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Are DC's bannable yet?

SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
Played against [annonymous] Doctor just now who DCed before we could all escape. Had a lamp and everything. This is about the 5th or 6th time since the event that this has happened. I'm getting robbed of event and blood points I earned all because some dude with a fragile ego rage quits to spite the survivors that bested him. Same goes for survivors quitting if they get downed to quick in the beginning or before their last hook. Idk how many posts are needed to make a change. 


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Yeah but it takes an assload of reports to ban

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2019
    Yes but the percentage of dc's per game played seems very high.

    It's an automatic process and both sides get punished for dcing, it's done in waves which you will see now and again when the forums suddenly have all these "why was I banned for no reason" posts
  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
    Holy ######### make that 8 Games now. You killers and survivors are really that pathetic you have to quit to spite someone who did better than you? How you guys are rank 1-3 killers/survivors beyond my understanding.
  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    Maybe title the post "Are DC's Bannable Yet?" Making killers seem like they are the problem is not the way to go. It would make sense if it was a killer only problem but it does comes from both sides (I know you mentioned survivors but majority of the post seems to targeted at killers). Sorry if I seem rude but I was getting "entitled survivor" vibes. And yes, people DC'ing is ######### annoying.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @SailedSavage said:
    Holy ######### make that 8 Games now. You killers and survivors are really that pathetic you have to quit to spite someone who did better than you? How you guys are rank 1-3 killers/survivors beyond my understanding.

    I'm lucky I didn't get a dc as of late. And I don't DC myself unless I have to go out for a bit. Sounds like you need a jar of salty lips.

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    Maybe title the post "Are DC's Bannable Yet?" Making killers seem like they are the problem is not the way to go. It would make sense if it was a killer only problem but it does comes from both sides (I know you mentioned survivors but majority of the post seems to targeted at killers). Sorry if I seem rude but I was getting "entitled survivor" vibes. And yes, people DC'ing is [BAD WORD] annoying.

    I got you my dude, I agree I just happened to be playing survivor this time when it happened so I'm getting irritated haha. I'm missing out on almost a full coins worth of points right now and I'm on my 5th coin.
  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
    Shad03 said:

    @SailedSavage said:
    Holy ######### make that 8 Games now. You killers and survivors are really that pathetic you have to quit to spite someone who did better than you? How you guys are rank 1-3 killers/survivors beyond my understanding.

    I'm lucky I didn't get a dc as of late. And I don't DC myself unless I have to go out for a bit. Sounds like you need a jar of salty lips.

    I need a pool of salty lips at this rate LMAO. Only times I ever DC is when the game kicks me out do to a genuine loss of connection. I get beat plenty of times on both sides and always try to send gg or some positive feedback. 
  • SkullRebel
    SkullRebel Member Posts: 2

    If you don't go past the DC threshold you are not gonna get "ban" the system is a slap on the wrist for the casuals.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SailedSavage said:
    Played against [annonymous] Doctor just now who DCed before we could all escape. Had a lamp and everything. This is about the 5th or 6th time since the event that this has happened. I'm getting robbed of event and blood points I earned all because some dude with a fragile ego rage quits to spite the survivors that bested him. Same goes for survivors quitting if they get downed to quick in the beginning or before their last hook. Idk how many posts are needed to make a change. 

    Now survivors start to realize how annoying DCing is. You litrally have to suceed an 50% rate or sth absurdly high until you will get punished. Guess why survivors can DC all the time (also not during events) and get away with it

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I think this event has just made everyone extremely salty.

    Bring back Hallowed Blught.
  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    Master said:

    @SailedSavage said:
    Played against [annonymous] Doctor just now who DCed before we could all escape. Had a lamp and everything. This is about the 5th or 6th time since the event that this has happened. I'm getting robbed of event and blood points I earned all because some dude with a fragile ego rage quits to spite the survivors that bested him. Same goes for survivors quitting if they get downed to quick in the beginning or before their last hook. Idk how many posts are needed to make a change. 

    Now survivors start to realize how annoying DCing is. You litrally have to suceed an 50% rate or sth absurdly high until you will get punished. Guess why survivors can DC all the time (also not during events) and get away with it

    DCing on both sides is annoying as badword. Not just one side. BOTH sides. This isn't a them vs us type deal. This is all of us, as gamers. Like Gillette said, we have to be better.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @The_Crusader said:
    I think this event has just made everyone extremely salty.

    Bring back Hallowed Blught.

    I enjoyed that for the most part.

    Now can SOMEBODY help me find my noose?

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
    Master said:

    @SailedSavage said:
    Played against [annonymous] Doctor just now who DCed before we could all escape. Had a lamp and everything. This is about the 5th or 6th time since the event that this has happened. I'm getting robbed of event and blood points I earned all because some dude with a fragile ego rage quits to spite the survivors that bested him. Same goes for survivors quitting if they get downed to quick in the beginning or before their last hook. Idk how many posts are needed to make a change. 

    Now survivors start to realize how annoying DCing is. You litrally have to suceed an 50% rate or sth absurdly high until you will get punished. Guess why survivors can DC all the time (also not during events) and get away with it

    I mentioned survivors as well incase you didnt read the whole post and wanted to single out people as if both sides dont have the same issue. I main killer and survivor. Even as a survivor it boils my blood when a team mate DC's because it lowers our survival chances by a huge amount. Both sides get away with it equally. Step down off the one sided high horse I'm here to kill to birds not one.
  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Shad03 said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    I think this event has just made everyone extremely salty.

    Bring back Hallowed Blught.

    I enjoyed that for the most part.

    Now can SOMEBODY help me find my noose?

    Sorry, no noose is good noose
  • littlejohnny
    littlejohnny Member Posts: 42

    One thing is for sure (event or no event), offerings should carry over or be kept when circumstances don't allow for them to be completed or used properly. I'd like to not lose my red moris when survivors quit or my red ticket when a killer decides he doesn't like a map we have loaded into or the way a match is going.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
