about Leader


hello people
I know that leader works only for the other survivors.
but does healing speed increases when another survivor is healing me? or I heal another suvivor?


  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 331
    It applies when another Survivor is healing you. 
  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2019

    ok thanks.
    if I am not mistaken, I remember another survivor healing me, but the healing bar was not yellow?
    I will check again.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    You give your teammate Botany Knowledge basically

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    I was not sure if it applies only to other survivors self healing, or also if they heal me

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495

    ok thanks.
    if I am not mistaken, I remember another survivor healing me, but the healing bar was not yellow?
    I will check again.

    I've noticed that too.
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    JanTheMan said:

    ok thanks.
    if I am not mistaken, I remember another survivor healing me, but the healing bar was not yellow?
    I will check again.

    I've noticed that too.
    Perhaps the killer had sloppy butcher which will nullify leader.
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759
    I don't think the bar ever changes color when someone else is healing you. And Leader is 25%, Sloppy Butcher is only 20%, so that's not it.
  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104
    Ok the healing bar does not turn yellow but is the healing time faster? I couldnt notice any speed bonus when a survivor was healing me
  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    Yesterday I played a few games with leader tier 3.
    Whenever another survivor unhooked and healed me, I didn’t notice a 25% speed bonus and the healing bar was not yellow.
    Is this really working when another survivor is healing me? I don’t think so…