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A buff to make Trapper a top tier killer.

Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Yup, you read it correctly, these are buffs to make TRAPPER become top tier. It's quite simple really.

The buff is to make a new addon, Shattered Stone which would basically leave the survivors in a broken status affect for 60 seconds.

There would be a buff to a perk as well. It would be buffed to make his traps spawn every minute. This perk is Hangmans trick. It would be a perk that makes traps respawn every minute which makes him more efficient. It does NOT stack with Iridescent stone.

Next buffs:

Making Trapper reload traps at lockers, increased the maximum traps he can hold to 2, and resetting traps while holding one is now a thing and increasing the hitbox radius. The maximum traps he can have on a map is now 10.

Pretty much, this will make it way more usable. Reloading traps at lockers would make Iron maiden really useful on him and make lockers have some relevancy to him, increasing the hitbox is pretty obvious. I believe a year ago, he had hitboxes for his traps as big as a hatchet. That should be returned. It would make him shut down pallets properly. Also it makes no sense for a tiny hatchet to have such a massive hitbox but a medium sized trap to have such a tiny hitbox.

Increasing the maximum traps he can hold to 2 will seriously help him as he can be more time efficient. Sort of like Hag how now she's extremely time efficient compared to what she used to be. Resetting traps while holding one could seriously boost his threat levels. If there's a disarmed trap at a loop and the survivors trying to loop it, no problem he can just enter a 1 second animation where he reopens it. Easy.

My last one is a maximum amount of traps that are placable in the maps to 10. I considered 20 but decided against it since he'd be able to shut down every loop. That would break him. With a maximum placable traps being capped at 10, he's able to control the loops completely in 1/2 of the map. Similarly to Hag but it'd make him quite intimidating since he's got traps that injure you and reset at their base. Pretty intimidating.

Post edited by Poweas on


  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Trapper main here, I love this idea. You could make it cause hindered, deep wounds, or broken for X seconds after escaping a trap. 
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The idea isn't bad. You can take the "every 60 seconds" as base line and use an add-on to decrease the timer to "every 30 seconds".

    However, I would not change Hangman's Trick.

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    Why does everyone want killers best add-ons as their base kit? It's stupid! Those add-ons are their best for a reason... It's to make a killer strong in certain games but not all the time.

    Trapper isn't strong, he needs a serious buff. And this buff wouldn't be too strong. It's not as if the op is suggesting to make Iridescent Heads base kit.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No. Just no. This would make Trapper OP. There is a reason Iri Stone is a pink add-on, it's crazy powerful. You put down one trap and shut down loops for the entire game. Sure someone can disarm it but then it comes back, so it's only worth doing if you really need to bypass a trap.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637
    I would honestly like to see the trapper start out with more traps and have them more evenly distributed when they spawn in , sometimes there arent any on certain parts of maps and unless you have a trapper bag on you can't carry very many traps and you have to waste time getting one just to use his power, either give him a built in trapper bag or the ability to hold all his traps from the beginning with the number telling how many you have kinda like the hag with Phantasm traps, he shouldn't have to drop everything and go to the other side of the map just to collect his "power" that's what makes the trapper mid tier instead of top tier in my opinion as a trapper main all the way up until the spirit came out 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Trapper's worst enemy is time management. Traps spawn in obscure places and he needs to go there and fetch them. When someone disarms his traps, he needs to pick them up to place them back down.. and if he's already carrying a trap.. well..

    Here's two buffs.
    1. Let Trapper reset disarmed traps without picking them up first.
    2. Either let Trapper spawn with his entire trap collection from the get go, or let him fetch traps out of lockers. Going to a locker to get a trap is probably more time efficient than traversing across the map for a single trap..

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235
    While that idea certainly is nice,theres a slight problem to be fixed before implementation.
    Currently the traps are moved from their position once a sirvivor gets trapped (or rescued), which rrsults in either inaccessible or badly positioned traps which would need manual adjustment again.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2019

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Would not fix him at all. The traps usually spawn in horrible places in the open, and sabo is not that huge of a deal for him right now. 

    Here are the changes i'd suggest that i think would make him viable, i mained Trapper for well over a year until recently.

    • Increase the hitbox slightly, survivors can literally touch it and not get trapped, its to small to trap pallets if it wasn't placed absolutely pixel perfect. 

    • 2 Traps are removed from the map and given to Trapper by default, can hold more traps by default. Bag addons spawn more traps instead.

    • Trapper can rearm disabled Traps while holding bear traps. 

    • Escape RNG is now a replaced with a fixed channel, affected by perks and addons of both sides.

    I totally agree with this.
    I'd like to add that escaping a beartrap should have skillchecks (a bit like snapping out of it, but maybe smaller), so one of the Trapper's teachable, Unnerving Presence, would sinergize with his kit.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Would not fix him at all. The traps usually spawn in horrible places in the open, and sabo is not that huge of a deal for him right now. 

    Here are the changes i'd suggest that i think would make him viable, i mained Trapper for well over a year until recently.

    - Increase the hitbox slightly, survivors can literally touch it and not get trapped, its to small to trap pallets if it wasn't placed absolutely pixel perfect. 

    - 2 Traps are removed from the map and given to Trapper by default, can hold more traps by default. Bag addons spawn more traps instead.

    - Trapper can rearm disabled Traps while holding bear traps. 

    - Escape RNG is now a replaced with a fixed channel, affected by perks and addons of both sides.
    This. As someone who mains Trapper, I feel his time is spent setting the field too much, which means you struggle to engage until 2-3gens are done. It forces Ruin or end game builds. Some of these ideas, especially #of traps and resetting triggered traps while holding others would make a big difference without being too powerful. 
  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    Trapper needs to start with more traps, built in not add-ons. 5-7 would be good. Hag starts with good number of traps, Huntress starts with decent amount of hatchets, give the og Trapper more traps. By the time you set traps, 2-3 gens have popped. Give him some love. 

    If a survivor disarms a trap it should reset after a certain time also. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Trapper needs a complete rework, just liek freddy.
    Little changes like that are not sufficient considering how bad he is atm

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    As someone who loves Trapper and also has legacy 3 on him, while often playing as him without any addons or ruin on r1, I will just say this. No. 

    All he needs righ now is to have slightly bigger trap catchment zone, as it was back in the day. 

    Have an ability to carry 2 traps by default (this is the most important issue right now). 

    Optionally, start with all traps in his hands, but that is a minor issue. 

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I think that Trapper simply needs to have more traps around the map and some kind of skill check for when survivors are disarming it, so if they fail it they get caught, this way survivors will think twice before disarming a trap right behind you. And also if he had the ability to carry 2 traps by default it would be very nice.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @thesuicidefox said:
    No. Just no. This would make Trapper OP. There is a reason Iri Stone is a pink add-on, it's crazy powerful. You put down one trap and shut down loops for the entire game. Sure someone can disarm it but then it comes back, so it's only worth doing if you really need to bypass a trap.

    I did say it would respawn every minute to make it more balanced.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    Why does everyone want killers best add-ons as their base kit? It's stupid! Those add-ons are their best for a reason... It's to make a killer strong in certain games but not all the time.

    No just leave it alone... Trapper is fine. If you're wondering yes I play both Killer & Survivor and yes I've played them both at Rank 1... Yes I've played against swf ds and etc.

     The only thing I say that should be apart of his base kit is Stitched bag. That's it. 

    Trapper is not fine. I don't even like him one bit to play and I'll admit he's in a rubbish spot. He's not strong at all. This slight rework still would not fix his problems but it would ease them up. If I'm being honest, he should be able to reload traps in lockers. But that could break him since he'd have no limit. My idea could make him manage his time more efficiently.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Its kinda amazing how the trapper is the posterchild killer for the game, but he needs this many QoL changes.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Poweas said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    No. Just no. This would make Trapper OP. There is a reason Iri Stone is a pink add-on, it's crazy powerful. You put down one trap and shut down loops for the entire game. Sure someone can disarm it but then it comes back, so it's only worth doing if you really need to bypass a trap.

    I did say it would respawn every minute to make it more balanced.

    Still very strong. I put on stacked bags and hold all my traps, with only 2 or 3 on the map at any time I can abuse the timer.

    Trapper just needs to start/carry 2 traps at base, and needs a way to reset traps already placed. Also a rework of his more useless add-ons (dyes, coils, and jaws). That would make him plenty viable.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    Trapper is top tier. All you have to do is play survivor like 150 hours. Once you do that, you'll know where to set the traps and I'd be surprised if someone escapes.

  • jaerthebear
    jaerthebear Member Posts: 212
    edited February 2019
    Get Traps From Lockers.

    Instant Tier Up.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    This isn't needed. I want to be able to reset traps on the ground without having to pick them up. I want to have 2 traps be baseline. That's about all the trapper needs imho.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Devs already said they aren't going to touch trapper for awhile.
  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    the only buff trapper needs its not being countered by his own power, it's literally the only killer that can lose a survivor while carrying him because of his traps. he should be like hag is, it means that his traps doesnt afect him. For me Trapper is the 2nd worst killer just because his own power that counters him so hard, it's a free DS for survivors if the trapper doesnt pay atention while carrying survivors.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Axelson said:
    the only buff trapper needs its not being countered by his own power, it's literally the only killer that can lose a survivor while carrying him because of his traps. he should be like hag is, it means that his traps doesnt afect him. For me Trapper is the 2nd worst killer just because his own power that counters him so hard, it's a free DS for survivors if the trapper doesnt pay atention while carrying survivors.

    That would make him kind of broken if he could.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Sinner said:
    Trapper is top tier. All you have to do is play survivor like 150 hours. Once you do that, you'll know where to set the traps and I'd be surprised if someone escapes.

    I've got 660 on survivor, and I still can't play him. Yet Hag is ez pz for me.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Alternative: Don't make Iridescent Stone base kit, but at the start of the trial let all traps spawn already set.

  • XxAtomicAlfiexX
    XxAtomicAlfiexX Member Posts: 395

    nurse and billy are top tier because they can get around the map and win chases faster (not entirely sure about the second one). this buff wont make him top tier but it will make him better. bloody coil would be a better buff and a trapper and a trapper sack would just make me happy. im not saying its a bad buff, i would like it, but there are better ones that make a bit more sense. good idea though and it would be nice if it was used but there are others that i would prefer.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited February 2019

    honestly, and i say that as a trapper main, i dislike the whole concept of the iridescent stone... i mean, the idea is cool and all, but it rather confuses me instead of helping me, as i never know where i actually made a trap setup and where the traps just randomly opened in the open field.

    also, i think there are some things missing in your buff suggestion. for example, the traps still only hold a survivor for ~5 seconds until he escapes again and the hitboxes are still ridiculously small. and lets be honest here: 6 traps are not even close to being enough for him to actually apply map pressure.

    id say a good start for him would be an increased trap number (like, hag has 10 traps with a far bigger radius, so she can shut down entire areas, while trapper can only shut down 6 windows OR pallets OR paths at the same time) and bigger hitboxes (survivors should not be able to get past a trap in a pallet or vault over one behind a window). also it'd be nice to have the trap escape rate set to a fixed time, allowing you to get a trapped survivor before he instantly kobes out of the trap again.

    Post edited by Mister_xD on
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Mister_xD said:
    honestly, and i say that as a trapper main, i did´slike the whole concept of the iridescent stone... i mean, the idea is cool and all, but it rather confuses me instead of helping me, as i never know where i actually made a trap setup and where the traps just randomly opened in the open field.

    also, i think there are some things missing in your buff suggestion. for example, the traps still only hold a survivor for ~5 seconds until he escapes again and the hitboxes are still ridiculously small. and lets be honest here: 6 traps are not even close to being enough for him to actually apply map pressure.

    id say a good start for him would be an increased trap number (like, hag has 10 traps with a far bigger radius, so she can shut down entire areas, while trapper can only shut down 6 windows OR pallets OR paths at the same time) and bigger hitboxes (survivors should not be able to get past a trap in a pallet or vault over one behind a window). also it'd be nice to have the trap escape rate set to a fixed time, allowing you to get a trapped survivor before he instantly kobes out of the trap again.

    Honestly, he should be able to reload them at lockers. I'm going to rewrite this post and make a few more suggestions.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Trapper spawning with 2 traps literally doubles his starting power, and I'd say that's all he needs. He doesn't really need much more than that, since his power will always vary because not every survivor plays the same. Your clever trap locations will be useless in one match and amazing in another, for example.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Having the Irridescent Stone base kit does not match the character, this is basically magic and he is not a magical character, but the add-on is and that's why it's an add-on, also because it's really strong.

    The locker idea is awesome, seeing a bunch of traps in there instead of Hatchets would look brutal and make it easier to pick up since they're everywhere.

    Starting with more traps would help so much, resetting traps while holding a trap, these small things would raise up his viability and l;ethality.Also I would LOVE to see @KingB idea of an add-on giving Survivors the Broken effect, so far no Killer can do this and it would be badass if we could.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited February 2019

    @HatCreature said:
    Having the Irridescent Stone base kit does not match the character, this is basically magic and he is not a magical character, but the add-on is and that's why it's an add-on, also because it's really strong.

    The locker idea is awesome, seeing a bunch of traps in there instead of Hatchets would look brutal and make it easier to pick up since they're everywhere.

    Starting with more traps would help so much, resetting traps while holding a trap, these small things would raise up his viability and l;ethality.Also I would LOVE to see @KingB idea of an add-on giving Survivors the Broken effect, so far no Killer can do this and it would be badass if we could.

    Ok I'll add it and remove the Iridescent Stone base kit thing thanks. But should I keep my little hangmans trick suggestion?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Eninya said:
    Trapper spawning with 2 traps literally doubles his starting power, and I'd say that's all he needs. He doesn't really need much more than that, since his power will always vary because not every survivor plays the same. Your clever trap locations will be useless in one match and amazing in another, for example.

    Wait I'll add that actually. Thanks.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    They need to make it so Trapper starts with all of his traps in his inventory, but after he places them he can only hold one at a time (Unless he has the Trapper bag)

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Poweas said:

    @HatCreature said:
    Having the Irridescent Stone base kit does not match the character, this is basically magic and he is not a magical character, but the add-on is and that's why it's an add-on, also because it's really strong.

    The locker idea is awesome, seeing a bunch of traps in there instead of Hatchets would look brutal and make it easier to pick up since they're everywhere.

    Starting with more traps would help so much, resetting traps while holding a trap, these small things would raise up his viability and l;ethality.Also I would LOVE to see @KingB idea of an add-on giving Survivors the Broken effect, so far no Killer can do this and it would be badass if we could.

    Ok I'll add it and remove the Iridescent Stone base kit thing thanks. But should I keep my little hangmans trick suggestion?

    Not really no, a perk is supposed to help everyone and this perk is designed for sabotage and faster hook respawn, having this just repair Trappers' traps faster is good enough. To be honest I'm surprised it doesn't get more use, Survivors really should sabo his traps, especially if he's using Irridescent stone .