way they did, they aren't all running dstrike and unbreakable, I bet you could go play 100 matches today and not see a single game with all that stuff in it.
You should not be balancing a game around 1% of matches.
of course everything I said was TOTALLY disingenuous, right?
Yes we know, you're right !
Hope you enjoy the current Lobby simulator (who was already there before the event), seems like it's here to stay.Wonder which banned forum user you are.
I wonder too
1 -
@NathanExplosion said:
@SenzuDuck said:
SWF Players are the majority - but you shouldn't be able to cherry pick, 2 players playing together aren't communicating with the whole team, are they?
According to out of date depip squad data that people keep referring back to as if their haven't been any killer buffs since then, according to 4000+ hour players that were better than most killers... almost no teams are playing the way they did, they aren't all running dstrike and unbreakable, I bet you could go play 100 matches today and not see a single game with all that stuff in it.
You should not be balancing a game around 1% of matches.
of course everything I said was TOTALLY disingenuous, right?
Yes we know, you're right !
Hope you enjoy the current Lobby simulator (who was already there before the event), seems like it's here to stay.Wonder which banned forum user you are.
I wonder too
So you don't acknowledge any of my points (probably because you know I'm right despite being sarcastic).
I'm sure the mods will grab you again.
2 -
So at rank 15... You are facing the big bad SWFs.... Yeah wait till you get a bit higher in the rank when you want to complain about SWF.
You are get mostly at 15 is a bunch of smurfing. Usually one or two good survivors with a couple of potatoes. Try to find the potatoes and focus on them. Once you get them out of the way, you have a good shot at the good ones if they left gens up.
I find the good ones in those groups are trying to do most the work and won't be on gens so much as trying to help out teammates.
Sure there are SWFs in rank 15 that go full try hard.. but you gotta play them and get better. You'll only get better if you face players that are better then you.
2 -
@Chicken said:
winning an unfair match isn't fun. its a struggle.
you say: that was hard. hope i never see those people again.If that happened to me, I would be sitting on the other side of my computer laughing my ass off on how fun that was.
Beating a team of SWF that were tryharding against you.. and killing 3 out of 4.. or all of them.. making any of them DC... playing against them as toxic as you can... not being nice to them at all... and crushing their asses... Yeah... Sounds like I didn't have fun?? LULS..... It may have been a struggle... but would be loads of fun and I'd be laughing with joy.
But that is me. I wouldn't put my head down and be upset on how hard that was.
And who cares if you face them again.. They might get the same treatment.
0 -
All I want is a SWF Indicator in the Lobby but the fact that that is a very very easily implemented feature and hasn't been done yet makes me think the Devs don't want Killers to even know they're going against SWF.... I suppose the new load in to lobbies confirms this to a degree.
2 -
@Bongbingbing said:
All I want is a SWF Indicator in the Lobby but the fact that that is a very very easily implemented feature and hasn't been done yet makes me think the Devs don't want Killers to even know they're going against SWF.... I suppose the new load in to lobbies confirms this to a degree.Exactly. Why would the devs give killers a clear indication for dodging a lobby? If killers keep dodging to avoid SWFs, soon the Devs will be making so you won't know who is in your lobby anymore, but for players. You won't see their names... profiles... ranks... maybe not even the character and items being brought in.
So don't matter to me if killers keep dodging. I'd rather the killers not be able to see anything like the survivors. Only reason I believe killers can see info now is because there would be a bunch of players that would stop playing.
1 -
TheBean said:
So at rank 15... You are facing the big bad SWFs.... Yeah wait till you get a bit higher in the rank when you want to complain about SWF.
You are get mostly at 15 is a bunch of smurfing. Usually one or two good survivors with a couple of potatoes. Try to find the potatoes and focus on them. Once you get them out of the way, you have a good shot at the good ones if they left gens up.
I find the good ones in those groups are trying to do most the work and won't be on gens so much as trying to help out teammates.
Sure there are SWFs in rank 15 that go full try hard.. but you gotta play them and get better. You'll only get better if you face players that are better then you.
For me, it's about grabbing a few games here and there, and hoping they're fair. Most SWFs aren't fair.
I don't have time to sit, and play the game 5 to 10 hours a day. I'm lucky to be able to get that in a week.
SWFs and "better" don't belong in the same sentence with me.
They're practically breaking the game to get a win, thus have no place talking to me about skill.
They are breaking matchmaking for easier games, so view it the same way you see depipping killers.
Voice comms are easy to use. Especially on ps4.
They play with a massive handicap, plus having greens, purples, or even reds in their team, plus voice chat, and coordination. The game isn't balanced for it.
Meanwhile I'm just trying to get a decent score so I can get decent perks and offerings on my killers.
Even some of the best killers will struggle with less than useful/ideal perks/offerings.
That said, consider people who aren't the best killers who can't pack a stacked loadout.4 -
@TheBean said:
@Bongbingbing said:
All I want is a SWF Indicator in the Lobby but the fact that that is a very very easily implemented feature and hasn't been done yet makes me think the Devs don't want Killers to even know they're going against SWF.... I suppose the new load in to lobbies confirms this to a degree.Exactly. Why would the devs give killers a clear indication for dodging a lobby? If killers keep dodging to avoid SWFs, soon the Devs will be making so you won't know who is in your lobby anymore, but for players. You won't see their names... profiles... ranks... maybe not even the character and items being brought in.
So don't matter to me if killers keep dodging. I'd rather the killers not be able to see anything like the survivors. Only reason I believe killers can see info now is because there would be a bunch of players that would stop playing.
You're forgetting the reason Killers dodge those lobbies, SWF Isn't balanced in the slightest. If it were people wouldn't mind facing them. My Suggestion was a compromise to not nerfing an unbalance and give people the option if they want to face that but i suppose you want the cake and to eat it too.
3 -
@Bongbingbing said:
You're forgetting the reason Killers dodge those lobbies, SWF Isn't balanced in the slightest. If it were people wouldn't mind facing them. My Suggestion was a compromise to not nerfing an unbalance and give people the option if they want to face that but i suppose you want the cake and to eat it too.Yeee... I understand why killers want to dodge them. However giving killers another reason to be selective on their dodging won't fix lobby dodging and make the game better for people.
I don't think the Devs would want to make a choice of... Make it better for a handful of players while ruining the experience for another handful, when the one handful of players, SWF, far out number the other side. Why choose the side with the most players that would be effected? Especially when it isn't their fault that they want to play with friends, which is a feature included in the game. Just because they use VOIP which is upsetting some killers?
The compromise of seeing a tag in the lobby telling who is SWF or not, isn't a compromise but a game breaking issue.
I guess you just want to ruin the game for a big portion of the community simply because you can't suck it up and play the game like many others are doing.
0 -
@TheBean said:
Yeee... I understand why killers want to dodge them. However giving killers another reason to be selective on their dodging won't fix lobby dodging and make the game better for people.
I can already feel that for you it's nothing more that "Baby killerino tearz"
I don't think the Devs would want to make a choice of... Make it better for a handful of players while ruining the experience for another handful, when the one handful of players, SWF, far out number the other side. Why choose the side with the most players that would be effected? Especially when it isn't their fault that they want to play with friends, which is a feature included in the game. Just because they use VOIP which is upsetting some killers?
Why some peoples should play this side then ?
Knowing that because you can't "offend" the majority nothing will change and that you have to suck it up ?I guess you just want to ruin the game for a big portion of the community simply because you can't suck it up and play the game like many others are doing.
This is what has been applied for a long time now.
Hope you're enjoying the current Lobby simulator too.
It's been nearly 2 months that it was "released", can't stop laughting since then
1 -
TheBean said:
I guess you just want to ruin the game for a big portion of the community simply because you can't suck it up and play the game like many others are doing.
Well then enjoy your lobby simulator SWF groups because people don’t find killer fun. 😘4 -
@NathanExplosion said:
I can already feel that for you it's nothing more that "Baby killerino tearz"Hey... I got empathy for killers. I understand that feeling of looking at a group of survivors in a lobby and saying... "Dang, these guys look like they are gonna run me around." Then I play them and kill 3 of them. Then I play another lobby I think is full of solos who look easy... Then I get rekt'd. It is what it is.
@NathanExplosion said:
Why some peoples should play this side then ?
Knowing that because you can't "offend" the majority nothing will change and that you have to suck it up ?Play killer? Don't then. If you can't handle playing the game you bought, then don't play. People purchased the game with SWF as a part of... SWF isn't new.
@NathanExplosion said:
This is what has been applied for a long time now.Hope you're enjoying the current Lobby simulator too.
It's been nearly 2 months that it was "released", can't stop laughting since then
So what makes you think it will change?.... Cause a few more people are bitching about it?... The number of SWF players out weighs the number of killers not liking SWF in their lobbies. That isn't going to change.
What is the driving force for many companies?... Profit. So why would BHVR risk losing profit for appeasing a group of killers compared to the bigger majority of SWF. I would bet, SWF even out weighs the number of solo players.
I don't mind the Lobby Simulator... Cause I will play some killer instead. I play to have some fun... I'm not here to start crying cause there are some better players in my lobby. I won't kill any of these players.. best I not play then... LULS
I actually am happy more and more killers are dodging. Best thing to route out the dodgers... You remove their ability to see anything in the lobby anymore other then 4 other players... That is it. Nothing else. Then the lobby dodgers stop playing. The queues get better. More people enjoy the game because of bullshit like lobby dodgers. <---- This is what will happen to killers... so keep on dodging.
2 -
@Okapi said:
TIL balancing the game around voice chat like every other single multiplayer game, including other asymmetrical horror games like F13, Identity V, and Nightmare: Last Year, would ruin the game.Well then enjoy your lobby simulator SWF groups because people don’t find killer fun. 😘
Yee.. The lobby simulator won't hurt SWFs in the long run. Just a heads up there. What options do you think the Devs will have when there are lobby dodgers ruining the experience for the bigger portion of the community?... Think about it. Good luck with promoting the lobby simulator. I personally don't mind, I'll play killer myself, I find it fun. Killer is WAY more fun then it was a year ago.... WAY MORE!... WAY WAY MORE!
The dodging will only hurt the whinny killers over time. You'd be better off asking for buffs on killers to deal with SWF rather then asking the Devs for an excuse to dodge lobbies.
0 -
@TheBean said:
I actually am happy more and more killers are dodging. Best thing to route out the dodgers... You remove their ability to see anything in the lobby anymore other then 4 other players... That is it. Nothing else. Then the lobby dodgers stop playing. The queues get better. More people enjoy the game because of bullshit like lobby dodgers. <---- This is what will happen to killers... so keep on dodging.
I think you will be disapointed.
And gosh, the salt is real, i don't think you're as confident in the current game state than you pretend to be.
3 -
@NathanExplosion said:
I think you will be disapointed.
And gosh, the salt is real, i don't think you're as confident in the current game situation than you pretend to be.
Well I can't dictate to the Devs what they should or could do to make players happier. I don't have access to the information nor am I even part of their company to make any sort of decisions for them. I can only apply my life experiences and my own knowledge to come up with logical guesses to what the Devs might do in any situation.
I don't know why you think I'm salty?... I personally find this all funny.
I used to be one of these whinny killers hating on SWF.... but there were times I played SWF... Soo.. How can I be hypocritical about something in the game, that I myself enjoy from time to time.
I can't. I stop whining about it. I stop caring if there is SWF in my lobbies and I started having allot more fun at this game.
However the method of "balancing" SWF into DBD by allowing other players to exclude others from their match.... Does that even sound logical to do?
Does DBD have a block feature in their game? Outside of blocking steam profiles. Is there any blocking feature in DBD itself? No. Why?
Why would they all of a sudden allow you to filter out SWF?... More then 2 years that is has been part of this game?
What changed from the arguments two years ago compared to today that would be more convincing to BHVR to allow a filter to be placed in the lobby for killers?
I guess I will be "disappointed" then?...
... I guess I'm also supposed to be salty... LULS cause I'm here whining about SWF being in my lobbies.... HAHA nice one.
0 -
@TheBean I wasn’t even talking about lobby doggers. I was talking about people who have stopped playing killer because they don’t find it fun. Hence the long queue times for survivors.
And if you think the game could handle the lobby dogging killers leaving you’re crazy. The event proves otherwise. The population of killers is in dire straits and can’t handle any more defections or else survivor queue times become too long.
Also I noticed you ignored my remarks on balancing around voice chat. 🧐
So I’ll ask again how does balancing the game around voice chat, something 70% of survivors already use, ruin the game?
Every other asymmetrical horror game does it, so why not DbD?3 -
@Okapi said:
@TheBean I wasn’t even talking about lobby doggers. I was talking about people who have stopped playing killer because they don’t find it fun. Hence the long queue times for survivors.And be if you think the game could handle the lobby dogging killers leaving you’re crazy. The event proves otherwise. The population of killers is in dire straits and can’t handle any more defections.
Also I noticed you ignored my remarks on balancing around voice chat. 🧐
So I’ll ask again how does balancing the game around voice chat, something 70% of survivors already use, ruin the game?
Every other asymmetrical horror game does it, so why not DbD?
yeah voice chat needs to stop but unfortunatly nothing can be done because theres always a 3rd party platform that will work
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@Okapi said:
And be if you think the game could handle the lobby dogging killers leaving you’re crazy. The event proves otherwise. The population of killers is in dire straits and can’t handle any more defections.You do talk about dodging, when you say enjoy the "lobby simulator". The lobby simulator is also being caused by the amount of lobby dodgers at the moment aswell. People not getting lobbies and having to research for a new lobby, when there are many looking for them, causes the queue times to increase aswell.
The issue with the event is, it is easier for survivors to get the points for progression than killers. This is why you see more killer "mains" playing as survivors. The population doesn't have a shortage of players... It has a shortage of players who want to play killers during this event.
They are balancing around SWF. You can't force SWF to use VOIP. The Devs have stated they aren't adding in VOIP. The Devs have stated they are balancing killers around SWF.
So what question are you asking? Are the Devs are going to add VOIP to DBD?... Or are the Devs going to balance around VOIP?... Why would you balance around VOIP if it isn't part of your game. They are going to assume every SWF is using VOIP and balance around SWF.
When you are playing SWF and you've been playing with the same group of players... You don't need VOIP as much, simply cause you know how each other plays. That is another factor to place in the equation.. So you balance around SWF... not VOIP.
Does that answer your question?
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@TheBean said:
The issue with the event is, it is easier for survivors to get the points for progression than killers. This is why you see more killer "mains" playing as survivors. The population doesn't have a shortage of players... It has a shortage of players who want to play killers during this event.
That was already the case before the event, weird huh ?