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Play with your food rework!

Okay so who actually uses this outside of meme builds? I feel like we could have so much more use out of this! so heres my idea!

You become obsessed with one survivor. Every time you injure the obsession but don't down them gain a token up to a max of 1/2/3. Each token makes your own movement speed increased by 1.5% while also making survivor increasing the obsessions skill check chances by 6% per token.

The movement speed increase pertains to the original idea of it being a good movement speed booster and the skill check increase increases the idea of playing with them and just annoying them ;). What do you guys think!


  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    The only change I would give it is that the stacks only get used up by hitting the obsession only. That's really the only change that's needed and it becomes a lot more viable like save the best for last.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    The only change I would give it is that the stacks only get used up by hitting the obsession only. That's really the only change that's needed and it becomes a lot more viable like save the best for last.

    I feel at that point it becomes problematic because you have a 130% Leatherface/huntress/hag/legion (in frenzy) idk I just feel like that is waaay to powerful

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    True but right now it's way to underpowered of a perk. It's one of the perks that they're scared to touch because balancing it is way too tough and I can't blame them for it.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    True but right now it's way to underpowered of a perk. It's one of the perks that they're scared to touch because balancing it is way too tough and I can't blame them for it.

    I mean I like my little idea c:

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    But even with yours the stacks get used up too quickly and giving them more skill checks usually only mean more BP for them. People don't usually miss skill checks anymore unless they're like 25 hours total of gameplay or your running huntress lullaby. I'm merely a rank 12 survivor and I basically never miss a skill check unless it's because the killer is right there or lullaby has like 3-4 stacks on it.

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    But even with yours the stacks get used up too quickly and giving them more skill checks usually only mean more BP for them. People don't usually miss skill checks anymore unless they're like 25 hours total of gameplay or your running huntress lullaby. I'm merely a rank 12 survivor and I basically never miss a skill check unless it's because the killer is right there or lullaby has like 3-4 stacks on it.

    It would be just to annoy them c: thats why you're playing with them hehe and its meant to compliment his kit in general of not tunneling the obsession so you get your stacks, focus everyone else, and save the best for last ;)

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    The only change I would give it is that the stacks only get used up by hitting the obsession only. That's really the only change that's needed and it becomes a lot more viable like save the best for last.

    I would make it so you lose stacks only when you hit anyone, but otherwise it's pretty balanced right now

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I like how the perk is right now, it's not viable in many killers but it works wonders on my main man Wraith, and giving the obsession more skill checks is a disadvantage if the survivor is good

  • Jake_Parks_prince
    Jake_Parks_prince Member Posts: 218

    @LCGaster said:
    I like how the perk is right now, it's not viable in many killers but it works wonders on my main man Wraith, and giving the obsession more skill checks is a disadvantage if the survivor is good

    well the skill checks thing could be removed but I just think the movement speed boost is spent too quick.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    To quote my comment on Space Coconut's Perk Study of Play with Your Food:

    How I'd rework Play With Your Food:
    Maxium of 6 Tokens (See next point)
    Each Token grants 2.5% Movement Speed (if too hard to program just make it 3% I don't think an extra 3% MS over the current PWYF is that OP)
    Gain 6 tokens after breaking chase with your obession
    Gain 2 tokens after breaking chase with any Survivor.
    Lose 1 token on miss and 2 tokens on hit.

    The 6 tokens would just be to make the perk more forgiving if you miss because currently the perk is insanely crippling if you go for risky moves. You still can't swing wildly (which should never be an option) but the perk is no longer hard countered by Dead Hard and good Survivor jukes.
    I really think the Obession mechanic should be dropped entirely from PWYF and to be honest I think a lot of the Obession perks could do with the Obession requirement dropped. That being said if we must keep the Obession requirement then I'd like to actually give a real benefit to breaking chase with your Obession as opposed to know where you have to spend time finding your Obession and then spend time breaking the chase. If you got a token whenever you broke the chase it would be good on Killers who don't often chase as much like Hag, Trapper, Legion (sorta kinda you'd lose the tokens super fast in Frenzy and would also become default move speed if you moonwalked to break the chase), and also Myers. I think Behavior was perhaps scared of giving Killers increased movement speed but 5% or even 15% really isn't that much.