Blood Warden tier 2 time?

DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
Why is it BW at tier 2 lasts 40 seconds when, mathematically speaking, it would make more sense for it to be 45?
Seeing as tier 1 is 30 seconds, and tier 3 is 60, surely going up and down respectively by 15 seconds would make it a more even tier gap between the three.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining it's underpowered or anything (although I'm stuck at tier 2 for Spirit and an extra 5 seconds would make a world of difference ;D). Just thought it was a bit odd that they chose 40 over 45.


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    I've always been so confused over that. It just doesn't make sense between the tiers lol
  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137
    I've always been so confused over that. It just doesn't make sense between the tiers lol
    Right?! Like, an extra 5 seconds surely wouldn't be too much to ask, right? XD
  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I think it's a general perk tier issue overall.

    Even when the distribution is equal, as it is in Premonition: 12/24/36, it's still a 100% increase, where as Urban Evasion: 90/95/100 only increases by 11.11%.

    If some perks only increase 11% and others increase by a 100% and perks are supposedly balanced, then how can you consider certain lower tier perks to even be considered playable, let alone the distribution between 1-2 and 2-3!

    It's confusing for everyone of us. What I wonder more than you just mentioned and what I just mentioned is: Why do we need perk tiers at all? The only thing it does is introduce issues!

  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137

    I think it's a general perk tier issue overall.

    Even when the distribution is equal, as it is in Premonition: 12/24/36, it's still a 100% increase, where as Urban Evasion: 90/95/100 only increases by 11.11%.

    If some perks only increase 11% and others increase by a 100% and perks are supposedly balanced, then how can you consider certain lower tier perks to even be considered playable, let alone the distribution between 1-2 and 2-3!

    It's confusing for everyone of us. What I wonder more than you just mentioned and what I just mentioned is: Why do we need perk tiers at all? The only thing it does is introduce issues!

    Good point. Always found Urban Evasion to be another example of odd tier value differentials. Surely 50%, 75%, and 100% per tier would make more sense?
    Think perk tiers are simply to keep you grinding the bloodweb for the highest tier. Almost like going for semi-perks. They're perks you already have, just better versions. I've got no problem with tiers as such. But I do agree that some can be a tad bit...confusing and troublesome at times.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Recently they've been trying to "get rid" off the perk tier power level diffrence (see NOED, Prove Thyself, Technician) or reduce it a bit (Leader).
    Later down the line they might do the same do these perks we never know